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Around the World Biology edition.

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1 Around the World Biology edition

2 Question #1 Evolution acts upon ______
Populations! Natural selection acts upon individuals

3 Question #2: A specific type of fossilization that is a good piece of evidence for evolution is _____________ __________ Transitional species (or fossils)

4 Question #3: Bugs can become immune to pesticides. Does that mean that a certain bug has gone through evolution? True or false? False! Remember, evolution is not seen in individuals, but populations

5 Question #4: ___________ __________ is the study of how populations change over time. Population genetics

6 Question #5: Based on the modern synthesis, genetic variation appears in populations due to __________ and ___________ Mutations and recombination

7 Question #6: Evolution is the change of __________ frequencies between generations Allele

8 Question #7: _____________ occurs gradually when species become isolated genetically Speciation

9 Question #9: What is a population?
Localized group of organisms of the same species These animals have a high chance of successful breeding since they are the same species in the same location

10 Question #10: ___________ is a combination of a population’s genes in one time Gene pool

11 Question #11: One allele at a locus across all individuals in the population Fixed allele What does that look like? AA Bb CC AA bb Cc AA BB cc

12 Let’s do some probability
What would our formula look like if our events were NOT mutually exclusive? (using A and B) Prob A x Prob B What does this look like with numbers? Say you are given the following info: the probability for A is 0.5 and the probability for B is 0.5. What is your formula? Typically the probability will add up 1 (or multiply to 1)

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