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Robert’s Rules Primer AUS Council- Jan 25 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Robert’s Rules Primer AUS Council- Jan 25 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert’s Rules Primer AUS Council- Jan

2 What is Robert’s Rules? Rules and procedures that allow us to make decisions efficiently and with respect for everyone’s speaking rights How we debate at AUS Council

3 Point of Order Object to procedure Object to personal affront
Interrupt the speaker and say “point of order” at any time

4 Point of Inquiry Question about the rules
Interrupt the speaker and say “Point of inquiry”

5 Point of information To request additional information
Confused about the facts being discussed Interrupt the speaker at any time by saying “point of information”

6 Point of Privilege Raise concern about personal comfort
Includes things like room temperature, noise, not being able to see screen, etc Interrupt speaker by saying “point of personal privilege”

7 Motions From the Floor Should be submitted in advance, but can also be raised from floor Can introduce a new motion by saying “I move that…” and following with the motion itself NEEDS a seconder Is debateable and amenable Passes with a simple majority

8 Considering A Motion Any member can debate a motion
All debate must be related to the motion at hand Debate ends when either no one wishes to speak or by a 2/3 vote of the assembly We then vote on the question at hand

9 Amendments to a Motion Can be made any time during consideration of a motion (after it has been introduced) Need a seconder, it is debatable and the amendment itself can be amended Simple majority vote To amend something, you say “I move that this motion be amended by…” This also applies to amending the agenda

10 Postpone Consideration of A Motion
Done if you want to discuss a motion another time Need a seconder and this is debatable and amendable Simple majority necessary Rise during debate and say “I move we postpone this matter until…”

11 Tabling A Motion Suspends consideration of that motion
Takes the motion “off the table” Needs a seconder, debatable, amendable During debate, raise placard and say “I move that we table the motion”

12 Taking From Table Can take a motion previously tabled from table and put back up for debate Simple majority and needs a seconder Not debatable or amendable

13 Improper Matters Can object to consideration of a motion if it is improper; ie violates AUS Constitution or is undiplomatic Interrupt speaker and say “I object to the question in consideration” Needs a 2/3 majority Not debatable or amendable

14 Verification of Vote/ Roll Call Vote
Can vote by everyone individually raising placard Usually used for divisive questions where people want votes on record Automatically adopted unless someone objects

15 Adjournment Say “I move to adjourn…” Majority needed to pass
Seconder needed Not debatable or amendable

16 What do you do if you can’t see the screen?

17 Interrupt the speaker and say ”point of personal privilege, I can’t see the screen”

18 What do you do if you want to amend a motion to include a clause to give everyone at Council free cookies?

19 During debate, say “I move to amend the motion to include the following clause: every member of AUS council will be provided 3 free cookies at the beginning of council session” Then will need a seconder and debate will follow

20 What do you do if I mess up the rules?

21 ”Point of order, you goofed up”

22 What do you do if you want to table a motion?

23 During debate on the motion, say “I move that we table the motion”

24 What do you do if you have a question about the rules?

25 Interrupt the speaker and say “point of inquiry, I have a question about X”

26 True or False: you need a seconder to table a motion

27 True!

28 True or False: a motion to adjourn is debatable

29 False!

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