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Early Peoples through the Agricultural Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Early Peoples through the Agricultural Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Peoples through the Agricultural Revolution
Chapter 1 Sections 1 & 2

2 A Brief Introduction

3 Pre-History Before Writing
Things DID happen – we just don’t have any written record of them.

4 The Stone Age…

5 The Real Stone Age Why is it called “the stone age”?
Their tools were made of… STONE Divided into two major parts: Old Stone Age = Paleolithic Age New Stone Age = Neolithic Age

6 Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age)
2,500,000 to 8,000 BCE Hunters-Gatherers: People who found all their food. Nomads: People without a permanent home; in constant migration following food source. Existence of modern humans and Neanderthals overlapped

7 What caused the human migration from Africa throughout the globe?

8 Agricultural revolution
What Changed? Someone, somewhere realized plants grow from seeds.. Use the seeds and you can CHOOSE where the plants grow! Agricultural revolution

9 Agricultural Revolution
Agriculture = Farming But… how can I have a permanent plant food source but still hunt for meat? People also domesticated animals Now they can stay in one, permanent location


11 Neolithic Era (New Stone Age)
8,000 – 3,000 BCE Permanent settlements Agriculture Animal domestication Modern humans become only hominids on Earth.

12 Pros and Cons of a Settled (Permanent) Community
Common culture Mutual Protection Near farms Grain and seed storage Cons Disease spreads more quickly among a dense population More vulnerable to raiders and thieves Suffer from natural disasters (drought, fire, floods)

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