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The Library of Online Harmonisations

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1 The Library of Online Harmonisations
Martin Friedrichs and Kristi Winters EDDI 2016 License CC BY 4.0

2 Introduction Harmonizing variables is an important part of social science research. But for variable harmonization work to be of scientific value the harmonisation process must be documented and published in a precise and transparent ways. However even if done so these intellectual contributions are often lost because researchers can’t publish their work. Our solution is an online library where digitally documented harmonisation routines will be archived and accessed.

3 Overview L.o.H

4 “Nice. But what is the relationship to DDI?”
Question “Nice. But what is the relationship to DDI?”

5 Answer Such a platform requires metadata and data harmonisation workflow to be represented in a standardized and machine actionable way. As it is now harmonisation routines arise from different sources, like SPSS, Stata or as output from applications like CharmStats. These very different types of harmonisation routines should be represented by a single standard inside the library. We also need a standard for exchanging said “digitally documented harmonisation routines” with tools outside the library. Our idea is to combine these two requirements and to use an XML based representation for both of them. Which brings us to DDI.


7 Larry Hoyle and Joachim Wackerow
„DDI as a Common Format for Export and Import for Statistical Packages“

8 In this article published 2015 in IASSIST Quarterly the authors presented an experiment using Stat/Transfer to exchange datasets between software packages with DDI Lifecycle as the „standard representation“.

9 Their conclusion „Adoption of DDI by tools like Stats/Transfer is encouraging. Basic metadata is transferable among all 5 packages via DDI. The current state still means that some important metadata […] still must be either hand entered into DDI or harvested and entered by user-witten code.“ (pg. 20)

10 Digitally documented harmonisation routines

11 About CharmStats (CS)

12 Overview CS Datamodel Study AttributeComp Question Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

13 Overview CS Datamodel Study AttributeComp Question Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

14 Overview CS Datamodel Study AttributeComp Question Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

15 Overview CS Datamodel Study AttributeComp Question Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

16 Overview CS Datamodel Study AttributeComp Question Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

17 Overview CS Datamodel Study AttributeComp Question Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

18 The Hidden Elements Measurement Dimension Indicator Variable

19 Overview CS Datamodel InstanceLink S. Inst. AttributeLink Measure
CharLink Category InstanceLink C. Inst. AttributeLink Dimension CharLink Specification InstanceLink O. Inst. AttributeLink Indicator CharLink Prescription Project InstanceLink D. Inst. AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value

20 Overview CS Datamodel InstanceLink S. Inst. AttributeLink Measure
CharLink Category InstanceLink C. Inst. AttributeLink Dimension CharLink Specification InstanceLink O. Inst. AttributeLink Indicator CharLink Prescription Project InstanceLink D. Inst. AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

21 Overview CS Datamodel InstanceLink S. Inst. AttributeLink Measure
CharLink Category InstanceLink C. Inst. AttributeLink Dimension CharLink Specification InstanceLink O. Inst. AttributeLink Indicator CharLink Prescription Project InstanceLink D. Inst. AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

22 Overview CS Datamodel InstanceLink S. Inst. AttributeLink Measure
CharLink Category InstanceLink C. Inst. AttributeLink Dimension CharLink Specification InstanceLink O. Inst. AttributeLink Indicator CharLink Prescription Project InstanceLink D. Inst. AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

23 DDI and the CS Model

24 Variable Variable VariableType Name VariableName Label r:Label Level
r:VersionableType Variable VariableType Name VariableName Label r:Label Level MeasureType Question r:QuestionReference Dataset DatasetLabel PID DateLastChanged r:Description Temporal* isTemporal Geographic* isGeographic isWeight

25 Variable Variable Project InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable
CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

26 Instance Instance VariableSchemeType VariableGroupType Label
r:Maintainable r:Versionable Instance VariableSchemeType VariableGroupType Label VariableSchemeName VariableGroupName r:Label Type TypeOfVariableGroup PublishedSince* ObsoleteSince* Description r:Description r:VariableSchemeReference r:UniverseReference r:ConceptReference r:Subject r:Keyword Variable r:VariableReference VariableGroup r:VariableGroupReference isOrdered

27 Instance V. Scheme V. Group Variable Project InstanceLink Instance
AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

28 References, Links and Maps
InstanceLink AttributeLink CharacteristicLink ID Project Instance Attribute Characteristic InstanceLinkType AttributeLinkType CharacteristicLinkType InstanceMap AttributeMap CharacteristicMap ID SourceInstanceLink SourceAttributeLink SourceCharacteristicLink TargetInstanceLink TargetAttributeLink TargetCharacteristicLink InstanceMapType AttributeMapType CharacteristicMapType Project ConceptRef Referenced Concept RefRelationshipType <xs:complexType name="ReferenceType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="2"> <xs:element ref="URN"></xs:element> <xs:element ref="Agency"></xs:element> <xs:element ref="ID"></xs:element> <xs:element ref="Version"></xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:choice> <xs:element ref="TypeOfObject"></xs:element> <xs:element ref="MaintainableObject" minOccurs="0"></xs:element> <xs:attribute name="isExternal" type="xs:boolean" default="false"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="externalReferenceDefaultURI" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="isReference" type="xs:boolean" fixed="true"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="lateBound" type="xs:boolean" default="false"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="lateBoundRestriction" type="VersionType" use="optional"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="objectLanguage" type="LanguageList" use="optional"></xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="sourceContext" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"></xs:attribute> </xs:complexType>

29 AttributeLink? Problem: We can‘t refer to r:VariableRef V. Scheme
V. Group r:VariableRef Variable Project InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap Problem: We can‘t refer to r:VariableRef

30 „AttributeLink“ Variable V. Scheme V. Group Project InstanceLink
CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap

31 AttributeMap Variable V. Scheme V. Group Project InstanceLink Instance
AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap V. Scheme V. Group r:VariableRef

32 Project ResourcePackage Variable V. Scheme V. Group Project
InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap V. Scheme V. Group r:VariableRef

33 „InstanceLink“ ResourcePackage Variable V. Scheme V. Scheme V. Group
Project InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap V. Scheme V. Group r:VariableRef

34 „InstanceMap“ ResourcePackage Variable V. Scheme V. Scheme
V. SchemeRef V. Group Project InstanceLink Instance AttributeLink Variable CharLink Value InstanceMap AttributeMap CharMap V. Scheme V. Group r:VariableRef

35 Conclusion To replicate the CS model as it was implemented with DDI is not possible The simulate the idea behind the CS model with DDI might be possible Further research is necessary

36 Thank you for your patience!

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