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Post 7th World Water Forum
- What actions to take after the phenomenal success of the Daegu/Gyeongbuk Forum? - Dr. Kenzo Hiroki Director, Water Resources Planning Division Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
The World Water Forum in nutshell
- Know the nature of the Forum before taking action -
World Water Forum World Water Forum: World’s largest international conference to facilitate discussion and actions on all issues related to water Conference type: Large-scale, voluntary conference Regularity:Taking place once every three years Organizers:Co-organized by the host country and the World Water Council(WWC) Number of participants:30,000 people or more Countries represented:150 countries or more Ministerial participants: 100 ministers or more Participating journalists: 1,000 journalists or more
Many Actions to be monitored by AMS and lots of Commitments
WWF7 in Global Water Many Actions to be monitored by AMS Numerous opinions and lots of Commitments Over 40,000 Participants Thematic, Political. & Science Process +400 Sessions Water for Our Future 6th World Water Forum COP 18-19 RIO+ 20 CSD Summit Paris COP20 Ministerial Process Governments Thematic Process Experts Science Process Business Citizens Stake- holders WWF7 is integral part of global water movement
How can WWF7 influence the world in Post-Forum Period?
- Learning from experiences of the previous forums -
Know the nature of the Forum
- From the Analysis of Previous Forums -
Questionnaire Survey on World Water Forum (WWF1-WWF6)
Survey subjects: CEOs (SGs) & cadres of the Forum Questions: Organizers’ recognition on the features and comparative advantages of the Forum Intentions and priorities in organizing the World Water Forum Approaches for facilitating water actions through the World Water Forum Impacts that the World Water Forum made to the international discussion and actions
Question: “What is the difference between
World Water Forum and UN Conferences?” Forums Answers 2nd WWF (2000) In the UN Process, government representatives negotiate and develop the consensus document only on the predetermined agenda. In World Water Forum, all stakeholders participate and freely recommend on the agenda as well as participants. As a result, it creates a momentum for starting regional and international processes. 3rd (2003) World Water Forum allows sharing of new recommendations, issues analysis and experiences of success/failure, generating new discussion process and raising debate on new problems. This results in effective outcome of the conference.
Responses to “What is the difference between
World Water Forum and UN Conferences?” Forum Answers 4th WWF (2006) The outcome of the World Water Forum does not have a binding power. UN conference is more of a formality… Stringent condition for participation makes people hesitant to participate. The importance of UN conference is that its decision can have a binding power. 5th WWF (2009) World Water Forum recommends debates among opposing views. UN conference has a narrower scope of discussion. 6th WWF (2012) World Water Forum promotes more strongly dialogue between specialists and stakeholders. The process is more open. Technical side and political side are coming closer together through better dialogue. The advantage of the UN process is that it produces official declaration.
Position of WWF in International Conference Processes related to Water
Mandatory Legitimacy UN conferences Intergovernmental conferences Regional ministerial conferences UN related conferences Category Ⅱ CategoryⅠ UN General Assembly UN water meetings (CSD16), etc UN Summit Large-scale UN Conferences RIO+20 UNFCC UN Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation(UNSGAB) Regional water ministers’ meeting (AMCOW, G8 water conference, etc) Category Ⅲ Category Ⅳ World Water Forum International voluntary meetings participated by governments Regional voluntary meetings participated by governments Voluntary meetings by private sector, etc Stockholm World Water Week Small and medium size water conferences Regional water meetings (APWF, etc) Water associations meetings (IWA Annual Conference, etc) Water Expos (Singapore International Water Week, etc) Voluntary 100 1,000 10,000 Participants
Comparing priorities of Forum organizers for “number of participants” and “consensus building by stakeholders”
“Priorities in organizing the World Water Forum” Rating by responders (The highest priority is rated 5 and the lowest priority is rated 1. The difference from the mean score is indicated in the graph) High priority Low priority 1. Number of ministerial level participants 2. Number of media coverage 3. Concrete commitments 4. Number of overall participants 5. Consensus building by governments 6. Number of high quality papers 7. Consensus building by stakeholders
What organizers focused on to realize actions (Relative evaluation; The highest priority is rated 5 and the lowest priority is rated 1. The difference from the mean score is indicated in the graph) High priority Low priority 1. Participation of diverse stakeholders 2. Government commitment 3. Clear message 4. Collecting good practices 5. Compromise making on -specific topic 6. Consensus building by governments 7. High-quality paper 8. Consensus building by stakeholders
World Water Forum(large voluntary conference)Analysis Summary
World Water Forum has strength in its openness, non-restrictiveness on decisions, attempts for new methods of discussion, selection process and continuation of effective programs (combination of innovation and continuity). Organizers of the World Water Forum strongly recognize the aforementioned characteristics and urge independent commitments and voluntary actions from the participants of the forum in order to realize global scale water actions which are the target of the World Water Forum. In concrete terms, the organizers first focus on the points which give the World Water Forum its influential power by ensuring global scale of the event (number of participants), diversity of participants, and a high degree of attention (include high level attendees).
World Water Forum(large voluntary conference)Analysis summary
④ In order to realize global water actions while utilizing the aforementioned strengths, the organizers attempt to accomplish goals by the following approach suited for this type of meeting: By encouraging participation of various stakeholders and highlighting their role in solving water-related problems By announcing new commitments, governments and organizations encourage stakeholders to make voluntary commitments and take actions By delivering a clear message (suggest a course of action) concerning specific issues to specific organizations ⑤ During a follow-up survey, it was shown that as a result of this approach, many of the important water actions in recent years have been launched and implemented in association with World Water Forum.
Cascade effects of the World Water Forum
Cascade effect of the World Water Fora to the global process
Resultant Global Process Contribution by the World Water Forum Announcement of World Water Vision and Regional Water Visions including Africa Water Vision, etc World Water Vision and Regional Water Visions were launched at the 2nd World Water Forum (2000) Agreement on the sanitation target of MDG after Bonn Conference on Freshwater (2001) Bonn International Conference on Freshwater (2001) was positioned as the “cross-point” of the UN process and Water Forum process. The recommendation of the Bonn Conference (i.e. setting a goal to halve population without access to basic sanitation) was agreed as the sanitation MDG at the Johannesburg Summit (2002). African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) Recommended in the African Water Vision announced at the 2nd World Water Forum and established in (Officially approved as the specialized council of the African Union in 2008) Camdessus Panel Report Recommended at the 2nd World Water Forum. Report was published at the 3rd World Water Forum (2003)
Similar Cascade effects of the 7th Forum is expected
Cascade effect of the World Water Fora to the global process Resultant Global Process Contribution by the World Water Forums UN Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation 3rd World Water Forum created momentum for its establishment (2004). Hashimoto Action Plan was launched at the WWF4 in 2006. UN World Water Development Report First report was launched at WWF3 (2003). Subsequent editions were launched at each Forum. Asia Pacific Water Forum Recommended at the 3rd World Water Forum and established in 2004. Gurria Panel Report Reports were launched at the WWF4 (2006) and subsequent Forums until the WWF6. High Level Experts Panel on Water and Disasters Action Plan was launched at WWF4 (2006). Istanbul Water Consensus Announced at the WWF5 (2009). Istanbul Water Forum WWF5 created momentum for establishment of Istanbul Water Forum (2009) Similar Cascade effects of the 7th Forum is expected
Cascade effects of World Water Forums
Regional WWF2 +Ministerial Conference Global African Water Vision MDG via Bonn Conference, WWDR, Camdessus Panel WWF3 + Scale, Region, e-based Asia Pacific Water Forum & NARBO UNSGAB, G8 Water Action Plan, Gurria Panel, & HLEP on Water and Disasters, PoA WWF4 + Parliament process WWF5 + Local governments Water Discussion in COP16 Istanbul Water Forum UN Res. on Right to Water, Istanbul Water Consensus WWF6 + Ministerial Discussion Joint Regional Process with WWF7 Water discussion in RIO +20, Water and Gender Day (tbd) WWF7 + Science & Technology
Stream of actions flows from 7th World Water Forum
Post-WWF7 Actions by “WWF3 Children”
Process Relations with WWF3 Achievements until WWF7 Activities at WWF7 Actions following WWF7 UNSGAB Created by UN-SG & chaired by WWF3 Chair International Year of Sanitation Intervention at all Ministerial Roundtable UNSGAB Final Report Asia-Pacific Water Forum Created by post-WWF3 Secretariat Asia Pacific Water Summits (1st & 2nd) Regional Process by APWF 3rd Asia Pacific Water Summit Network of Asian River Organization Founded at WWF3 NARBO Assemblies and Workshops NARBO Thematic Session on IWRM Workshops following up WWF7 outcome HELP (Water and Disasters) Founded by UNSGAB Action Plan, UN Special Envoy HELP High Level Session UN SG’s Session on W&D Tripartite Ministerial Meeting Founded at WWF6 Ministerial Statement Workshops Japan-Korea-China Ministerial Statement Joint Activities by Tripartite Cooperation Citizen’s Network Japan Created at WWF3 Expanding networks with country NGOs Thematic Session and cultural events Networking with NGOs in Korea, etc.
Asia Pacific Water Forum
Japan Water Forum Asia-Pacific Water Forum 1st APWS:Beppu, Japan in 2007 2nd APWS:Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2013 3rd APWS: (tbd) in 2017 Governing Council Chair: Tommy Koh Vice Chair: Erna Witoelar Ravi Narayana Water Summit Secretariat of APWF Secretariat of 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit APWS JWF APWF
1st Asia Pacific Water Summit Participation by the Heads of government
H.E. Mr. Tommy Esang Remengesau Jr President, Republic of Palau H.E. Mr. Anote Tong President, Republic of Kiribati H.E. Mr. Ludwig Scotty President, Republic of Nauru H.E. Mr. Emanuel Mori Premier, Federated States of Micronesia H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon President, Republic of Tajikistan Hon. Mr. Mititaiagimene Young Vivian Prime Minister, Niue Hon. Mr. Apisai Ielemia Prime Minister, Tuvalu H.E. Lyonpo Dr. Kinzang Dorji Prime Minister, Kingdom of Bhutan H.E. Mr. Dosbol Nur ulu Vice Prime Minister, Kyrgyz Republic
High Level Session on Water and Disasters at the 7th World Water Forum
High Level Experts and Leaders Panel (HLEP) was founded by Dr. Han Seung-soo, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea in 1997 as offshoot of WWF3/ UNSGAB to globally raise awareness and urge actions on water and disasters. HELP comprises Ministers, Heads of International organizations, private sector and NGOs. Date and venue: April 17, 2015 at WWF7, Daegu Organizer: HELP. Agenda: Opening Session: Opening Remarks by Dr. Han, Seung-Soo Key-note Video Message by HIH Crown Prince of Japan Launching ceremony High-level Panel Discussion: Facilitated by USACE (tbc) Closing
The 2nd United Nations Special Thematic Session on Water Disasters on Water and Disasters
Date; November, 2015 (tbc) Venue: The UN Headquarters, New York, U.S.A. Organizers: UN Secretary-General (tbc), High-level Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP) Agenda (tbc) Co-Chairs: UN Secretary-General and Dr. Han Seung-soo, UN Special Envoy on Disaster Risk Reduction and Water - Opening by UN-SG. Mr. Ban Ki-moon - Welcome Remarks by HELP Chair - Remarks by President of UN General Assembly - Key-note lecture - High-level Panel Discussion on Water and Disasters
Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO)
Global Knowledge Partners Regional Knowledge Partners Donors National, state,and local government agencies Sharing good experiences and information on the comprehensive management of water resources Capacity building for implementing the comprehensive management of water resources and effective implementation thereof Organizational structure of NARBO 84organizations from18countries in Asian monsoon area NARBO members Secretariat Japan Water Agency (JWA) Asian Development Bank (ADB) Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) International contribution through the participation in international conferences World Water Forum Asia-Pacific Water Summit 6th WWF in France, March, 2012 2nd APWS in Thailand, May, 2013 Creating and promoting the use of IWRM guidelines
Korea-Japan-China Trilateral cooperation on water
Trilateral Ministerial Meeting was held in WWF7 on April 13th Ministers announced Joint Statement in which three countries cooperate in knowledge exchange (science, water cycle and IWRM) and support to developing countries. Three countries will take action under the framework of Tripartite Cooperation in collaboration with Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (HQs in Seoul).
World Water Partnership
H.E. President Park called for creation of “World Water Partnership” in Opening Plenary of WWF7. The Concept of WWP: Organizer Countries of WWF1-WWF7 (Morocco, the Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Turkey, France, and Korea) to take the lead in improving global water situation. H.E. Minister Yu of MOLIT called for collaboration with Japan to formulate the Group in Korea-Japan Ministerial Meeting. Japan will take collaborative action to move forward for WWP.
Linking Forum Outcomes effectively
From WWF to global consensus on water
Regional/Thematic small-scale conference Function:Discuss regional actions, make issues clear, and establish discussion points Action:Discuss regional and interdisciplinary issues and establish discussion points Propose regional and thematic discussion points Direct encouragement and feedback Large-scale voluntary international conference (WWF7) Function:Propose international actions, raise awareness, and expand the number of concerned persons Action:Raise awareness concerning water actions, evoke media interest, suggest various proposals and discussion points, share experience, and deliver a collective message Take in the international actions alternatives Direct encourage-ment and feedback Small scale high level meeting (wise persons group) Function:Select priorities for international action, give authority and lobby Action:Establish discussion points for priority issues, select and propose priority actions, lobby UN and international organizations, and deliver a collective message Suggest and encourage priority actions UNGA / Official intergovernmental meeting Function:Build and implement consensus Action:Adoption of UN resolution, actions by member states and monitoring
Vertical/Horizontal connection of WWF outcomes
Main International Meeting Process Connections (e.g.) Other conference process Regional/thematic preparatory process for large-scale voluntary conference Database of regional meetings, discussions and actions Invitation of organizers of major regional meetings Other regional/ thematic conference processes Good practices Thematic outcomes Other large-scale voluntary conferences WWF7: Large-scale voluntary international conference Database of actions, discussion, and commitment Dialogue with other organizers Clear-cut message Actions alternatives Small-scale high level meeting (wise-persons group) Conference of the wise persons groups Cooperation with regional opinion leaders through the wise persons groups Wise persons groups of other sectors Propose and encourage priority actions UNGA / Official intergovernmental meeting
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