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Politics & Globalization

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1 Politics & Globalization

2 Power: Hyperglobalizers v. Skeptics
Hyperglobalizers Westphalian state is dead Now econ. key Non-state actors matter Econ.  state’s fate Differs from neoliberalism Skeptics continued strong state Contemporary glob. = continuation of trend Reversible

3 Chicken & Egg: Politics or Economics?
Economic openness Trade liberalization Deregulation States not powerless Set laws, make treaties Borders cooperation

4 Global Governance Where authority lies: States IGOs NGOs
MNCs -Laws -Protocols -Norms = Regime Where authority lies: Sovereign states Deregulation MNCs IGOs NGOs Lack sovereignty persuade others Push gl. civil society Regime

5 What do you think? State or economy centered world?

6 Arctic & Global Governance
Model IGO to new Cold War Arctic Council Defined territory Jurisdiction over resources Legal norms under treaties Interactive decision making organization Relations less hostile UNTIL….[enter Putin]

7 Arctic Evidence of Globalization
Political Gl. gov. Regional coop. Nationalism issues Security concerns Economic Trade routes Hydrocarbons, mineral deposits Marine, fishing Need for telecomm. access in AC

8 Arctic Evidence of Globalization (cont.)
Human Rights Native fishing populations in Arctic Immigration/ work visas Environment Resource depletion Impact of development Common good  Tragedy of the commons Pollution

9 Recap Glob. challenges the state State autonomy v. gl. gov.
Int’l law, regimes Integration of cultures Political borders Global supply/demand Dominant NEM

10 Paper 1 Read the following articles about the Olympics: London 2012, Sochi 2014, Lake Placid 1980 Discuss each concept using the Olympics to highlight relevance to the real world: Globalization, global social consciousness, justice globalism, market globalism, and religious globalism Format your paper as follows: Introduction: Brief overview in own words of key points about challenges and issues related to the Olympics (Better introductions collectively discuss points v. each article in turn) Body: One paragraph for each concept: In own words, explain concept, issues associated with the Olympics, give specific examples as support Conclusion: Briefly reiterate key points as to how the Olympics suggests a move toward globalization 1,250 word max; exceed it = 5% for each additional block of 25 words Submit to BB, by 4:45, Oct. 2. saved as your last name, Paper 1, or 2 point deduction. Follow the Standard Format for Written Work

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