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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Confirmation of Gentile Conversions Acts 11:1-30
Accused by those of the Circumcision – vs. 1-3 These are Jewish believers who are zealous for the law Eating with Gentiles would have been resisted by nearly all at this time

3 Confirmation of Gentile Conversions Acts 11
Recounting the events in Caesarea vs 4 -15 Peter has 6 witnesses of the Holy Spirit falling on the Gentiles as He had upon them Peter’s Conclusion – vs. 16,17 He could not stand in the way of what God was doing – the events spoke for themselves

4 Confirmation of Gentile Conversions Acts 11:18
They respond with quiet acceptance However, there will still be a lot of questions in the future concerning the details of living with Gentile believers Prejudices can still be hard to overcome They are overcome by submitting to God

5 Repentance unto Life Acts 11:18
God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance unto life “Repentance” is used here to summarize salvation – turning from sin to the Savior Repentance is not popular, but it is the correct Biblical word - and required. You can’t believe the truth about Jesus and also hold onto your sin & pride

6 Conversions in Antioch Acts 11:19-30
The Gospel Arrives in Antioch – vs Jewish believers forced out of Jerusalem by the persecution took the gospel to other Jews

7 Antioch

8 Antioch

9 Antioch

10 Conversions in Antioch Acts 11:19-30
The Gospel Comes to Antioch – vs Jewish believers forced out of Jerusalem by the persecution took the gospel to other Jews Eventually, believers from Cyprus & Cyrene began preaching to the Gentiles The Hand of the Lord was with them Many who were believing turned to the Lord

11 Building up the Believers Acts 11:22-26
Barnabas sent from Jerusalem to help Considerable numbers are saved Barnabas goes and gets Saul to help They work there for an entire year The disciples are first called “Christians” in Antioch – cf. 1 Pet. 4:16

12 A Contribution from Gentiles Acts 11:27-30
NT prophets foretell of a coming famine This occurs in A.D. 45/46 The Church in Antioch responds by taking up a collection The money is sent by Barnabas & Saul to the elders

13 Following Their Example
Each one contributes as they desire and are able – the motive is love. Remember that want does equal need Godly leaders help distinguish what is legitimate and what is not We help people in other areas by sending funds which are distributed by local churches.

14 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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