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Er verbs, Avoir, Être et Faire

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1 Er verbs, Avoir, Être et Faire
Les Verbes Er verbs, Avoir, Être et Faire

2 Verbs Verbs are words that describe an action
Most verbs in French end in - er. This form of the verb is called the infinitive (before it is conjugated) The stem of the verb is the infinitive minus the er Ex: chanter is the infinitive and chant is the stem In French verbs are conjugated (their endings change) based on who is doing the action (the pronoun)

3 Like in English, we also have pronouns in French
In English some are: I You He/She We They In French they are: Je Tu Il/Elle Nous Vous Ils/Elles

4 What do they mean?? Je - I Tu - You Il/Elle – He/She Nous - We
Vous – You plural or formal Ils/Elles –He/She (plural)

5 To conjugate ER verbs, we have a set formula
We need to make sure that the pronoun and the verb ending are in agreement. To do this, we follow this formula:

6 And the formula is... Je: add an e to the stem
Tu: add an es to the stem Il/Elle: add an e to the stem Nous: add ons to the stem Vous: add ez to the stem Ils/Elles: add ent to the stem

7 Let’s try it! The verb: Walk Infinitive in French: Marcher Stem: March Je marche Tu marches Il/Elle marche Nous marchons Vous marchez Ils/Elles marchent

8 Peoples names can become il or elle or vice versa
Ex: Jean Paul marche a l’école. => Il marche à l’école. Ex: Élaine marche au magasin. => Elle marche au magasin. Groups of names become ils/elles or vice versa Ex: Sally, Jacqueline et Mathilde regardent le télé. Elles regardent le télé. Ex: Bérnard, Marcelle et Pierre jouent le football. Ils jouent le football Mixed groups of masculine and feminine people or objects use ils to represent them Bérnard, Lucie, Pierre et Anna jouent le football. Ils jouent le football.

9 ER Verbs - au négatif To write ER verbs in the negative, we conjugate the verb as we have already learned, and add a ne before the verb and a pas after the verb. Ex: I walk to school. Je marche à l’école. I don’t walk to school. Je ne marche pas à l’école. Ex: We sing at school. Nous chantons a l’école. We don’t sing at school. Nous ne chantons pas a l’école.

10 ER Verbs - au négatif Ex: I listen to the radio J’écoute la radio I don’t listen to the radio. Je n’écoute pas la radio. We drop the vowel and put an apostrophe for: Je La Le ne when it is followed by a vowel. Practice time: Write 5 sentences with ER verbs au positif et au négatif

11 Assignment Write 10 sentences using different ER verbs and different articles (je, tu nous etc) Sentences can be in the positive or negative Have a picture that goes with each sentence.

12 AVOIR (To Have) I have… You have.. (singular) He/She has… (singular)
We have… You have..(plural/formal) They have…

13 AVOIR (to have) I have… J’ai You have… Tu as He has… Il a
She has… Elle a We have… Nous avons You have… Vous avez They have… Ils ont (males) Elles ont (females)

14 AVOIR au négatif follows the same: ne before the verb and pas after it
I don’t have… Je n’ai pas You don’t have… Tu n’as pas He doesn’t have… Il n’a pas She doesn’t have… Elle n’a pas We don’t have… Nous n’avons pas You don’t have… Vous n’avez pas They don’t have… Ils n’ont pas(males) Elles n’ont pas(females)

15 AVOIR - Practice time! Write 10 sentences (5 positive and 5 negative)
EX: J’ai un chat (I have a cat) Je n’ai pas une chatte (I don’t have a cat [she’s a lady]) Nous avons le quiz (We have the quiz) Elle a la lettre (She has the letter) Tu n’as pas les photos (You don’t have the photos)

16 AVOIR Your Task Walk around the room and find different things
When you find things, use your ‘Avoir’ knowledge to create a sentence Example: There are _ in total  You will have minutes You will likely need to use a dictionary

17 Asking Questions To ask a question we can start with “Do”
Ex: Do you have an apple? In French “Do” is written as Est-ce que Ex: Est-ce que tu as une pomme? Ex: Do you walk to school? Est-ce que tu marches à l’école? PRACTICE TIME! Please write 5 questions in French, and then write an answer to them. With a partner practice asking and answering your sets of questions.

18 Les adjectifs (Adjectives)
An adjective is a word that describes a noun In French, all adjectives must agree with the noun (ie if it is masculine, feminine, singular, plural) To make a adjective plural, we simply add an s to the end of it. Feminine adjectives often end in an –e and masculine ones often do not (not always.) Ex: adjective Big in French is grand singular plural masculine grand grands feminine grande grandes

19 ÊTRE (To be) I am… Je suis You are… Tu es He/She is ….Il/Elle est
We are… Nous sommes You are… Vous êtes They are… Ils/Elles sont

20 ÊTRE (To be) au negatif I am not… Je ne suis pas
You are not… Tu n’es pas He/She is not ….Il/Elle n’est pas We are not… Nous ne sommes pas You are not… Vous n’êtes pas They are not… Ils/Elles ne sont pas

21 ÊTRE (to be) How would you describe yourself??? Je suis…
Choose 5 adjectives that you would use to describe yourself (Ask a friend if you’re having trouble coming up with 5) Find out those 5 adjectives in French Write 5 sentences (Je suis gentil or Je suis gentille) With a friend, write 5 statements that describe them (Tu es…)

22 ÊTRE (To be) I am… You are… He/She is… We are… You are (plural)…
They are…

23 ÊTRE (To be) Time to ask questions using Être and adjectives.
Write 5 questions using être and adjectives using different conjugations of être. Also write full sentence answers to your questions. Share! Go over your sentences with a friend and see if you can make them any better. Write your favorite sentence on the board so we can look at them together.

24 ÊTRE (to be) In your groups of 4…
Share one of your ‘Je suis…’ sentences with your group Share one of your stories/examples of your adjective When each person has shared…Instructions to follow…

25 Faire (to do, make or play) used for activities and individual sports
Je fais Tu fais Il/Elle/On/Qui fait Nous faisons Vous faites Ils/Elles font FAIRE DU (nom masculin singulier) FAIRE DE LA (nom féminin singulier) FAIRE DE L’ (nom singulier + voyelle/h) FAIRE DES (nom pluriel) Practice: Faire worksheet p. et p.

26 Faire Assignment You will write a minimum of 10 sentences about activities that you and members of your family do and don’t do.

27 Faire Skit In pairs you will write a mini – skit and perform it with a minimum of 5 lines per person. Each person needs to use the verbs faire, être and avoir at least once.

28 Unit Test Your test will have a written and oral part to it and will include the proper use and conjugation of the following both positively and negatively: ER verbs Être Avoir Faire Adjectives

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