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The Crusades God Wills It.

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1 The Crusades God Wills It

2 Its all the Turks’ fault
The Byzantine Empire Emperor Alexius Comenius Invasion by the Turks Battle of Manzikert

3 Life in the Latin East Godfrey becomes king of Jerusalem
Christians defeat and massacre Egyptian Muslims After Godfrey dies, his brother Baldwin takes over goes to Egypt and conquers portions of it, however, he gets sick and dies soon after His nephew, Baldwin II takes over Emperor Alexius is denied a share of the spoils A new Pope precipitates new waves of the Crusades Behemond gets captured by Turks and Crusaders are sent to the rescue, it doesn’t go well. Crusader States get rich and get along with the Muslims The Franks get easternized and take Syrian wives

4 Life in the Latin East More and more Christians are coming in
Muslims are divided but starting to come together

5 The Military Monastic Orders- the red, the blue and the black

6 MMO’s Knights of St. John (Hospitallers) red cross, known for humane treatment and setting up places of aid Knights of the Temple (Templars) blue cross, known as the most feared fighters of the knights Teutonic Knights-black cross, Germanic knights

7 The Wild, Wild East Christians take Beirut
This sorta makes the Muslim world unite Zengi emerges as the leader and declares a Jihad Now you might wonder how this can be since the Prophet said that there couldn’t be any more of these, well the Turks were Muslims, but as you know, they sometimes didn’t play by the rules. He takes Edessa and causes the Pope to declare a 2nd Crusade However, Zengi doesn’t get long to enjoy his fame, he is murdered by one of his servants His son Nur al-Din takes over

8 The 2nd Crusade Louis VII of France steps up, well not really
Louis was not really wanting to go but his wife made him Eleanor of Aquataine Holy Roman Emperor Conrad III This could have been the original million man march Once the Crusade reaches Anitoch several things happen They are greeted by Prince Raymond (he is Eleanor’s Uncle) this is the first time they have met “I expected to marry a man, but I ended up with a monk.” The Crusade dies out

9 Muslim fortunes change
Nur al-Din begins to unite all the Muslim forces because of Christian stupidity The Templars are being real turds Saladin (Salah ha-Din) will take over after Nur al-Din dies Baldwin IV get leprosy and it is viewed that the Crusader States may be cursed! By the time he dies at age 24, he will be hairless, blind, without a nose and ears, without hands and feet, and with skeletal limbs that have become gangrenous and limp. Reynald of Chatillon (Templar) captures Saladin’s sister

10 Collapse of the Crusader States
After the death of Baldwin, Saladin takes Jerusalem and the Crusader Kingdom is no more Antioch remains the only place in Christian hands Here we go again, a new Crusade is called for

11 The Third Crusade: the Rage of a Lion

12 The Two Greatest Gregory VIII calls for a new Crusade
He feels the wickedness of Europe has caused God to take the Holy Lands from them Philip of France answers the call King Richard I of England also is going to go (word on the street is that the only reason he is going is because Philip is going…..wink, wink) Frederick Barbarossa HRE is also going A disagreement at Malta Philip defeated at Acre Richard to the rescue

13 Richard v Saladin Fred Bar drownes Saladin’s army defeated at Arsuf
They had never fought English knights or seen Longbows On to Jaffa to save the French The battle of the Titans (that never was) Richard has trouble back at home Saladin has troubles of his own A delicate Truce

14 The Best of the Rest

15 The 4-8th Crusades and the children
Stephen and Nicholas lead the Children’s Crusade Pied Piper loosely based on this 4th Led by the Doge Dandelo of Venice, he attacks Constantinople 5th lets go through Egypt- DE-Niled 6th-Frederick II leads possibly the most successful after being excommunicated 7th-Louis IX tried Egypt again, dies of Plague 8th- Edward Longshanks tries his hand Egypt and Antioch

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