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Temporary Works – P8 Project Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Temporary Works – P8 Project Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temporary Works – P8 Project Practice

2 Temporary works are an essential part of construction process
Construction would not be possible without some form of temporary works.

3 Definition “any temporary construction necessary to assist the execution of the permanent works and which will be moved from the site on completion” J. R. Illingworth

4 The Site and it’s Boundaries
Provision of temporary access roads, bridges, temporary support to adjacent buildings – shoring and waterproofing. Protective measures when plant is required to travel under HT lines or are working adjacent to HT lines.

5 Safety measures when working adjacent to railways
Protection of the public adjacent to the works or where rights of way are to be maintained. Safety measures when working adjacent to railways Hoardings and fencing plus traffic management.


7 The Site Set – UP Provision of site offices, toilets, storage facilities, first aid room, canteens and drying facilities and appropriate services. Where overseas work is concerned, camps and other facilities may also be needed.


9 Temporary Works Associated with Plant
Provision of crane tracks and bases. Provision of hoist foundations. Temporary anchorages to structure of cranes and hoists.

10 Foundation and services for mixing plants
Power supply for cranes hoists, bar benders

11 Safe Places of Work and Access
Scaffold required by law and to the standards laid down by the regulation. In providing scaffolding, public safety must be considered – netting to stop falling materials, safe access under scaffold which have to be erected over a pavement.

12 Work in Excavations Legislation used to require that all excavations more than 1.2m deep must be adequately supported. This is now dependant on ground conditions irrespective of the depth of excavations.

13 In addition, rescue equipment and testing facilities are necessary where there is a risk of a foul atmosphere in the excavation



16 In Situ Concrete Work Provision of formwork or false work adequate to resist the concrete pressures arising and the loads imposed to be supported until the concrete cure to a sufficient strength to support itself.

17 Erection of Structural Frame
Establishing special lifting gear, methods of work to achieve safe access and temporary support to provide stability to structural members while in the process of erection.

18 TW Schedule for a Major Building.
Construction mainly involves two fundamental activities: Handling of materials and – Their fixing in the final location

19 Construction Method Handling is a combination of both plant and labour. Whilst fixing is a handling operation For construction to take place TW must be used as it enables both plant and labour to work efficiently and safely hence:-

20 Material Handling (Plant and Labour) + TW = Construction Method

21 Site Establishment TW required Temporary offices Stores Hoardings Welfare Facilities Temporary Services

22 Party Wall TW Required Temporary support of adjacent property, weather proofing.

23 Excavation, Oversight and regarding
TW Required:- Temporary drainage Support to adjoining property Access to vehicles

24 Drainage and HT cable Protection
Access Temporary roads Temporary bridges Drainage and HT cable Protection

25 Basements Support system before permanent works are in place

26 Access to plant items for erection
Foundations and ground floor slabs Support of excavation Foundations for plant Formwork to bases Pile caps Access to plant items for erection

27 Temporary support for pre- cast and steel
Superstructure Formwork False work Scaffolding Temporary support for pre- cast and steel Anchors for cranes and hoists

28 Temporary fixings for aligning and level
External Cladding Scaffold and cradles Temporary fixings for aligning and level

29 Internal Service Carcass
Scaffold Mobile or work platforms

30 Plant room installation
Temporary weather proofing Work platforms

31 Building Carcass – Roof Cladding
Scaffold and work platforms Scaffold and edge protection

32 Building and Service Finishes
Work Platforms and ladders

33 External Works - Formwork
Protection and support for excavation Formwork to interceptors and manholes Formwork to kerbs and backing

34 Questions

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