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Published byAlban Holmes Modified over 6 years ago
KLOE at DAFNE The DAFNE facility Physics at a f-factory
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 KLOE at DAFNE Simone,INFN LNF for the KLOE collaboration Cipanp 2000, May 22-28, Quebec City The DAFNE facility Physics at a f-factory The KLOE experiment Data taking in 1999 Outlook The KLOE experiment in the DAFNE hall
DAFNE specifications L0 = 5 × 1032 cm-2 s-1
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 L0 = 5 × 1032 cm-2 s-1 conservative approach L0 single bunch 5 ×10 30cm-2 s-1 L VEPP-2M but high collision frequency, so that L0 = L0 single bunch × N bunches E beam 510 MeV N bunches 120 Bunch spacing 2.7 ns Particles/bunch 9 × 1010 Crossing angle 25 mrad Bunch length (sz) 3.0 cm Bunch size (sx/sy) 2000/20 mm Performance in ’99 L 20 ÷30 bunches 1 3 × cm-2 s-1 Jan-Mar2000 kickers modified to dump higher order mode and IR quads adjustments made May 2000 L 6 bunches 2 × cm-2 s-1
DAFNE performance in ‘99 P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 30 13 1 Bunches 50% 550 mA Imax 40% 200 mA I 20% 1 × 1031 cm-2 s-1 L 11/1998, Pre-KLOE roll-in, multi-bunch mode 250% 110 mA 45% 20 mA 30% 1.6 × 1030 cm-2 s-1 L1 11/1998, Pre-KLOE roll-in, single-bunch mode Design/bunch Achieved At end of DAFNE commissioning, performance results obtained were quite respectable 20—40 350/250 mA I-/I+ ~1.5% 1.8 × 1030 cm-2 s-1 Lsustained ~3% 3.5 × 1030 cm-2 s-1 Lstart 12/1999, Best conditions delivered to KLOE in 1999 Situation changed after installation of KLOE Jan-Feb 2000: Kickers modified to damp higher-order mode Mar 2000: Vacuum broken at KLOE IP and IR quads adjustments made
Physics at a f-factory Target L0 × 3.2 mb 1600 f per second
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 Physics at a f-factory Target L0 × 3.2 mb f per second vector meson f Jpc = 1 - -, Mf = ±0.008 MeV Mode Br(%) bK bgctK(cm) plab(MeV/c) # per year K+K- 49.1 0.24 95.4 127 7.9 × 109 KLKS 34.1 0.21 343.8 0.59 110 5.5 × 109 rp 12.9 - 182 2.1 × 109 p+p-p0 1.9 462 3 × 108 hg 1.28 362 2 × 108 neutral and charged K pairs collinear and monochromatic the observation of one K guarantees the existence of the other, with determined direction and identity, i.e., K’s can be tagged this enables KLOE to be essentially SELF-CALIBRATING via numerous K decay channels absolute normalization of the KS, KL fluxes
The KLOE physics program
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 The KLOE physics program The main physics motivation of the KLOE experiment is the measurement of the CP violation parameters to an accuracy of O(10-4) with the classic method of the double ratio and by quantum interferometry f1 f2 t2 t1 e+ e- KL ,KS KS ,KL f1 = p+p- f2 = p0p0
The KLOE physics program
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 The KLOE physics program Measurements of CP and CPT violation parameters double ratio KL 2p vs. KS 2p interferometry KS,KL f1,f2 KS ,KL semileptonic asymmetries Kaon physics form factors KL pl n, K+ pl+n, eventually Kl4 rare KS decays KS pl n, also KS pee, pmm, pnn regeneration cross section at low momentum Non-kaon physics radiative decays s(f f0g, a0g), Br (f hg)/Br (f hg) s(e+e- hadrons) using e+e- p+p-g (ISR)
The KLOE Experiment Be beam pipe (0.5 mm thick)
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 Be beam pipe (0.5 mm thick) Instrumented permanent magnet quadrupoles (32 PMT’s) Drift chamber (4 m 3.3 m) 90% helium 10% isobutane 12582/52140 sense/total wires Electromagnetic calorimeter Lead/scintillating fibers 4880 PMT’s Superconducting coil B = 0.6 T ( B dl = 2.2 T·m)
Electromagnetic calorimeter
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 Physics demands Construction solutions measure the KL p0p0 vertices with svertex 1. cm reduce the background KL 3 p0 sE/E 5% / st 70 ps / srf (apices) 1 cm 4p coverage and high efficiency for g detection some particle ID capability hermetic lead/scintillating fibers calorimeter barrel 24 modules 4.3 m long and 23 cm thick end caps C shaped modules of variable length sampling fraction of 13 % for MIP ( 1 mm fibers mm lead foils r 5 gr/cm3 and X0 1.5 cm ) the readout granularity is 4.4×4.4 cm2 , varying slowly in size across the module module read-out at both ends for the reconstruction of the z coordinates 5000 ADC & TDC channels
Unique to the KLOE calorimeter
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 .. is the determination of the KL flight path EMC measures impact point of photon L total time-of-flight t = tL + tg DC measures Pf- PS Each g gives an estimate of LL Starting point for kinematic fit EMC L LL Lg KS Lg2 = L2 + LL2 – 2L•LL ctg = LL / bL + Lg With Eg 100 MeV st 70 ps/E (GeV) Obtain sL 0.7 cm for 4 g’s
EMC time & energy calibration
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 e+e- e+e-g Eg from DC Non-linearity ~1% d(E)/E E (MeV) s(E)/E 57 ps s(t) = Å 120 ps Å 40 ps 1 2 3 1 2 3 E / GeV E (MeV) Bunch structure Miscalibration term
EMC time & energy calibration
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 f p+p-p0 Eg from DC Non-linearity ~1% 57 ps s(t) = Å 120 ps Å 40 ps 1 2 3 1 2 3 E / GeV Bunch structure Miscalibration term
In agreement with PDG < 1%
Emc mass reconstruction P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 f p+p-p0 M(p0 gg) f hg M(h gg) M = MeV sM = 14.7 MeV M = MeV sM = 41.8 MeV MeV MeV In agreement with PDG < 1%
Drift chamber Physics demands Construction solutions
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 Physics demands Construction solutions lL 340 cm large volume KL decay vertices are uniformly distributed high and uniform track and vertex reconstruction efficiency srf 200 mm, sVrf 500 mm, sVz 2 mm good momentum resolution @ 0.6 T sp / p 0.4 % gas transparency to reduce regeneration and multiple scattering walls transparency because of the low energy g’s uniform cells structure on a large volume of 4 m diameter and 3.3 m length square cells, field:sense = 3:1 60 ÷ 150 mrad stereo angle cells 2×2cm2 inner 12 layers; cells 3×3cm2 outer 46 layers low mass 25 mm W sense wires 80 mm silver plated Al field wires gas 90% He – 10% iC4H10 X0 (wires+gas) 900 m whole mechanical structure in carbon fiber 0.1 X0 sense field guard = total wires !
Drift chamber P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000
time-to-space relations
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 ns Drift velocity not saturated and depends on: drift distance (s) cell shape (b) crossing angle (f) 3 × 3 cm2 cells Constant f Different b b s f cm Compact parameterization of t-s relations: 6 reference cells (b) 36 bins in crossing angle (f) 242 t-s relations total each described by 5th order Chebyshev polynomial ns 3 × 3 cm2 cells Constant b Different f cm
DC resolution and efficiency
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 The contribution due to the electron diffusion is 140 mm for 1 cm of drift The primary ionization statistics has been parametrized as a function of the mean free path between two consecutive ionizing collisions l = 718 14 mm corresponding to np = 13.9 0.1 cm-1 clusters per cm, for 2 GeV muons ns Layer 3×3 cm2 cells all layers 2×2 cm2 cells all layers Efficiency All impact parameters eHW 99 % eSW 97 %
After calibration: srf 150 mm
DC performance P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 After calibration: srf 150 mm KS p+p- Bhabha sM 1 MeV/c2 sp/p < 0.3% 45° < q < 135° Momentum Resolution (Mev/c) KL p+p-p0 M(p0) = MeV Polar Angle (Degrees)
permanent magnet quadrupoles
Quadrupoles and QCAL P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 45 cm 0.5 mm Be 9° permanent magnet quadrupoles 10 cm The QCALs have severe weight and space limitations r 8 g/cm3, and L 6 X0 Lead and scintillator tile sampling calorimeters. The absorber/scintillator ratio is chosen to increase the density at the expenses of a tolerable reduction in the light output MC simulations show that 1.5% of the KL 3p0 decaying inside the FV have only 4g detected, and in the vast majority of cases both g’s are lost in the quadrupole sink to reduce this loss the qudrupoles are instrumented with dedicated calorimeters: the QCALs
Trigger extremely low inefficiency on f events few × 10-3
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 Physics demands Construction solutions at the target luminosity the f event rate is 1.6 kHz extremely low inefficiency on f events few × 10-3 reject/scale Bhabha events down to 3 kHz reject/scale cosmic ray and machine background events in DAFNE the bunch crossing occurs every 2.7 ns The KLOE trigger must work in continuous mode operation two level trigger based both on calorimeter and chamber infos T1 ( 200 ns after f) fast trigger is synchronized with DAFNE clock and provides the start to EMC FEE T2 ( 1.5 mm after T1) validation trigger provides the stop to DC TDC allowing for drift time and start the DAQ T1 and T2 decisions are based on topology and energy deposits in calorimeter and/or number and distribution of DC hits
Data acquisition DAQ handles 23000 FEE channels
P. de Simone – Cipanp 2000 DAQ handles FEE channels Designed for 5 KHz event rate and sustained bandwidth of 25 MB/sec 5 KB average event size Low dead time (~2% at 10 KHz) independent of event configuration All FEE channels digitized and buffered during 2.2 ms dead time Fully tested at design rate
Data taking: 1999 2.4 pb-1 7.7 × 106 f’s 1999 total: L dt =
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 First collisions at DAFNE in mid-April Single bunch mode f line-shape scan (3 nb-1) to find peak Short data-taking periods in August, October, and November (~200 nb-1 each) Sustained data-taking during November and December (L ~ 3.51030 cm-2s-1 ) 1999 total: L dt = 2.4 pb-1 7.7 × 106 f’s
Background < 1 % (f K+ K-)
Tagging of KL by KSp+p- P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 ls = 5.70 ± 0.05 ± 0.30 mm KS identified by vertex with 2 tracks of opposite sign and r 6 cm,z 8 cm from I.P. 50 < P single track < 170 MeV/c 400 < M inv < 600 MeV/c2 (KSp-p+) eid 72 % 50% of KLKS evts Background < 1 % (f K+ K-)
Tagging of KL by KSp0p0 20% of KLKS evts KS p0p0 identified by
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 KS p0p0 identified by 4 prompt clusters (0.9 b ) no associated tracks q cluster 21° (to avoid hits on QCAL) 390 < M < 600 MeV/c2 (KSp0p0) eid 65% 20% of KLKS evts Background < 1% (machine)
lL(charged) = 330 14 cm lL(neutral) = 349 12 cm
KL vertices measurement P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 KL tag by KSp+p- charged vertices in 5° cone about pf – pS neutral vertices with at least 5 neutral clusters on time KL Kl3 , p+ p- p0 KL 3p0 KL FV lL(charged) = 330 14 cm lL(neutral) = 349 12 cm
Tagging of KS by KL crashes
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 Single late neutral clusters are used to tag the KS The measure of b(KL) is sensitive to the f boost and the machine energy spread Tag efficiency 31% of KL KS evts KL crash
KLp+p- selection from KLpln, p+p-p0
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 Apply a loose cut Pmiss < 10 MeV/c |M2miss| < (70 MeV/c2)2 KL p+p- sM ~ 1 MeV/c2
PID using TOF from EMC P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 t L L t KL IP
Charged/neutral fiducial volumes
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 Check alignment of FV’s using events with reconstructible charged and neutral vertices from same decay K± pp0 KL p+ p-p0 KL p+ p-p0 For KL p+ p-p0 (shown), residuals not expected to differ from KL p0p0 but resolution is worse: KLp+ p-p0 KL p0p0 K± Ng 2 4 Eg 60—80 MeV 100—120 MeV 100—120 MeV
Outlook & Data taking in 2000
P. de Simone - Cipanp 2000 In 1999, KLOE has collected 2.4 pb-1 Detector calibrated, performance fully satisfactory CP violating events observed, other physics analysis going on (neutral and charged K decays…) Preliminary results achieved on f radiative decays (hg, h’g, a0g, f0g,) Next milestone: 100 pb-1 (1 year at L = 1031 cm-2 s-1 100 pb-1 108 KL) Measurement of Re(e/e) to 10-3 statistical accuracy; Measurement of Kl3 form factors, KS semileptonic decays Measurement of regeneration cross section at p ~ 100 MeV Complete analysis of f radiative decays
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