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Labor market situation in Czech republic

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1 Labor market situation in Czech republic
Course assignment for the Labor Economics course Supervisor: Doc. dr. sc. Perica Vojinić Author: Martin Palatka

2 Introduction: Theoretical background
Labor force participation rate Employment rate Unemployment rate

3 Labor force participation rate
labor force/working age population (%) Factors: The wages on offer (+) Social attitudes to working women (+) Provision for the care of children and elderly (+) Social attitudes and providions for the disabled to work (+) Proportion of school leavers who go for higher education (-) EU: positive trend OECD average: 71,32 %

4 Employment rate Employed/working age population (%) Factors:
Attitudes to working women + disabled (+) Participation in post-compulsory education (-) Preferred age of retirement (+) Gap between wages and benefits (+) OECD average: 65 %

5 Unemployment rate unemployed people/labor force (%)
Natural rate of unemployment: Frictional unemployment Structural unemployment Willing unemployment Cyclical unemployment Factors: Job finding rate (+) Separation rate (-)

6 Unemployment rate (2) Phillips curve Okun‘s law NAIRU

7 Main work Participation rate comparisons Employment rate comparisons
World Bank, OECD Employment rate comparisons Eurostat Unemployment rate compariosns V4 countries Czech republic Slovakia Poland Hungary Croatia

8 Participation rate comparisons

9 Gender gaps in p. rate

10 Employment rate comparisons

11 Gender gaps in e. rate

12 Unemployment rate comparisons

13 Gender gaps in u. rate

14 U. rate for education levels 0–2

15 U. rate for education levels 3–4

16 U. rate for education levels 5–8

17 Legislation and policies
Labor legislation in Czech republic Policies EU policies Czech policies

18 Labor legislation in Czech republic
Labor Code (no. 262/2006) Collective Negotiations Law (no. 435/2004) Employment Law (no. 435/2004) Law of securing safety conditions and health protection at work (no. 309/2006) Law of Labor Inspection (no. 251/2005) Health Insurance Law (no. 187/2006)

19 EU employment policies
Social policy and employment – part of the former 1st column of EU (the European Communities) Responsibility mainly on EU members governments Financing: ESF (European Social Fund) EGF (European Globalization Adjustment Fund) FEAD (Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived) EURES (EURopean Employment Service)

20 Policies in Czech republic
Active policies: Improving of labor market infrastructure Support of creating new job vacancies Improving labor force adaptibility Passive policies Unemployment benefits Financing: state budget, social insurance, structural funds

21 Policies in Czech republic (2)
State level (Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs) Regional level (14 coordinating labor offices) County level (77 labor offices in former counties) Employment Law (no. 435/2004) – coordination and execution of employment policy Since 90s of 20th century – coordination with EU and Lisboa strategy

22 Thank you for your attention

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