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What makes a good LOGO?.

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Presentation on theme: "What makes a good LOGO?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes a good LOGO?

2 Would you know a great logo if you saw one
Would you know a great logo if you saw one? What qualities make a logo great? How can you tell if a logo is truly effective or not? A great logo makes a company memorable. It accurately conveys the company’s identity. A great logo will be attractive but will also have a functional purpose as a business too. A great logo is more than art.

3 A great logo should: Distinguish your company from your competition Don’t try to emulate another company. Be your own brand. Less than a decade after Coca-Cola was born, Pepsi quickly became successful by setting themselves apart rather than trying to emulate the leaders.

4 Use meaningful colors Different colors and shades can have different effects on people because of color association. Green is associated with the environment and is an appropriate logo for a company like the Sierra Club or Greenpeace. However, green is also associated with motion sickness so would be a poor choice for the interior of a car.

5 Use an appropriate font
You may generally gravitate to bold, exciting fonts, or feminine curvy fonts but if you are a ballet company, you should probably avoid harsh, clunky lettering, and if you are a football team, you should probably avoid graceful, delicate lettering, even if it’s more attractive to you.

6 Be simple Your logo can have some elaborate features but it should be simple enough to make a quick statement. Be memorable Your logo should make a statement about your company. The next time a customer needs your kind of business, he’ll choose you just because of brand recognition.

7 Avoid distracting elements
Your logo does not need, LLC, Inc, and other details. That type of detail can be saved for documentation about your company. The next time you are driving past businesses, take a look at the logos around you and see how other successful logos are handled. Separate taglines if possible Taglines can be an important part of a company’s image but should be separate from a logo. The size of the text in a tagline is so much smaller that it often forces the logo to be bigger in order to accommodate the text.





















28 ASSIGNMENT Use and identify these fonts. Complete your answers to a Word document and upload to the dropbox assignments Marked: Identifonts assignment.

29 Locations to download free fonts:
Websites that can help you identify fonts:

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