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AStyle Client: Kate Vavasour Image Consultancy Assignment 6

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1 AStyle Client: Kate Vavasour Image Consultancy Assignment 6
Name: Aoife O’Shaughnessy Student Number: Tutor: Trish Murray AStyle Image Consultancy Client: Kate Vavasour

2 Lifestyle Analysis Kate loves fashion and style. Expensive handbags, good jeans, blazers and cotton tops are among some of her favourite items. Kate prefers neutral colours and loves scarves. Kate likes a classic chic look for herself. Ill-fitting clothes irritate her along with bad fabrics and ultra casual clothes. Kate does not like badly matched outfits or looking like others. Directly copying trends is not something she does. Celebrities and their style which Kate admires are Cameron Diaz, Sienna Miller, Kate Moss, Olivia Palmero, Miranda Kerr and Kate Middleton . Kate enjoys looking at each of these women and what they wear. Audrey Hepburn is also a clear favourite. Kate feels good in herself at the moment. She feels she doesn’t make as many mistakes with style as she did in the past. An area in which Kate asked for advice and guidance was separating her wardrobe into casual clothes and work/smart clothes. At times, she finds it hard to make a decision about what to wear and how to put outfits together. This is an area of stress for my client, Kate and therefore, a wardrobe assessment and organising her clothes into categories and photographing outfit combinations will be very beneficial for Kate. Some of the concerns Kate has, are, “ I want to look appropriate for the occasion” and “dress for my age.” Kate works as a Primary School teacher 2-3days a week. She spends approximately 5 hours a week volunteering at her own children’s school and working on a fundraising committee. Housework, shopping, baking and cooking take up about 8-10 hours a week with hobbies taking up 1-2 hours each week. Entertaining, socialising or dining out would be about 5-6 hours and each evening and weekend is mostly family orientated taking up approximately 25 hours a week. After having this initial discussion and asking Kate a number of questions and filling out my questionnaire, we began her wardrobe assessment. Firstly, I took her body measurements to determine her body shape and what style clothes were best suited to her figure. This was very helpful in analysing her clothes, especially with the items she was unsure about. I also carried out a colour analysis which we kept in mind when looking through Kate’s wardrobe. We began making 4 piles-favourite items to keep, ‘ maybe’ items which haven’t been worn in a long time or unsure of the fit, old/no longer likes/bad fit for her body shape and the items for dry cleaning or alterations. We then decided on our action plan for ‘the ideal wardrobe.’

3 Body Shape Analysis: Slim Athletic
Measurements: Bust: 85cm Under bust: 76cm Waist: 72cm Hips: 78cm Mid Thigh: 86 cm My Goal for Kate with her clothing options: to create curves and embrace her slim lines through wearing slim straps, small prints, pleating, ruching, detailing, large neck pieces, bold colours, well tailored jackets, feminine chiffon dresses, panelled/gathered skirts and round neck jumpers. Overall Goal: to separate Kate’s work clothes form her casual everyday clothes and to plan easy ‘go-to’ outfits for Kate to choose from each day to take the stress out of getting dressed in the mornings! Seasonal Colour Analysis: Winter with a Spring Influence

4 Wardrobe Assessment & Detox
“Try to picture what your mornings will be like, without spending a lot of time staring into your wardrobe trying to decide what to wear and where to find the items you want!”

5 Styles in Kate’s Wardrobe which complement her figure & Spring Palette
More fitted tops with less fabric Pleated/ruched dresses which create curves on the bust and hips making them great dress styles for Kate. Hoodie which sits on the waist Round neck tops/jumpers are more flattering for Kate’s body shape. This top is ideal for Kate as it also has a tie around the waist and it is in a great colour for Kate’s skin tone. Well cut tailored jackets/blazers which flare out jut below the waist.

6 Items to discard Tops with too much fabric giving a ‘boxy’ appearance and swamping Kate. They are very unflattering for her body shape as her waist is not clearly visible. Kate was very disappointed with the poor fabric of this shirt dress. It has frayed around the sleeves and the material has thinned out on each of the seams. These cropped pants were unflattering on Kate and ‘out of fashion’ at the moment. They were sentimental item for Kate as she wore them on her OE 12 years ago when they were one of her favourite items! Kate has had this item in her wardrobe for a long time and had never worn it as she was unsure about the colour. Kate feels more comfortable in emerald and forest green.

7 Kate’s New Look Wardrobe We separated Kate’s clothes into work/smart, casual, dresses/occasions and coats/jackets Work/Smart clothes Casual-Everyday clothes Jeans, leggings & casual trousers Cosy Knitwear & casual jumpers Essential Cardigans Dresses & Occasion Wear

8 Lifestyle & Wardrobe Questionnaire/Action PLan AStyle
Consultation Date:_______ Prepared for:__________ Season:______________ Goal:_______________ Seasonal Palette: __________ Best Neutral Colours: ____________________________________________ Areas of Concentration: # 1-5 in order of importance ____Work Clothes ____Everyday Casual ____Smart Casual ____Evening Wear ____Occasion Wear Wardrobe Checklist: ✓ items already in wardrobe Coats Casual Jacket Trench Coat Black Blazer Winter Coat Jeans/Trousers Black jeans Blue jeans Coloured jeans Black pants Leggings Dresses Black cocktail dress Casual dresses Skirts Tops: White shirt White t-shirt Jumpers-fine knit Sweaters Casual Blouses Dressy Blouses/tops Footwear: Ballet flats Wedges Heels Jandals Converse Ankle boots Knee boots Accessories: Blets Scarves Jewellery-bangles, earrings, necklace handbags-tote, clutch, satchel The Organised Wardrobe: Maximizing what you already have Have Need to complete an outfit ____________________ ___________________ Shopping Strategy: Needs (to fill gaps) Favourite Stores: Favourite Designers/Brands:

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