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Anti – Bullying Presentation Monday 3 November

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1 Anti – Bullying Presentation Monday 3 November
Eco Schools Health & Well Being element This isAuchinairn Pupil Council

2 Children have described bullying as:
*being called names *being teased *being hit, pushed, pulled, pinched or kicked *having their bag, mobile or other possessions taken *receiving abusive text messages or s *being forced to hand over money *being forced to do things they don’t want to do *being ignored or left out *being attacked because of religion, gender, sexuality, disability, appearance or ethnic or racial origin.

3 Auchinairn says No to Bullying
Keep safe by:- Tell someone about it – friend, family, staff Use Peer mediation – speak and sort it out! Use the Worries & Suggestions folder – a note!

4 We are all on the same team!
All of these well-known people were bullied in some way at school. Ms Dynamite, Tom Cruise, Gareth Gates, David Beckham, Sarah Cox and many others. We are all on the same team!

5 Keep healthy and safe Say No to Bullies!

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