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Corporate Restructuring & Sustainability

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Restructuring & Sustainability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Restructuring & Sustainability
CS Manoj Sonawala Corporate Governance Professional, Mumbai, India.

2 Disclaimer : This presentation has nothing to do with my experience and exposure with TATA Group and any resemblance to any of the matter with any of the Tata Company/ies may be by pure coincidence and not intentional. Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

3 Due Credit : This presentation is based on various Notes / Papers/ Data / Information available in Public domain and not in particular from one source. Hence I give due credit to the Corporate, Secretarial, Legal & Governance fraternity of various Companies, Government Agencies, Institutions, NGOs and other entities operating in this domain and contributing on various Websites, Social and other mediums. Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

4 Corporate Restructuring
SUSTAINABILITY Expansion Mergers and Acquisitions Tender Offers Asset Acquisition Joint Ventures Contraction Spin offs Split offs Divestitures Equity carve-outs Assets sale Corporate Control Takeover defenses Share repurchases Exchange offers Proxy contests Changes in Ownership Structures Leveraged buyout Junk Bonds Going Private ESOPs and MLPs Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

5 Principles of Good Corporate Governance
Companies that have followed principles of Good Corporate Governance have Consistently earned high returns, increased their net worth and enhanced their shareholders wealth. Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

6 Evidence from McKinsey Survey
In companies with good corporate governance, based on parameters of : Accountability, Disclosure, Transparency and Shareholder equality, investors were willing to pay a premium of 28% on the shares of such companies. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

7 Market Value and Funding
The quality of the governance standards leads not only to attracting investors, but also to enhancing the value of the company in the marketplace and makes the funding for growth much easier. Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

8 Non - financial Disclosures
Business reporting covers mainly financial information. Non-financial disclosures are equally important to stakeholders and hence Sustainability Report may include apart from Economic Performance Environmental Performance Social Performance Governance Performance Value Statements CSR Initiatives

9 Sustainability Reporting
It is emerging as the most common practice these days, which once used to be a part of few green or community oriented companies. It has emerged as a part of one of the best practices to be followed by corporate giants for getting recognised in terms of socially responsible players and rewarded in terms of financials.

10 ESG Performance Reporting
Corporate sustainability is a business approach that creates long-term shareholder value by embracing opportunities and managing risk deriving from economic, environmental and social developments. A sustainability report is an organizational report that gives information about economic, environmental, social and governance performance.

11 Integration with Global Economies
So, the corporations and corporate governance, which have remained the matters of domestic policy interest for many decades, have moved to forefront of international thinking with the gradual integration of global economies. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

12 Unity in Diversity While attempting to strike a balance between aspirations, value conflicts, competitive and performance pressures, one should be guided by the values of integrity, understanding, excellence, unity and responsibility. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

13 Legal & Social Licnese Corporate governance is increasingly being seen not just as a mechanism to ensure accountability (where one is liable to render an account) but also as a mechanism to demonstrate responsibility (where one is liable to be called to account). Where formerly Boards sought only a "legal" license to operate, today Boards also demand a 'social license' to operate. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

14 Performance and Conformance
The emphasis today is on balancing the need for performance (short run) and conformance (to the expectations of various other stakeholder groups). This can be achieved only through adoption of an inclusive approach where relevant stakeholder groups are identified and engaged on a continual basis. The current governance paradigm, where transparency is inversely proportional to trust, is untenable simply because infinite transparency does not guarantee high trust. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

15 Stakeholders’ Balancing Value
In the changed paradigm, good governance encompasses not just Board Practices but also a clear demonstration of commitment to social responsibility, business ethics and balancing value for all stakeholders. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

16 Goodwill or Reputation
Evoking trust among stakeholders simplifies decision-making for them in the context of the business, thereby generating goodwill for the company. Globally, the realisation that Goodwill or Reputation is essential for the longevity of corporations has emerged recently. Source : - Mickinsey Global Investor Opinion Survey on Corporate Governance, 2002 Copy CS Manoj Sonawala

17 THANK YOU !!! Questions?
Mumbai – India

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