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LO: To be able to describe the events of the First Crusade.

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1 LO: To be able to describe the events of the First Crusade.

2 To describe the events of the First Crusade
L.O. To describe the events of the First Crusade By the end of this lesson… ALL OF US will be able to organise the key dates of the First Crusade chronologically. (3B-3A) EVEN BETTER IF you can describe the key events in detail. (4C-4A) EXCELLENT IF you explain why the Crusaders acted as they did. (5C-5A). CHALLENGE!!! WHAT WAS THE MAIN REASON CRUSADERS ACTED THIS WAY? (5A-6A)

3 Starter The _________ were a series of ____ where Christians and Muslims fought to control the Holy Land. _________ is a holy place for Christians because many important events in the life of _____ happened there. It is holy to the Muslim religion, _____ , too. Muslims believe their prophet, Mohammed, visited Heaven from there. Jerusalem and the surrounding area (what we call modern day Israel) was known as the ____ Land. The crusades dragged on and off for about ___ years. English knights and soldiers mainly fought in what is known as the Third Crusade between the years 1189 and 1192 under the king, _________. 10 Jesus wars Holy Islam Crusades Richard I Jerusalem 200

4 Starter The Crusades were a series of wars where Christians and Muslims fought to control the Holy Land. Jerusalem is a holy place for Christians because many important events in the life of Jesus happened there. It is holy to the Muslim religion, Islam, too. Muslims believe their prophet, Mohammed, visited Heaven from there. Jerusalem and the surrounding area (what we call modern day Israel) was known as the Holy Land. The crusades dragged on and off for about 200 years. English knights and soldiers mainly fought in what is known as the Third Crusade between the years 1189 and 1192 under the king, Richard I. 10

5 Write down at least three facts on your spider diagram about
Horrible Histories The Crusades Write down at least three facts on your spider diagram about the Crusades! Whoever has the most wins Achievement Points!

6 When armed forces surround a building or castle to starve the
Key Word Siege: When armed forces surround a building or castle to starve the enemy out.

7 Complete tasks 1-2 from page 97.
Put the dates in chronological order with a picture to illustrate each statement. Use the information on pages complete the tasks below: In no less than four sentences describe the first crusade. What happened after the First Crusade? Find two similarities between the Saracen and the Knight. Complete tasks 1-2 from page 97. 20 minutes June 5th 1098: 75,000 Muslims fight to retake Antioch 1097: A siege of Nicacea takes place 1096: People begin to join the Crusades June 3rd 1098: Muslim city of Antioch is captured June 1st 1098: Muslim reinforcements arrive and scare off many Crusaders 1095: Pope Urban II calls for a Crusade against Islam June 28th 1098: The Crusaders fight off the Muslims and march to Jerusalem July 15th 1098: The Crusaders invade and capture Jerusalem

8 Describe the siege of Jerusalem.
What did the crusaders do to the people they found in Jerusalem when the siege was over? Why did this happen? Key words SIEGE TOWER SYTHE GODFREY EXHAUSTED BREACH

9 Now test a peer on today’s learning!
What happened on the First Crusade? 2) What happened during the Siege of Jerusalem? 3) Why did the Crusaders act this way?

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