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2 UNITED ACCORD 17-18 Overview
3/27/2014 UNITED ACCORD Overview Who: US, MINUSMA TCC’s, select international organizations, and western partners. What: A TWO YEAR planning program executing both: -A MINUSMA based CPX with Combined Bi-Lateral Company (-) FTX in May 2017, and -A MINUSMA based CPX and Combined Multi-Lateral Battalion (+) FTX in April or May 2018. When: CPX May 2017 and CPX/FTX April or May 2018. Where: Accra, Ghana and vicinity. Why: In order to exercise interoperability and enhance regional PO capability. Command Post and Field Training Exercise CJTF tied to current United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali Incorporates ECOWAS, UN, France, Netherlands and ECOWAS member nations Utilize UN, ECOWAS and AE SOPs Focus on PO using the Rapid Deployment Capability (RDC) of ECOWAS Incorporates AFISMA Lessons Learned CJTF academics supported by UN, PKSOI (AWC), and former AFISMA personnel ECOWAS Exercise Objectives Develop and enhance interoperability between ECOWAS and partner nations Exercise Participating Nations’ Forces in Peace Operations. Exercise Planning, Deployment, Employment, Sustainment, and Redeployment of ECOWAS Standby Force. Strengthen Military, Police and Civilian authorities relationships. Enhance Regional Security in West Africa. Develop RDC structure, processes and training USAF conduct static Loadmaster training during academics and flight orientation and support to Dodji mission Intent For Planning: UA17 and UA18 are planned concurrently, realizing efficiencies in surveying venues and markets. Also facilitating a warm start during the FY18 planning. The desired state at the end of the UA17 CPX is that we have a 90% plan for UA18 to go forward with. This will ease further planning and enable us to eliminate or reduce one of the FY18 planning events.

3 Proposed Exercise Force Mission and End State
(DRAFT) Mission: Task Force UNITED ACCORD 17 conducts exercise UNITED ACCORD 17 in Accra, Ghana on or about May 2017 in order to exercise the interoperability between all partners and enhance their capabilities to execute sector headquarters and subordinate national contingent headquarters responsibilities as part of a United Nations (UN) mandated Peace Operation (PO). (DRAFT) End State: Participating nations and organizations have exercised and enhanced capabilities to support Peace Operations and respond to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief crises within the region.

4 Training Objectives Safely and efficiently deploy and redeploy all forces between home stations and exercise location. Properly coordinate and conduct sustainment of exercise forces. 3) Condition participants/participating forces to the MINUSMA operational environment in the following dimensions: A) General area of operation familiarization. B) UN PKO operating procedures at Sector Headquarters level. C) Employ UN Military Component Planning Process. D) Familiarization with UN Counter-IED doctrine, processes, and procedure. E) Integrate relevant joint, inter-agency, multi-national, and non-military activities and entities. Exercise and improve force readiness. Plan and conduct an effective and appropriate Combined Strategic Messaging Program.

5 Invited Participants AFRICAN Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde
3/27/2014 Invited Participants AFRICAN Benin Burkina Faso Cape Verde Cote d’Ivoire Chad Gabon Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Liberia Mali Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone Togo WESTERN INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS Austria Belgium France Germany Italy The Netherlands United Kingdom MINUSMA ECOWAS Standby Force UN DPKO UN Humanitarian Commission for Refugees Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ICRC CoESPU EU Training Mission-Mali KAIPTC Accra African Union EMP Bamako Command Post and Field Training Exercise CJTF tied to current United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali Incorporates ECOWAS, UN, France, Netherlands and ECOWAS member nations Utilize UN, ECOWAS and AE SOPs Focus on PO using the Rapid Deployment Capability (RDC) of ECOWAS Incorporates AFISMA Lessons Learned CJTF academics supported by UN, PKSOI (AWC), and former AFISMA personnel ECOWAS Exercise Objectives Develop and enhance interoperability between ECOWAS and partner nations Exercise Participating Nations’ Forces in Peace Operations. Exercise Planning, Deployment, Employment, Sustainment, and Redeployment of ECOWAS Standby Force. Strengthen Military, Police and Civilian authorities relationships. Enhance Regional Security in West Africa. Develop RDC structure, processes and training USAF conduct static Loadmaster training during academics and flight orientation and support to Dodji mission

6 Sector East Headquarters
Structure Exercise Direction Exercise Directing Staff (USARAF CCP (-)) Exercise Support Group (ESG) Joint Exercise Control Group HICON (Force HQ) FTX Group Combined BN TOC ESG CPX Site ESG FTX Site Observer Group MINUSMA Sector East Headquarters (Primary Training Audience) Other Units & Organizations (UN, AU, Police, Intel, National HQs, OPFOR, Etc…) Combined CO In FTX Combined CO In FTX LOCON Combined BN Response Cell Combined BN TOC (Secondary Tng Audience) LOCON IN CO Response Cell US, Partner Nation Forces, and International Organizations. Ghana & US Forces US Forces

7 Structure (Battalion and Below)
BN Response Cell (USMC) Battalion HQ (USA) Battalion HQ (GAF) THESE FORCES PROVIDED: IN CO Response Cell Infantry CO Infantry CO TASK ORGANIZE INTO THESE: Combined BN Response Cell Combined BN TOC (Secondary Tng Audience) FTX Group Combined BN TOC IN CO Response Cell Combined CO In FTX Combined CO In FTX US, Partner Nation Forces, and International Organizations. Ghana & US Forces US Forces

8 Timeline (May and June 2016)
RSOI Mechanism Established and Site Opened 19-30 May Cargo Arrival (RDD) 14 May RSOI of participants 17-18 May 2 Jun 3 Jun Execution Cargo Redeploy Sites Closed Preparation and Deployment Exercise Conduct Redeployment 19 April – 19 May 30 May - Jun ADVON 12 May Main body May Main body 19-20 May Trail Party O/A 6 Jun US Embassy Liaison Team 5 May

9 UA 2017 Training Overview Holiday Ramadan Cultural Day
TD 1 TD 2 TD 3 TD 4 TD 5 TD 6 TD 7 TD 8 TD 9 TD 10 TD 11 TD 12 19 MAY 20 MAY 21 MAY 22 MAY 23 MAY 24 MAY 25 MAY 26 MAY 27 MAY 28 MAY 29 MAY 30 MAY Holiday Ramadan Opening Staff academics, MCPP, FTX Preparatory Training CPX and FTX Closing Eval & AAR DV Day Strategic (ED) Regional Leaders Seminar UN DPKO Cultural Day ICRC LOAC HQ Roles Military Component Planning Staff Process and Practical Exercises JOC Rehearsal and Procedures Military Component Planning Process Mission Command of Virtual Forces JOC Procedures and Battle Tracking * Opening Ceremony Operational (GF) Closing Ceremony *Review and Refine UA18 Concept Scenario based lane training. Refit for FTX Combined Battalion(-) FTX Tactical (OF)

10 2016-2018 Planning Timeline (All locations Accra, Ghana unless otherwise noted.)
2016 UA17 Concept Development Event (CDE) Sep Completed UA17 Initial Planning Event (IPE) 1-4 Nov Underway 2017 UA17 Mid Planning Event (MPE) 30 Jan – 3 Feb Changed from Jan UA17 Final Planning Event (FPE) Mar UA17 Execution May Changed from 8-19 May UA18 CDE 19 May Concurrent with UA17 Exec. UA18 IPE Oct UA18 MPE (T) Dec Eliminated from planning cycle. Held only if necessary, and then reduced to minimum form UA18 FPE Feb UA18 Execution April or May UA19 CDE TBD TBD - Senegal anticipated host. UA19 IPE TBD TBD

11 OBJECTIVES Update and finalize exercise concept.
Finalize location decision(s). Finalize scenario, program of academics, and CPX structure. Establish force composition and offerings. Perform site surveys as required. Draft Regional Leader Seminar plan. Determine support requirements (logistical, FP, HSS, etc.). Draft concepts of support. Draft ESA. Establish MPE agenda.

12 Plan for Friday 4 November
Bus Movement to KAIPTC Planning-Coordination Outbrief Presentation Preparation of the Minutes – Signing Closing Lunch Bus Movement to Hotel Alisa

13 Due Outs -FTX Group – CPTs Moody/Schultz -CPX Group – Mr. Hughes
-Logistics – Mr. Hughes -RLS – Ms. Davis -Medical – Ms. Childs -Force Protection – Mr. Robinson -Public Affairs – SFC Bridson -Operational Law – CPT Darnell

14 “Quad Chart” Example Summary Concept of Operation or of function.
Support Required. Requests for Information Issues-Shortfalls-Concerns Please this to: NLT 1000 Friday

15 End

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