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Tracy Miller September 13, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Tracy Miller September 13, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracy Miller September 13, 2017

2 Welcome to Teacher Talk

3 Classroom Rules

4 Curriculum NC Standard Course of Study…”plus” Textbooks
HS Math 1 and 1B Glencoe McGraw Hill Algebra 1 MS Math 2 Sadlier Fundamentals of Algebra Sadlier Foundations of Algebra


6 Homework Assigned daily
Due on the next school day (unless otherwise noted) Work minutes each night Prepare (read) and Practice (write) assignments Accountability system

7 Student will record any missed assignments in the binder

8 Growth Mindset

9 6th-8th Grading System Students will now receive a numeric percentage grade for academic performance Homework will be part of this academic performance grade and not assessed as a separate area. Weighting of tests, assignments, homework and projects will be at the discretion of each teacher Grading scale: 90% - 100% Letter Grade A 80% - 89% Letter Grade B 70% -79% Letter Grade C Below 70% No credit awarded for high school classes Teachers will provide opportunities for students to improve any graded test that is assessed below 80% through additional assessments, projects, or assignments.

10 Progress Reports and Report Cards
Students will receive a percentage grade for academic performance. In addition, students will continue to receive a 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the areas of Effort and Behavior. Comments about the individual student will continue to be provided on report cards.

11 6th – 8th Grade Power School
Grades for 6th – 8th graders will be recorded in Powerschool no later than one week after the due date of the assignment, test, quiz or project

12 High School Classes High School credit classes offered at the Scholars Academy include: Math 1, Math 2, and Math 3 Chinese 1, Spanish 1 Biology English 1 Civics and Economics These classes include a Final Exam that counts as 20% of the final academic performance grade

13 5th Grade Grading System

14 K-5th Grading System K-5th grade is assessed on a 4-point scale Academic 4- Exceeds mastery of the standard(s) by going above and beyond what was explicitly taught for the standard(s) 3- Demonstrates mastery of the standard(s) taught without major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 2- Developing understanding of standard(s) taught with major omissions, errors, or misconceptions. 1- Unsatisfactory understanding of basic ideas or processes of the standard(s) taught. Homework 4- Seeks additional opportunities to expand his/her learning beyond what was explicitly assigned. 3- Consistently turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability. 2- Inconsistently turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability 1- Rarely turns homework in on time and completes it to the best of his/her ability

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