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10th Grade Life Story Project

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Presentation on theme: "10th Grade Life Story Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 10th Grade Life Story Project
Fosston High School Fosston, Minnesota With Essentia Health Services

2 Session Agenda: 1. Goals of Project 2. Overview of Process 3. iMovie 4
Session Agenda: 1. Goals of Project 2. Overview of Process 3. iMovie 4. Question/Answer

3 Background Information. Mary Hanson, English Teacher
Background Information *Mary Hanson, English Teacher *Joan Dufault, Essential Health Volunteer Coordinator

4 Project Goals Students will create Life Story books that will be presented to the resident. These books will be a valuable and lasting tribute to the resident’s family.

5 Project Goals The Life Story Books will be shared with the staff at the facility in order to provide more “person-centered” care for the resident.

6 Project Goals The resident will form cross- generational relationships and learn about today’s students.

7 Project Goals Students may investigate potential careers by discussing the residents’ work experiences.

8 Project Goals The books will serve as a way to share the lives of our elderly population with our community.

9 Project Goals This project will provide our students an opportunity for a real-world learning experience while meeting a myriad of language arts standards and developing 21st century skills.

10 Timeline: Summer Joan: Grants Meetings with school personnel
Determine needs Permission a. Residents b. Parents of students

11 Timeline: Beginning of School Year: Prepped students for project
Essentia staff/Joan talked with students a. Privacy b. What to expect c. Volunteerism

12 Timeline, cont’d: 2. Read online articles and blogged about issues facing the elderly in our society

13 Timeline, cont’d: 3. Read the novel Memory Boy by Will Weaver

14 Timeline, cont’d: Prepared questions for students to ask residents
a. Questions grouped by topic b. One topic per week

15 Timeline, Cont’d: First of October: *Prepared calendars
*Students began visiting residents In pairs/trios Two days/week Nothing on Fridays Non-Visiting Days were spent writing

16 Timeline, Cont’d: By Thanksgiving Week:
Students were done with first drafts of narratives TOTAL: ALMOST TWO MONTHS, 2 times/week/30 minutes per session

17 Timeline, Cont’d: December 1 to middle of January:
Students worked on Shutterfly to create 8-11” hardcover books with photographs and narratives included

18 Timeline, Cont’d: Friday, January 27
Students and community gathered at Essentia for celebration and presentation of books to residents

19 Timeline, Cont’d: Friday, January 27
Author Will Weaver was present and spoke to the audience Kevin Gish, Director of Health Services at Essentia, spoke

20 Timeline, Cont’d: Friday, January 27 Showed iMovie
Students presented books to their residents We had pizza, lemonade, and punch

21 Thoughts for next year:
More time spent on pre-teaching of narrative writing Move project to a start date after Christmas to allow for more preparation

22 Thoughts for next year:
More technology: QR Code embedded in book? 4. More pre-teaching on questioning techniques/follow- ups 5. More boy/girl teams!

23 challenges: Possibility of residents passing away
Time – never enough, but when does project get too long? 10th Grade Curriculum: what can go?

24 Successes: Students and residents formed lasting bonds
Books turned out beautifully, each unique with its own individual style

25 Successes: 3. Students hopefully found the Living Center and Assisted Living Center not such a scary place! 4. Positive relations between Essentia and School

26 Successes: 5. Students/volunteers/staff gave almost unanimous positive feedback about the project. 6. Project won Promising Practices Award, to be presented at State Capital on May 25.

27 Successes: Project also won the Star of Innovation Gold Award from Horace Mann through the NW Association of Secondary School Principals

28 iMovie

29 Questions?/H andouts

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