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Data Management Future

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2 Data Management Future
An ECAR Presentation- Friday Oct 18, 9:10 AM Guy Almes, Judy Caruso, Mike Fary, Curt Hillegas Judy

3 Agenda Overview ECAR DM group and Data Management
Administrative, Research and Academic Data – commonalities, uniqueness, future Data visions Discussion - What do you think about the differences, similarities between the different data and where is this going? Judy

4 Administrative Research Academic

5 Administrative Data What does it have in common with Research data? Academic data? What is unique? Where is administrative data management going?

6 Define Administrative Data
Data which is used in the day to day running of the business activities of the institution. Examples of administrative data include student course grades, employee salary information, vendor payments, and facilities work orders.

7 Where Does It Live? Today: Typically, on premises applications Vendor provided University managed (application and infrastructure) Moving Toward: Off premises (SaaS) Many support models

8 In Common with Other Data Types
Asset of the Institution Policy, and in some cases law, govern it Demand for access to it is growing Core infrastructure (network, IdM, etc.)

9 Unique Tends to be structured Relatively small in volume
Relies on established technologies Institutionally managed for 50 years

10 Where is it going? To the “Cloud” (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)
Traditional data models (ER) vs. Non-traditional (NoSQL) Data Services Predictive Analytics Data Protection Public Data Sources Internal/External Sharing

11 Research Data What does it have in common with Admin data? Academic data? What is unique? Where is research data management going?

12 Define Research Data Data that is used by or is a product of research.
Examples include: Output from experimental devices Masses of data collected from the internet Results of computation modeling and simulation Results of data analysis Data about the data

13 Where Does It Live? Today On campus In the cloud At research “centers” Moving toward As the size of data sets grow, research data will need to live near where it will be used Significant portions of data will live distributed in the cloud, and “Big Data” techniques will need to be used to collect and analyze

14 In Common with Other Data Types
Growing Asset of the Institution Policy and law govern some of it Core infrastructure requirements

15 Unique Can be very large (TB, PB, and beyond)
Not necessarily centrally controlled May require very high performance access Increasing need to share (both inside and outside the institution)

16 Where is it going? Humanities Social Sciences Cloud Research “centers”
Through bigger pipes Will the data come to the computing or will the computing come to the data?

17 Academic Data What does it have in common with Admin data? Research data? What is unique? Where is research data management going?

18 Define Academic Data Data that is associated with teaching and learning. This includes objects and processes. Examples of academic data include course catalog, learning objects, academic program information, learning outcomes, learning analytics, teaching methods

19 Where Does It Live? Today: On premises applications and in the cloud Scattered – all locations are not known Moving forward: More of the same?

20 In Common with Other Data Types
Asset of the Institution Policy, and in some cases law, govern it Demand for access to it is growing Core infrastructure (network, IdM, etc.)

21 Unique Individual faculty have control over where the data is
What data the institution has is not always known Course catalog and Program information is critical to Accreditation Increasing demand for analytics

22 Where is it going? To the “Cloud” (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) – without contracts? Predictive Analytics Increased attention to learning outcomes Data Protection Internal/External Sharing

23 Visionary – Technology Trends/Drivers
Rapid exponential growth in capacity over time Mostly a good thing, but note complex societal implications Role of the network: Enables sharing of (even) large data, especially research Campus-to-campus and/or campus-to-cloud Sharing raises hard IdM and related federated authentication challenges Hard technical / infrastructure / policy challenges

24 Discussion What do you think about the differences and similarities between the different data? Where do you think this is going?

25 Join the ECAR Data Management WG
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