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Your Child in Year 5 & 6 Thursday 8th September 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Your Child in Year 5 & 6 Thursday 8th September 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Child in Year 5 & 6 Thursday 8th September 2016

2 Staff Panther Class Class Teacher: Miss Hourican Leopard Class Class Teacher: Miss Minoli Jaguar Class Class Teacher: Miss McNeillis Tiger Class Class Teacher: Miss Kustra Support staff Mrs Clark, Mrs Ledgar, Mrs Anthony

3 Curriculum Curriculum maps online Marking guidelines-

4 Timetable English and mathematics x 5 a week
Guided Reading x a week SPAG Topic work RE x 2 a week Assemblies and Hymn practice Music, ICT, Spanish, PSHE and a visit to the library PE x 2 per week Golden time

5 Homework When is it set? Given out on a Thursday and handed in the following Tuesday. Spellings and discovery books will be set half termly. Where should it be completed? SPAG folders and Maths homework book. How is it differentiated? Maths from their sets, differentiated spelling list and SPAG homework. Homework may include Maths, Topic or English (reinforcing classroom learning). Spellings and times tables practice. Children are expected to read 5 times a week and write in their reading records.

6 Reading with Your Child
Library visits – reading for pleasure Books will be changed up to twice a week. The record will be checked by a member of staff. Encourage comprehension and inference by asking your child questions as they read. Reading records must be signed by an adult with the title of the book. Books to be in school everyday.

7 Spellings Important for reading and writing .
Spellings will link to the spelling rules they are learning that week. Spellings are given out half termly Weekly tests – Year 5 on Tuesday/ Year 6 on Thursday.

8 Maths Basic Skills essential for all maths learning Regular practice
Weekly school challenge – Cracking Times Tables – Year 5 on Monday/ Year 6 on Thursday Maths groupings are continually assessed throughout the year to ensure children are in the class best suited to their needs

9 Educational Visits Year 6 Year 5 Isle of Wight
Maidenhead Star Gazing Society Year 6 Games Imperial War Museum (WW1) Dodgeball River & Rowing Museum (Henley-on-Thames) Gunnersbury Park Museum British Museum (Ancient Greece Gallery)

10 Working Together Ensuring children are on time for school and at school every day. Reading daily Providing PE kit Homework support Support in school – volunteers Label school uniform and PE kit

11 Independent Children Soft-start 8:35
Handing in homework / reading books Pride and presentation in all work including homework and discovery work Purple polishing pen to help them self assess and improve work Remembering belongings at the end of the day Taking home messages themselves rather than relying on letters to parents

12 Thank you for coming and for your continuing support.

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