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Unit 5— TURN OF THE CENTURY (1880s-1920s)

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1 Unit 5— TURN OF THE CENTURY (1880s-1920s)
Stuff to Know

2 Unit Lessons 1-The Wild, Wild West? 2-Modernity: Good, Bad, and Ugly
3-The Golden Door 4-Celluloid and Progressive 5-DBQ—Carnegie: Was He a Hero?

3 Possible Written Response Qs
Gilded, Populist, and Progressive… describe, discuss, and connect these turn-of-the-century movements. Describe the impact of RRs on the US (late 1800s to 1920s) Discuss the rise of unionization and explain collective bargaining. Jim Crow… discuss how it came about and its effects. Discuss the differences between Booker T. and W.E.B. What is “mass culture,” and what turn-of-the-century developments contributed to its prevalence? Explain the impact of monopoly on society. What was the overall goal of the Progressive Movement? Do you think the Movement was successful? Provide supporting evidence. Given the history of America (late 1800s-early 1900s), why were Unions needed and how do they work?

4 Ch 13—Changes on the Frontier
Docs: Homestead Act (1662), Dawes Act (1867) Geography of west Original Inhabitants of west Conflict with settlers Different groups moving into and settling west, why? Impact of RR Sodbusters and Exodusters Purpose of Dawes Act Purpose of Homestead Act Morrill Acts (1862/ 90) Frederick Jackson Turner What happened to many frontier farmers? Why? Their response? The Grange/ Granger Mvt. Populism/ Populist Platform What is the myth of the west/ frontier? What is the reality of the west/ frontier? How did government subsidize, encourage, promote western settlement?

5 Ch 14—A New Industrial Age
Docs: none Natural Resources Fuel Industrialization (coal, iron ore, oil) Bessemer Process Turn of Century Inventions and Innovations Edison, Wizard of Menlo Park How RRs impacted US growth and development RRTime Commercial Networks New towns and Cities Pullman, IL & Pullman Strike RR Abuses Interstate Commerce Act (1887) Robber Barons/ Capts. of Industry Carnegie, Rockefeller Vertical & Horiz Integration Social Darwinism Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) Labor Unions How they work Organization of (craft v. unski) Power (strikes, lobby, collective barg, scabs, etc.) Gompers (AFL), Debs (Kniights Labor Troubles (socialist, violence)

6 Ch 15—Immigration and Urbanization
Docs: The Golden Door Period of Greatest Immigration Immigration Patterns (N/W v. S/E… diff lang, faith, cul) Ellis Island (what took place) Attitudes toward Melting Pot v. Nativism Americanization Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization connections Conditions in cities (turn of century) Tenements Social Gospel Movement Settlement Houses Jane Adams, Hull House Politics in Gilded Age Party Machines (how work, targets whom) Boss Tweed & Tammany Hall Patronage Pendleton Civil Service Act

7 Chs 16-17—Lifestyles & Progressivism
Docs: Urban adaptations/ innovations Frederick Law Olmstead & urban planning Literacy rates & pulp fiction Value of education for modern society & democracy Horace Mann Ed. and immigrants Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois (lives & views) Niagara Movement Contraction of Democracy for African Americans LiteracyTests, PollTaxes, Grandfather clauses Jim Crow Laws Plessy v. Ferguson Great Migration American Leisure & Entertainment Mass Circulation Newspapers Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst Ashcan School Rise of Advertising, Department Stores, and Chain Stores (Franchiese)

8 Chs 16-17—Lifestyles & Progressivism
Progressive Era—when, goals, legislation & movements Economic Reforms Minimum wage, 8-hour work day, worker health & safety rules, child labor, ICA & ICC, FTC, Federal Reserve Act, Antitrust Legislation, Federal Income Tax, 16th Political Reforms Initiative, referendum, recall, popular election of senators (17th), Pendleton Civil Service Act Social Reforms Social gospel, settlement houses, urban planning & beautification, women’s suffrage (19th), family planning (Margaret Sanger), Union Movements, Socialism, Temeperance/ Prohibition (18th), Conservation (Teddy Roosevelt), NAACP, Muckraking (know journalists!), Ashcan school, Pure Food & Drug Act, Meat Inspection (USDA)

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