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Vanesther Rees, Communications Manager

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1 Vanesther Rees, Communications Manager
Brand Style Guide Vanesther Rees, Communications Manager

2 Why is a corporate brand important?
Brand means identity: if our identity is fragmented, our corporate voice becomes confused and compromised.

3 Why is a corporate brand important?
We work together for one organisation and so all our written and visual communications should reflect this through a single brand identity. By communicating in a clear, consistent and professional way, our voice is stronger.

4 The Brand Style Guide Talking about the West of England AHSN
Our logo and sub-brands Fonts and accessibility Templates Colours and images Editorial basics

5 Talking about the West of England AHSN
Through our various communications, it is important we describe the role and work of the West of England AHSN consistently. A ‘boilerplate’ has been developed locally in line with the national narrative agreed by the AHSN Network.

6 The West of England Academic Health Science Network
The West of England AHSN is delivering positive healthcare outcomes locally and nationally by driving the development and adoption of new innovations and making a meaningful contribution to the economy.

7 The West of England Academic Health Science Network

8 Academic Health Science Networks
We are one of 15 AHSNs across England, established by NHS England in 2013 to spread innovation at pace and scale.

9 Academic Health Science Networks
As the only bodies that connect NHS and academic organisations, the third sector and industry, we are catalysts that create the right conditions to facilitate change across whole health and social care economies, with a clear focus on improving outcomes for patients.

10 Our name Use full name in the first instance: ‘the West of England Academic Health Science Network (AHSN)’. This can then be abbreviated to ‘the West of England AHSN’ thereafter. Note the use of ‘the’ before our name. We should avoid the use of ‘WEAHSN’.

11 How we present ourselves
One team, one organisation and one network, with a shared vision and shared goals. Our language should be welcoming, connecting and inclusive. We use the words ‘we’, ‘together’, ‘partners’, ‘working closely with each other’; not ‘us’ and ‘them’, and avoiding wherever possible splitting our team into different work silos or workstreams.

12 Our logo

13 Our logo Avoid: Using at low-resolution
Distortion – stretching or squeezing out of shape Using the logo on a coloured background – it’s designed for use on a white background Changing the colour of the logo

14 Our logo

15 Sub-branding

16 Fonts Arial: all in-house documents is Arial. VAG Rundschrift: headings in professionally designed documents

17 Accessibility Pt 12 preferable: 11pt minimum.
Printed publications available on request at 14pt for people with learning disabilities and older people, and 20pt for people with visual impairments. In PowerPoint, text should 28pt minimum and no more than six lines of text per slide.

18 s

19 Templates PowerPoint presentation – including our ‘narrative’, map and social media slides Letter / fax cover Agenda Minutes Terms of reference Generic Word document

20 Colour Palette

21 Supporting Colour Palette

22 Images

23 Editorial Basics Dates: Thursday 4 February 2016
Numbers: up to ten are written in full (three, five, nine). Ten and over in figures. Numbers over 1,000 have comma separators: 1,962 not 1962. Acronyms & abbreviations: in full first time (except BBC, USA) and no full stops (UWE not U.W.E. / Dr not Dr.)


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