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Single Tank System FV Desired liquid level: 5 cm (0.05 m)

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2 Single Tank System FV Desired liquid level: 5 cm (0.05 m)
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System FV Desired liquid level: 5 cm (0.05 m) Required inflow rate: ? m3/s (11.9 l/s) LI A : cross-sectional area of the tank a : cross-sectional area of the pipe

3 Single Tank System: 3 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 3 Rules Desired liquid level okay high low 1 no change open fast close fast –30 – 1 Liquid level [cm] Valve control signal [%/s] FC with 3 Rules Rule 1: IF level is okay, THEN valve is no change. Rule 2: IF level is low, THEN valve is open fast. Rule 3: IF level is high, THEN valve is close fast.

4 Single Tank System: 3 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 3 Rules Simulation in Simulink Liquid level Valve control signal Valve opening

5 Single Tank System: 3 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 3 Rules Subsystem Valve Subsystem Single-Tank Double-click a subsystem block to see the elements inside

6 Fuzzy Logic Controller in Simulink
Fuzzy Control Fuzzy Logic Controller in Simulink In Matlab workspace, design the fuzzy controller using fuzzy inference system (FIS) editor. Export the fuzzy logic controller to workspace, give name. File > Export > To Workspace, (i.e. : STFC_3) In Simulink, create a new model. Open the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and drag “Fuzzy Logic Controller” to the new model. Double-click the “FLC” and insert the name given to the controller above.

7 Single Tank System: 3 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 3 Rules Evaluation “overshoot” too large slow response

8 Single Tank System: 5 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 5 Rules no change open fast close fast –30 –20 – 1 open slow close slow okay high low 1 Liquid level [cm] Valve control signal [%/s] zero positive negative – – 1 Rate of liquid level [cm/s]

9 Single Tank System: 5 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 5 Rules no change – – Valve control signal [%/s] –30–20 – Liquid level [cm] Rate of liquid level [cm/s] okay high low 1 zero positive negative open fast close fast open slow close slow FC with 5 Rules Rule 1: IF level is okay, THEN valve is no change. Rule 2: IF level is low, THEN valve is open fast. Rule 3: IF level is high, THEN valve is close fast. Rule 4: IF level is okay AND rate is negative, THEN valve is open slow. Rule 5: IF level is okay AND rate is positive, THEN valve is close slow.

10 Single Tank System: 5 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 5 Rules FIS Editor Simulink

11 Single Tank System: 5 Rules
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: 5 Rules With all other factors stay the same, a better fuzzy control behavior and performance can be achieved by the combination of: Redefining existing membership functions. Refining existing rule. Adding new membership functions and new rules. acceptable “overshoot” Liquid level faster response Valve control signal Valve opening

12 Single Tank System: Feedback Control
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: Feedback Control How if the desired liquid level should be changed to 10 cm? 7 cm? 12 cm? Error e Set point r + FV Measured variable y LI Practical solution: Error signal as the input to the fuzzy controller.

13 Single Tank System: Feedback Control
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Single Tank System: Feedback Control e < 0 . e > 0 . e < 0 e > 0 – – zero positive negative 1 zero positive negative – – 1 Error of liquid level [cm] Rate of error [cm/s] no change open fast close fast –30 –20 – 1 open slow close slow Valve control signal [%/s]

14 Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Parameter Settings In case your simulation of the fuzzy logic control does not run, try to change this parameter settings. Go to File>Preferences

15 Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Parameter Settings Continue to Configuration Defaults>Optimization, und change the check sign as indicated by the arrow below.

16 Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Homework 11 Implement the fuzzy logic controller as a feedback control for the single tank system in Matlab-Simulink. Apply the 5 rule version with the corresponding membership functions. Test the control loop to follow the reference trajectory as shown below. r [cm] 6 5 4 t [s] Reference trajectory Method Settings

17 Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Homework 11A A DC motor is a common actuator in control system. The input to this device is a voltage given in Volt and the output is the rotation speed given in rad/s. The electric circuit of a DC motor and its rotor is shown on the lower left figure. A model of the DC motor in Matlab Simulink is also provided, as shown through the lower right figure.

18 Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Control Homework 11A In case there is no load change, the DC motor will rotate with a constant speed. If the load is changed, the supplied voltage must be adjusted so that adequate current may flow and the desired rotation speed can be achieved. Design a fuzzy logic control that will maintain the motor to rotate with the velocity of Student-ID/10 rad/s. Embed the controller in the Matlab-Simulink file. Submit the softcopy (*.fis, *.mdl) and the hardcopy (screenshots of *.fis, *.mdl and scope)

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