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GOCE L1b processing Frommknecht, Bjoern 1; Stummer, Claudia 2; Gilles, Pascal 1; Floberghagen, Rune 1; Cesare, Stefano 3; Catastini, Giuseppe 3; Meloni,

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Presentation on theme: "GOCE L1b processing Frommknecht, Bjoern 1; Stummer, Claudia 2; Gilles, Pascal 1; Floberghagen, Rune 1; Cesare, Stefano 3; Catastini, Giuseppe 3; Meloni,"— Presentation transcript:

1 GOCE L1b processing Frommknecht, Bjoern 1; Stummer, Claudia 2; Gilles, Pascal 1; Floberghagen, Rune 1; Cesare, Stefano 3; Catastini, Giuseppe 3; Meloni, Marco 4; Bigazzi, Alberto 4 1ESA/ESRIN (ITALY); 2IAPG - TU Munich (GERMANY); 3TAS-I (ITALY); 4SERCO (ITALY)

2 Data levels Telemetry (TLM) Level 0 Level 1b Extraction Processing

3 Data types and products
Angular Rate STR_VC2/3_1b SST_RIN_1b EGG_NOM_1b SST_NOM_1b Datation

4 SSTI Data Processing Conversion into engineering units
Correction of phase and code observations for instrument specific effects (IFB and ICB) Corrected observations form RINEX product (SST_RIN_1b) Nominal product contains position solution using only code observations (SST_NOM_1b) Position solution used to derive correlation between OBT and GPS time In case of single frequency measurements effect of Ionosphere is corrected using Ionosphere maps

5 SSTI Data Processing Positioning accuracy of several [m] sufficient for geolocation

6 Star tracker processing
Conversion into engineering units Transform datation from On Board Time to GPS time and UTC Correction for orbital relativistic aberration (annual relativistic aberration is corrected on-board) Resolve sign ambiguity to get continuous quaternion

7 Gradiometer processing

8 Depacketing Apply calibration to transform into physical units
Transform datation from On Board Time to GPS time and UTC Interpolate control voltages to star tracker measurement epochs

9 Voltage to Accelerations

10 Voltage to Accelerations
Correction of gain attenuation and phase delay of Science read-out branch (Butterworth anti-aliasing filter) and ADC Electrode measurements recombination Correction of gain attenuation and phase delay of the control loop and read-out function Application of electrostatic gains Generation of uncalibrated differential and common mode accelerations

11 Calibration Two parts Gradiometer linearization (Proof mass shaking): Determination of quadratic factors + uplink of correction parameters Relative calibration of accelerometer pairs (satellite shaking): Result is used in the nominal processing See presentation: The In-flight Calibration of the GOCE Gradiometer

12 Calibration Interaction between satellite and ground segment
Proof mass offset correction uplinked to satellite Iterative process Fast convergence

13 Common and Differential Mode
Common and Differential Mode accelerations are formed by addition/subtraction of the individual linear accelerations per accelerometer and per axis Multiplication with ICM delivers calibrated measurements Calibrated Differential Mode accelerations deliver angular accelerations

14 Angular Rate Reconstruction
Combination takes place on the level of angular rates STR quaternions are converted into angular rate Gradiometer derived angular accelerations are integrated Additional parameters like acceleration low frequency noise and drifts are estimated as well

15 Angular Rate Reconstruction
Results: Angular Rate Optimized attitude quaternion Both data are available as Measurement Data Sets in the EGG_NOM_1b product Angular Rate quality depends on used star tracker Each filter reinitialisation ‘costs’ about s of data

16 Gravity Gradients Gravity Gradients are formed by linear combination of Differential Mode accelerations and Angular Rate Gravity Gradients are contained as a separate MDS in the EGG_NOM_1b product

17 L1b processing status Production is nominal and complete, no processing failures Almost 7 months of L1b data generated Nov and Dec 2009 released Regular changes in Star Tracker that is used in the processing due to reconfiguration of the attitude control system

18 L1b processing status STR 2 STR 1

19 Way Forward Define algorithms for star sensor fusion: ‘Virtual Star Tracker’ Update of existing Angular Rate Recovery processor for use of Virtual Star Tracker data Alternative Angular Rate and Attitude Recovery algorithm

20 Poster on PDGS architecture:
GOCE Payload Data Ground Segment - Architecture and data access Poster on L1b Quality Control: Quality control of GOCE Level 1b data products L1b products description: 7:40

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