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Senior Course Selections 2010

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1 Senior Course Selections 2010
The Arts and Technology

2 Dance Styles & Choreography 1
In this course students will be encouraged to choreograph dance works after learning the basic skills and themes of varying styles of dance. The group will study the elements of composition, designing dance works for a variety of audiences, which remain true to the dance style. The group will develop and help to choreograph a performance to be shared with the wider community. Contribution: $15*

3 Dance Styles and choreography 2
In this course students will continue to choreograph dance works using more advanced skills and themes of varying styles of dance. The group will study the elements of composition, designing dance works for a variety of audiences, which remain true to the dance style. The group will develop and help to choreograph a performance to be shared with the wider community. Students will undertake further leadership roles and extension work; building on their knowledge and skills from Dance Styles & Choreography 1. Contribution: $15*

4 Graphic Design In this course students will develop skills that enable the communication of ideas through graphic means. They will develop competencies in freehand, instrumental and computer generated designs through the production of drawings, charts, signs, symbols, maps and illustration. Students will have the opportunity to explore and develop skills in a variety of media including ink, acrylic, pastel, aquarelle and pencil. The understanding of Graphic Design will be enhanced through analysis and discussion of existing professional works. Contribution: $40*

5 Photography This course will introduce students to the production and analysis of black and white photography. Students will explore basic photographic techniques, including the SLR camera and digital camera. Processing of images will be taught in a traditional dark room for the SLR camera, and in computer labs for the digital camera. The unit will also explore the analysis of popular multimedia elements such as magazines, television and radio. Contribution: $55*

6 Media & Film Making This course will explore the production and analysis of film making, encouraging students to experiment and manipulate with the medium. The work of short film makers will be analysed and compared. This unit will also introduce students to the video camera, exploring the medium to record moving pictures, editing and analysis. Critical analysis of film and television will form part of this unit Contribution: $55*

7 Music 1, 2 There is a strong emphasis on practical work throughout these music courses. Students will choose a musical instrument and develop instrumental technique and performance skills. Students will also work through a structured and detailed music theory component that will complement the practical aspect. Students will also develop a greater knowledge of the history of western music from past to present and discover the links that modern pop and rock music have to the genre of classical music. Contribution: $30*

8 Guitar 1, 2 In this course, students will learn to play and perform on the guitar as their musical instrument. There is a theory component of the course that will teach the student to read and write their own songs and music. Students will learn about the history of the guitar, develop special techniques, listen to performances of different styles of playing and develop their own individual playing style. Guitar 1 is for beginners and will be centred on the acoustic guitar. In Guitar 2 and 3 students will learn more advanced playing techniques, including the electric guitar, will specialise in a chosen genre and will write their own songs and compositions. It is expected that students have a keen interest in performing. The Guitar courses must be studied in sequence. Contribution: $30*

9 Drama 1 This is a practical course that is geared towards the production and presentation of various polished performances to a variety of audiences. Students will be given the opportunity to develop complementary life skills. They will be a part of a positive group environment, building and encouraging their drama peers and will learn and experiment with the elements of drama in an inclusive environment. Students will cover exercises which develop confidence and expression including recitals, improvisation, focus activities and afterward reflect upon these experiences. Throughout the course students will revise and refine the essential skills of Drama including improvisation, characterisation, script writing, script interpretation, voice, physicality, space, time, performance etiquette and acting. Students will gain an appreciation and value for the communicative ability of drama through the viewing and critiquing of drama performance. Contribution: $15*

10 Drama 2 Students will build on the knowledge and skills gained in Drama 1, and be expected undertake further leadership roles and extension work as assigned. Contribution: $15*

11 Drawing and Print Making
The emphasis will be on providing experience in a range of techniques and materials. Students will be introduced to the concepts of colour relationships, design, composition and abstraction through drawing and print. They will study the works of selected artists and their place in history in order to appreciate the importance and application of Art language concepts. Contribution: $40*

12 Painting and Colour Students will develop skills in painting and colour theory. They will learn to create depth and interest in their work by using design principles of proportion, abstraction, solidity, light source, magnification, perspective, viewpoint and composition through the medium of paint. They will study the works of selected artists to appreciate Art language concepts and the historical context of the work. Students will draw upon these works as stimulus for their own practical projects. Contribution: $40*

13 Sculpture This course is a broad introduction to three main sculpture making methods – modelling, carving and construction. Students will explore a variety of mediums. Practical work is structured in order to develop an understanding of the elements of sculpture through creating. Students will draw inspiration from various cultures, 20th Century and contemporary artists, exploring different techniques related to that medium. Contribution: $45*

14 Computer Applications
This course will give students the foundation skills to become effective users of Information Communication Technology. This course will focus on Microsoft Office Applications including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation packages, drawing, and Internet. Studying various application programs gives students a grounding to be able to adapt to a multitude of different application software that is available in the wider community. This course is adaptable to students from all levels of proficiency, with students also having the opportunity to complete Certificate 1 (ICA10105) in Information Technology. This qualification is a nationally recognised vocational certification that can be used for recognition in industry or as the basis for further vocational training. Contribution: $20*

15 Web Design This course will give students the skills to create Web Pages using HTML and Java Scripting. Students will learn to create hyperlinks, frames, lists, tables, forms, rollovers, dropdown menus and image maps. They will learn basic Web Page Design principles for the creation of a Web Site assignment. Contribution: $20*

16 Computer Programming This course will allow students to consolidate their computing knowledge. It will focus on basic programming structure and syntax in a number of languages. Students will create programs that: tell a computer what to do; produce user interfaces; make simple games; are simple applications. Contribution: $20*

17 Multimedia This course will allow students to complete in depth study using software such as Image Manipulation, Computer Aided Design, Short Film Editing and Animation. Study will include examining the impact and technological developments within the IT industry along with practical application. Contribution: $20*

18 Introduction to Design
Students will be encouraged to extend skills learnt in Years 7 & 8. Students will study product analysis and design, production systems, tools, techniques and ICT in industry. Students will complete a number of practical projects using resistant materials that will develop their skills and confidence to draw and read plans, as well as use hand and machine tools. They will develop skills in sharpening and setting hand tools. Contribution: $50*

19 Furniture Design Students will further extend their skills developed in Introduction to Design. This course provides students with the experience of using a range of materials to produce useful and attractive items of furniture to a commercially acceptable standard. The materials that students will work with will include wood, metal, plastic and composites of these. The students will learn to use appropriate finishing applications to achieve high quality results. A problem solving approach will be used and students will be required to design, make and appraise the projects that they constructed. Students will learn the characteristics and uses of these materials, and the tools and processes that are involved in producing the finished article. Students are encouraged to source materials specific to their designs. Contribution: $50*

20 Building Design Students will study building techniques used in domestic and commercial building. The students will complete technical drawings using Australian standards relevant to the building industry. The students will design and produce a number of projects that employ tools, skills and techniques applicable in the building industry. The students will be introduced to OH&S legislation and business structure and management. The aim of this course is to give students a solid grounding in basic building construction to enable them to undertake further study in this area. Contribution: $50*

21 Electrical & Electronic Systems
Students will learn to recognise the various electronic components and how they are used to make a functioning circuit. Students will design and construct several electrical circuits to perform specific tasks. These circuits will be constructed using discrete components. Students will apply the knowledge and skills they have gained to produce a functional electronic circuit. The students will study control systems and their application in society. Contribution: $40*

22 Food and Nutrition Students will develop their food preparation and presentation skills using a wide variety of equipment and foods. They will learn about: basic components of food; nutritional value of a variety of foods; how they can select a balanced diet appropriate to their needs and problems associated with poor food choices. There will also be a focus on how life cycle, health and lifestyle changes can create special food needs. Students will develop a greater understanding of nutrition and its importance in a balanced diet. Contribution: $60*

23 Food and Australian Cuisine
This course focuses on the development of Australian food habits over time and the impact of this on Australian culture, particularly food today. Activities directly link the issues of nutrition, health, technology and food, requiring students to consider the impact of one on the other. A significant component of this course will be an examination of food from around the world and International Cuisine. Students will prepare and present a wide variety of foods and further develop their skills in this area. Contribution: $60*

24 Food and Hospitality 1 This course focuses on developing many of the skills necessary for both home entertainment and work in the hospitality industry. It is centred on specific design briefs and students complete design folios as a record of their planning, investigation and evaluation activities. Students will develop their food preparation and presentation skills using a wide variety of equipment and specific industry techniques. Students will work in groups as a focus, sharing their designs with others. They will also design a café in which they will plan, prepare and serve a variety of dishes for paying customers. Contribution: $60*

25 Ethical Cooking This course is designed to create awareness in students about how food we produce and consume contributes to the CO2 emissions, global warming and effects on health. Students will study organic food, global warming, carbon footprints, food miles, seasonal foods and buying local. They will study basic cooking methods, working in groups to prepare a wide range of foods. Contribution: $60*

26 Food and Hospitality 2 (Year 10 only)
This course is designed for students who wish to pursue employment and/or future studies in the hospitality industry. Students have the opportunity to obtain a Statement of Attainment for a number of competencies from the Certificate 1 in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations), a nationally recognised vocational education qualification. To enrol in this course, students must have studied the Food and Hospitality 1 course as a prerequisite. Competencies are described by the industry and training authorities and the competencies covered by this course include: Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures, Follow Health, Safety and Security Procedures, Prepare Sandwiches and Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee. Students will plan, prepare and serve food to customers, ensuring hospitality standards are met. They may also have the opportunity to enter the Australian Culinary Federation Secondary Schools Cooking Competition. As this is a vocational course it is limited to Year 10 students only. Contribution: $80*

27 Textiles and Fashion This course will focus on the introduction of garment construction techniques. Students will have the opportunity to complete major practical projects using a variety of fabrics. Students will learn about fibres and fabrics. Students will use the design process for designing, making and appraising their textile projects. They will be introduced to the fashion industry and the factors that influence this industry both in Australia and overseas. Note: Students are expected to provide their own materials for major practical projects. Contribution: $20*

28 Creative Textiles This course will focus on the introduction of various fabric decoration and manipulation techniques. They will develop competencies in a variety of techniques which may include; paper making, patchwork and quilting, fabric printing, batik, dyeing, marbling, rag craft, toy making, felting, fabric manipulation and recycled fabric arts. Students will have the opportunity to complete major practical projects using a variety of techniques. They will learn about fibres and fabrics. Students will use the design process for designing, making and appraising their textile projects. Their understanding of Textile Arts will be enhanced through analysis and discussion of professional artists’ works. Note: Most materials will be provided by the school however students will be expected to provide their own materials for major projects. Contribution: $20*

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