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Business Case National Accounts Production System – Services (NAPS-S)

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Presentation on theme: "Business Case National Accounts Production System – Services (NAPS-S)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Case National Accounts Production System – Services (NAPS-S)
CSPA Workshop, Geneva June 2016, Day 2 Daniel Suranyi, business architect Eurostat, Directorate C, National Accounts, prices and key indicators,

2 Objective of the project
Re-design of the National Accounts statistical Production System using Eurostat corporate (CSPA compliant) services for managing and validating incoming data files.

3 Official statistics: the challenge…
Official reference Cross-domain usage More timely policies Commercial providers GDP T+30 Shrinking resources € 🙎

4 Stovepipe production: the reality…
Collect Process Analyse Disseminate Survey A Survey B Survey B

5 Stovepipe production: the reality…
Customised for a specific domain Conventions used within domains / surveys Hampering cross-domain usage Leading to low level of transparency Not possible to share IT tools efficiently Difficult to share data across domains / organisations Difficult to measure quality

6 Example: National Accounts production in Eurostat
Business process

7 Example: National Accounts production in Eurostat
Implementation FAME Oracle RDBMS Oracle OLAP

8 Target: flexible use of statistical services

9 Intermediate step: partial orchestration

10 Intermediate step: partial orchestration

11 Target: flexible use of statistical services
Customised for a specific domain Conventions used within domains / surveys Hampering cross-domain usage Leading to low level of transparency Not possible to share IT tools efficiently Difficult to share data across domains / organisations Difficult to measure quality

12 Target: flexible use of statistical services
Customised for a specific domain Conventions used within domains / surveys Hampering cross-domain usage Leading to low level of transparency Not possible to share IT tools efficiently Difficult to share data across domains / organisations Difficult to measure quality

13 Target: flexible use of statistical services
Architecture for cross-domain usage Standards used across domains / surveys Enabling cross-domain usage Leading to transparency Encouraged to share IT tools efficiently Facilitates sharing data across domains / organisations Possible to measure quality (process, data)

14 The big picture: using standards
GSBPM Process step categories GSIM Reference information model ☑ Statistical Production CSPA Service specification SDMX Data Modelling VTL Validation expressions

15 SOA & standardisation deliver…
Shorter throughput from producer to user Transparent production process data quality (validation rules) Economy of scale & scope € 🙌

16 Contact: Daniel SURANYI Department: ESTAT.C

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