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Welcome to: Using Constructive Lessons in an Active Flipped Classroom to Help Students make Connections and Improve Retention in a Math Class Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to: Using Constructive Lessons in an Active Flipped Classroom to Help Students make Connections and Improve Retention in a Math Class Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to: Using Constructive Lessons in an Active Flipped Classroom to Help Students make Connections and Improve Retention in a Math Class Presented by Kimberly Bailey Please take a moment to do the following: On your mobile device, go to Log-In as a student To join this class, enter code: fogirun

2 About me Kimberly Bailey In my 13th year of teaching
Pacific Cascade MS Issaquah School District Algebra Teacher Master of Education degree specializing in S.T.E.A.M. from the University of San Diego National Boards Certified in EA Math This school year will be my 4th year teaching and exploring with the Flipped Class Model

3 Experience a Quick Version of the Active Flipped Class Model
Day 1: Intro/Constructing Lesson and Homework Day 2: Use Intro Experience/Video Notes to Practice/apply

4 Today’s lesson: Construct a basic design paper airplane Test airplane’s distance through a competition Start to design your own plane based off your experience HW: Watch video, answer the questions and take notes. Reminder: I will look at everyone’s notes tomorrow, so take good notes! Looking ahead Tomorrow: Using the information discovered in the video, continue designing your paper airplane On a piece of paper, sketch a drawing of your plane and explain your reasons for its design. Be specific. You will turn this in for points Before the end of the period, be ready for the final airplane distance competition Day 1 of new concept Allowing students time to explore, connect and start to construct their own understanding.

5 Day 1 of new concept Today’s lesson: Construct a basic design paper airplane You need the directions for the basic dart and a clean flat sheet of paper Fold your airplane by following the directions for the Basic Dart Test the flight and distance of your plane Test airplane’s flight through a mini competition In your groups, compare your distance and start to make adjustments to your plane as needed Start to design your own plane Use what you learned from your experience to create your own plane design HW: Video, answer questions, take notes. Reminder: I will look at notes tomorrow, so take good notes! Allowing students time to explore, connect and start to construct their own understanding.

6 Day 1 Homework of new concept
HW: Watch video, answer the questions and take notes Log-in to your Edpuzzle account Look for the video assigned for today Watch the video, take notes and answer the questions Pause, rewind and/or re-watch as many times as you need Bring your notes to class as a resource for designing your plane I will be checking your notes while you continue working on your project Day 1 Homework of new concept Allowing students time to learn more in-depth details of the concept through lecture at their own pace (students are able to pause, rewind and re-watch the information, as needed).

7 Day 2 of new concept Today’s lesson: Using the information discovered in the video, continue designing and testing your airplane On a piece of paper, sketch a drawing of your plane and explain your reasons for its design. Be specific. At the end of the period, you will turn this in for points. Before the end of the period, be ready for the final airplane distance competition Allowing students time to apply what they learned from their experience and the video lesson, with teacher support and feedback.


9 Why the Flipped Classroom?
Provides more authentic learning and teacher support time during class Supports the understanding of a Growth Mind Set Promotes higher level classroom discussion Strengthens team-based skills Encourages engagement

10 The Flipped Classroom is NOT:
Just online videos About replacing teachers with videos An online class Students working without structure Students working in isolation Students spending the entire class online

11 The Flipped Classroom IS:
A means to increase teacher contact time An environment that increases student responsibility Blending of direct instruction and constructivist learning A class where absent students won’t fall behind A place where students find confidence in their own abilities An environment that supports understanding the learning process, which includes what to do with mistakes/failure

12 How Do We Learn? Mastery Level Average Retention Rate LOWEST HIGHEST

13 What is Active Learning?
Students are given time with a topic to build a basic understanding and connection through their previous skills and experience Students are not just receivers of information but work to understand how to generate knowledge becoming less dependent on the teacher for learning The teacher changes from being the “giver of knowledge” to a “facilitator of learning”

14 My Active Learning Design
Construct/Explore concept (class lesson) Review of discoveries (end of class discussion) Learn detailed information (HW video lesson) Apply understanding (next class session)

15 Examples of my Active Learning Lessons
Application & Practice after Video Part 1: Part 2: HW: Watch Proportions Video on EDpuzzle Students who are ready will move to story/word problems

16 Examples of my Active Learning Lessons: Proportions cont.
Proportional practice with connection to Dimensional Analysis Station activities are used to practice, work in groups and introduce Dimensional Analysis Dimensional Analysis Video for HW Edpuzzle Dimensional Analysis Practice Dimensional Analysis Group Challenge “Fudge”

17 Example of Flipping Some Lessons
6th Grade Humanities Class Flips Specific Lessons: Vocab Video Lessons on Vocab at Home Activities and Application of Vocab during Class Visit Class Page Go to your Student Edpuzzle Account Join New Class Use Code: Voponfa Scroll Down to Months Click on May Watch Cartoon Vocabulary Presentation - Week 14

18 Online Resources Tools for Reflective Blogging: Voicethread
Sharing Understanding: Prezi and Weebly Online Simulations: Group Cell Phone Activies: Methods of demonstrating understanding: Phonecasting via ipadio or Google Voice or Cinch Photo-Audio Sharing via Yodia: Yodia in the Classroom Methods & Tools for Reflection:

19 Online Resources cont. Subject Videos: and Algebra Stations Activities: Lensoo (ipad and android): Showme (ipad): PowerPoint Office Mix (surface or touch screen laptop): Subject Videos with Questioning Options: Edpuzzle Flipped Class Support: Flipped Class Support and Info

20 Sources
class.html Classes.html?elq=977bdbc c8608b8e7cab2 cation.html My Personal Research


22 and Questions

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