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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! 2017 FUNDER HUDDLE OPENING PLENARY."— Presentation transcript:


2 WELCOME Welcome! 2017 Funder Huddle Opening Plenary 2017 Funder Huddle

3 Chair, Funder Huddle Advisory Committee The Patterson Foundation
Debra Jacobs Chair, Funder Huddle Advisory Committee The Patterson Foundation Strand Roundtable Session Title Pick this one…

4 Vice President Denver School Board
Barbara O’Brien Vice President Denver School Board Strand Roundtable Session Title Pick this one…

5 Anne Anderson Elsa Holguín Bruce Hoyt Susan Steele
Building on a History of Collaboration Anne Anderson Elsa Holguín Bruce Hoyt Susan Steele Strand Roundtable Session Title Ben and Lucy Ana Fund of the Walton Family Foundation Rose Community Foundation Gary Community Investments Buell Foundation Pick this one…

6 Campaign for Grade Level Reading Funder Huddle: Building on a history of collaboration
Moderator: Bruce Hoyt, Senior Vice President - Investments, Gary Community Investments Panelists: Anne Anderson, Director of Early Childhood Development, The Ben and Lucy Ana Fund of the Walton Family Foundation Elsa Holguin, Senior Program Officer - Child & Family Development, Rose Community Foundation Susan Steele, Executive Director, Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation

7 Early Childhood Colorado Framework
Core Principles Whole child and family centered Prenatal through age eight Strengths based Culturally relevant and responsive Outcomes focused Informed by evidence based and promising practices Cross-sector collaboration Overall snapshot: Local and State Systems Environments: home, neighborhood, program, school Relationships: caregiver, teacher, other professional Family and child

8 Vision of Colorado Governance

9 Project Launch and LAUNCH Together
is an initiative designed to improve social, emotional, behavioral, physical and cognitive outcomes for young children (prenatal through age eight) and their families in Colorado.

10 Birth to Eight Roadmap Goal: Support and
empower families living in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty so that young children in these neighborhoods reach their developmental potential and succeed in school and life, starting with early language and literacy.


12 Managing Director The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Ralph Smith Managing Director The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Strand Roundtable Session Title Pick this one…

13 Most Recent GLR Communities MAP SLIDE

14 An Inconvenient Truth A large and growing number of kids are falling beyond the reach of schools.

15 24/7/365 “Children who are falling beyond the reach of schools need systems that can assure 24/7/365 two-generation supports and interventions. Schools are not 24, not 7, not 365 and rarely two generation.” -- Toward Closing the Gap(s)”

16 Gaps Persist “At present, double-digit gaps persist and co-exist with good progress in every state and almost every GLR community.” -- Midpoint Snapshot

17 The Needle is Moving 186 Network communities in 32 states plus the U.S. Virgin Islands report measurable progress on improving school readiness, school attendance, summer learning and/or grade-level reading for low-income children. -- Closing the Gap(s)

18 No Single Program “Today, we still do not know of any single program that, on its own, is sufficiently powerful to close the reading proficiency gap by even one standard deviation, let alone two, at a population level — even over time and even if fully scaled up.” -- Closing the Gap(s)

19 Lunch at the Library: California to Georgia to North Carolina
Talk with me Baby: Georgia to Arizona to Iowa Data mapping tool: Arizona to Denver to Colorado Walking School Bus: Springfield, Massachusetts to Oakland

20 “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it.” —J.W. von Goethe Double down on school readiness, attendance/chr onic absence and summer learning

21 Director GLR Support Center
Ron Fairchild Director GLR Support Center Strand Roundtable Session Title Pick this one…

22 22

23 2) Open the Funder Huddle schedule
1) Open the GLR Week app 2) Open the Funder Huddle schedule 23

24 3) Open the session listing 4) Open the takeaway question

25 5) Enter response & tap Finish 6) Thank you!

26 More Than Money Civic Action and Impact
Funders Leading Community-Wide Population-Level Impact Strand Roundtable Session Title Pick this one…

27 Civic Action and Impact
More Than Money: Civic Action and Impact Funders Leading Community-Wide Population-Level Impact Funders Leading the Way to Scale in States Strand Roundtable Session Title Pick this one…


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