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Regulatory Cooperation – Stakeholder Submissions

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1 Regulatory Cooperation – Stakeholder Submissions

2 Outline RCC work plans Key elements of submissions Next steps

3 RCC Work Plans Work plans describe specific areas for regulatory cooperation Developed bilaterally between regulators Informed by stakeholders Provide transparency on department to department commitments Many factors are considered including: Potential to enhance regulatory efficiency while preserving regulatory objectives Tangible benefits and impacts on regulated parties and consumers Support from impacted stakeholders Stakeholder submissions play a critical role in the development of RCC work plans

4 Issue Critical Elements of Submissions Context Objectives Priorities
Impacts Bi-national support

5 Submissions – Defining the Issue
Succinctly articulate area of concern or emerging area for alignment Describe current or potential mis-alignment, including costs Briefly explain potential benefits of resolving the concern Explain how issue is a regulatory matter e.g. regulatory requirement, related to regulatory development or implementation Issue Key Objectives: Clearly identify the concern and the broad benefits of resolution

6 Submissions – Setting the Context
Set out both Canadian and U.S. market context and competitive conditions If relevant, summary of emerging market trends and evolution of sector Describe considerations around the timeliness of resolution Context Key Objectives: Provide information that supports understanding the impacts of mis-alignment in the current or emerging market conditions

7 Submissions – Defining Objectives
Identify objectives Where appropriate, delineate short, medium and longer term goals Provide potential solutions Objectives Key Objectives: Outline objectives, timeframes and potential solutions

8 Identifying Priorities
Submissions – Identifying Priorities Identifying Priorities Prioritize where more than one initiative is proposed or objectives are defined on different timescales Consider proposals in other regulatory cooperation work plans Priorities Key Objectives: Communicate priorities within a proposal and between regulatory cooperation fora

9 Submissions – Describing Impacts
Articulate impacts on consumers, industry and others Increased product choice, timelier market access, decreased consumer/industry costs, time savings, increased product quality, more efficient and effective use of resources ($, people) Where possible, quantify Provide underlying analysis and evidence, where possible Impacts Key Objectives: Support understanding the specific impacts of action

10 Submissions – Outlining Support
Bi-national Support Where possible, demonstrate bi-national and broad support Consider joint submissions or multiple submissions proposing the same objectives by organizations on both sides of the border and over multiple associations and interest groups Bi-national Support Key Objectives: Demonstrate degree of bi-national and stakeholder support

11 Submissions – Next Steps
Send your submissions to Consult for formal calls for submissions to support work plan development

12 Thank you

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