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How many members are there in the U. S

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1 How many members are there in the U. S
How many members are there in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate? (139) What is a “term” and a “session” of Congress? (138) Every ten years after each , Congress reapportions or changes the number of representatives given to each state.(139) Bell ringer 18 1

2 DEMOCRATS 14 REPUBLICANS 38 2nd period election results (groups)
States Electoral votes R pop votes D pop votes State 1 7 3 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 4 State 5 State 6 10 State 7 3* 2 Total 52 17 *governor tiebreaker vote 14 President- Willie Bates Vice President-Edjanay Johnson REPUBLICANS 38 President-Chase Guilmino Vice President-Jacob Ralser 27/52 ELECTORAL VOTES NEEDED TO WIN THE CLASS PRESIDENCY WINNER OF POPULAR VOTE IN EACH STATE GETS ALL THE STATE’S ELECTORAL VOTES

3 DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS 3rd period election results (groups) States
Electoral votes R pop votes D pop votes State 1 5 State 2 State 3 3 State 4 State 5 State 6 State 7 Total 33 *tiebreaker President- Evan Keller Vice President- Asia Cannon REPUBLICANS President-Regan Robert Vice President- Mason Leblanc 17/33 ELECTORAL VOTES NEEDED TO WIN THE CLASS PRESIDENCY WINNER OF POPULAR VOTE IN EACH STATE GETS ALL THE STATE’S ELECTORAL VOTES


5 Congressional Membership
100 Members (2 per state) 6 year term before re-election 30 years old, resident of state, 9 years a citizen Majority leader usually leads business of choosing bills to pass Vice President is President of the Senate (breaks ties) President Pro-Tempore is oldest member of the majority party 435 Members (based on state population) 2 year term before re-election 25 years old, resident of state and district, 7 years a citizen Speaker of the House is leader Rules Committee is most powerful group

6 Census every 10 years Reapportionment Redistricting

7 The word gerrymander was used for the first time in the Boston Gazette in The word was created in reaction to a redrawing of Massachusetts Congressional election districts under the then-Governor Elbridge Gerry.  Governor Gerry signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts to benefit his Democratic-Republican Party. When mapped, one of the contorted districts in the Boston area was said to resemble the shape of a salamander.

8 Executive and Legislative Leadership

9 President Donald Trump

10 Vice-President Mike Pence

11 Speaker of The House Paul Ryan

12 President Pro-Tempore
Orrin Hatch

13 Mitch McConnel Chuck Shumer Nancy Pelosi Kevin McCarthy House Senate
Majority Leaders Nancy Pelosi Chuck Shumer Minority Leaders

14 John Cornyn Richard Durbin Steny Hoyer Steve Scalise House Senate
Majority Whips Richard Durbin Steny Hoyer Minority Whips

15 How a Bill Becomes a Law Public bill private bill Public bill,
revenue bill impeachment Public bill, private bill Conference Committees Standing Committees Select Committees Standing Committees Select Committees

16 How a bill becomes a law But first….

17 17

18 Lobbyists 18

19 How a Bill Becomes a Law Public bill private bill Public bill,
revenue bill impeachment Bill is written by a Representative, or other group Bill is written by a Senator, or other group Public bill, private bill Representative introduces the bill to the Hopper and it is numbered Senator introduces the bill to Majority Leader and it is numbered Conference Committees Bill goes to Committee Action (change, kill-pigeonhole, approve) Negotiate two different versions of a bill from each house into one bill Bill goes to Committee Action (change, kill-pigeonhole, approve) Standing Committees Select Committees Standing Committees Select Committees Bill goes to Floor Action (read, debate, change, vote) Bill goes to Floor Action (read, debate, change, vote Bill transferred to Senate if approved in the House or to President if approved from Senate Bill transferred to House if approved in the Senate or to President if approved from House 2/3 override vote of a Presidential veto 2/3 override vote of a Presidential veto To The President for signing or veto, pocket veto or allowing to become law without signing

20 Pigeon Hole

21 Bell ringer 19 What does the system of checks and balances do for our three branches of government? (91) Use the chart provided to you to list 1 check or balance that each branch has on the other. (91-92) 21

22 Executive (President) Legislative (Congress)
Checks and Balances Executive (President) Legislative (Congress) Judicial (Courts) Check on Legislative Check on Executive Same Check on Executive and Legislative Check on Judicial

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