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Introduction to Protection and Advocacy Systems

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1 Introduction to Protection and Advocacy Systems
Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Administration for Community Living U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

2 Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As)
Provide services to individuals with disabilities based on the identification of goals and priorities based on public input.  Activities of the P&As include: The protection and advocacy of legal and human rights Information and referral Investigation of complaints of violations of rights of individuals with developmental disabilities Working to resolve complaints through mediation, alternative dispute resolution and litigation

3 P&As There are 57 P&As There is a Native American P&A

4 Enabling Statute: The DD Act
Purpose: To assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion in all facets of community life

5 Purpose of the P&A P&As help individuals with disabilities secure their human and civil rights. P&As help people with developmental disabilities who: Have been neglected or abused Have been denied access to a service Have been denied control or choice of a service to which they have a right Have been denied the opportunity to participate in an activity

6 How P&As Do Their Jobs Train people about their legal and human rights
Educate others about the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities Investigate complaints of violations of rights Advocate through negotiation, mediation, alternative dispute resolution, and litigation Refer to other agencies (state, Federal, local)

7 Authority & Independence
The P&A system must have independence to pursue legal and other appropriate measures on behalf of clients with developmental disabilities without state or other interference. Access to people, access to records, access to institutions for monitoring Authority to pursue legal remedies The system must have the ability to investigate incidents of abuse and neglect of individuals with developmental disabilities.

8 Designated by the Governor
The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (PADD) program funded under Part C of the DD Act is designated by the Governor to be the P&A system for the state. The Governor can only re-designate the P&A if there is “good cause.”

9 AIDD P&A Programs PADD is the cornerstone of the P&A
PAAT: Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology PATBI: Protection and Advocacy for Traumatic Brain Injury PAVA: Protection and Advocacy for Voters Access

10 Principles of the DD Act (PADD)
Independence: To have control Productivity: To work or make other contributions to a household and community Integration: Right to the same opportunities, services, community resources as all other Americans Inclusion: Acceptance and encouragement of presence and participation in social, educational, work and community environments.

11 Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT)
Funded by Assistive Technology Act of 1998 as amended Provides protection and advocacy services to assist individuals of all ages with disabilities in the acquisition, utilization or maintenance of assistive technology services or devices. Grantees provide information, advocacy, representation, training, technical assistance, and general guidance to increase access to and provision of assistive technology devices and services. The emphasis is on consumer advocacy and capacity-building through protection and advocacy agencies in the states.

12 Other Federal P&A Programs
PAIMI: Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HHS) PAIR: Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (Rehabilitation Services Administration, Dept. of Education) PABSS: Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (Social Security Administration) Some P&As also administer the Client Assistance Program (CAP)

13 P&A Governing Board Membership
Majority must be individuals with disabilities, including individuals with developmental disabilities Family members and guardians Advocates or authorized representatives May include a representative from the State Council, UCEDD and self-advocacy organizations

14 Planning Responsibilities
Goals and priorities setting The goals and priorities of each P&A are based on data-driven strategic planning... multi-year cycle with annual updates. The P&A provides an annual opportunity for the public to comment on goals and priorities and activities of the system, including comments by the Council and UCEDDs. Goals and priorities are submitted to AIDD annually.

15 Priority Setting P&As choose priorities in the following areas of emphasis (in law): Employment, housing, early intervention and education, safety, health, child care, recreation, transportation, quality assurance, and formal and informal community supports Emphasis on outcomes/impact Requires collaboration with DD Network and community organizations

16 P&As and Employment In 2015, 26 P&As reported work on 142 employment-related activities Initiatives include: Direct Representation to ensure appropriate transition services for students from school to post-school activities including continuing education and employment Outreach and training to increase the number of persons with disabilities engaging in competitive employment Employment First: training, information and referral Surveys of group home residents about employment goals Partnerships in Employment Grants

17 Partnerships in Employment Grants
National transition systems change project whose purpose is to identify, develop, and promote policies and practices to improve transition, post-secondary and competitive employment outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Grantees: AK CA, IA, MO, MS, NY, TN, WI

18 Training and Outreach: Louisiana
Performed outreach and training to increase the number of persons with disabilities engaging in competitive employment. Spoke to people with disabilities at job fairs, schools, and in community group homes about their employment rights. Trained advocates, case managers, special education teachers, job coaches, and vocational rehabilitation workers on employment rights for people with disabilities. In collaboration with people with disabilities, employers, and representatives from Louisiana Workforce Commission, Louisiana Rehabilitation Council, and LA Department of Health and Hospitals, organized a press conference to promote the start of National Disability Employment Awareness

19 Representation: Iowa Client: a 26 year old male who lives with autism.
Background: Client was working towards his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and contracted with a transportation company to attend classes and earn his license. While he acquired his CDL, the contract he signed also stipulated he had to pass a hazardous materials exam, which he was unable to accomplish. Since he could not pass all of the examinations, he was charged with $4,000 and he was unable to gain employment with the company. Outcome: DRI worked with the client to get the debt waived since the client did not understand the contract when he entered into it. DRI also wanted to provide assistance to the client to make sure he could gain employment to maintain his independent lifestyle. The company dropped the $4,000 debt when they learned of DRI’s involvement. DRI worked with a local Disability Resource Coordinator to provide employment skills training and connect the client with potential jobs as a truck driver.

20 Monitoring: South Carolina
Investigated employment of people with DD who are paid sub-minimum wages to determine barriers to their employment in integrated settings. Investigation included visiting 5 facilities that employ people with DD at subminimum wages.

21 Website Links AIDD Information:
National Disability Rights Network (membership organization):

22 Questions? Clare B. Huerta, J.D. Program Specialist – P&A Programs
Administration for Community Living

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