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US Foreign Policy 1865-1920.

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Presentation on theme: "US Foreign Policy 1865-1920."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Foreign Policy

2 Policy up to 1890? BROADLY ISOLATIONIST/SELF INTERESTED/INWARD FOCUS AS IT ESTABLISHES ITS BORDERS! Anti-Colonial Worried about GB in Canada, France in Mexico and Spain in Latin America generally. 1869 Congress voted to turn down opportunity to annex Dominican Republic. Westward Expansion Manifest destiny. Bought Alaska in 1867 for $7.2 million but led to border dispute with Canada. (Had also bought Louisiana in 1803 and Spain gave up Florida in 1818). Indians forced onto Reservations i.e. Fort Laramie Treaty. Monroe doctrine since 1823 US will defend/support its interests in the Americas i.e. Secretary of state Seward had helped support defeat French Napoleon III’s support of Maximilion’s rising Empire in Mexico (success). Also suggested idea for Panama Canal but nothing happened as Colombian support needed (shows Limitations). Why is 1890 significant? Populist/Progressive Era begins End of the Frontier/Turner Thesis.

3 Motives post 1890???

4 Key Examples? Spanish- American War (and Cuba). Dollar Diplomacy (McKinlay/Taft) Philippines Hawaii Alaska Roosevelt Corollary Panama Canal WWI

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