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Day 14 In class.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 14 In class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 14 In class

2 Today Are all cost allocations arbitrary? Joint cost allocation
Irrelevance of Post-split-off decision making Why allocate at all? Flexible budgets and performance evaluation Comparing the Flexible Budget to Actuals Comparing the Master & Flexible Budgets

3 Today Are all cost allocations arbitrary? Joint cost allocation
Irrelevance of Post-split-off decision making Why allocate at all? Flexible budgets and performance evaluation Comparing the Flexible Budget to Actuals Comparing the Master & Flexible Budgets

4 Are all cost allocations arbitrary?
Yes …

5 Joint cost allocation Irrelevant Why? Why do we do it then?
What should we do?

6 Post-split-off decision making
Produce profit maximizing bundle of output How to identify? Compare post-split-off costs to incremental revenues Can we control the mix? How hard do we press the fruit? Oranges, olives, grapes …

7 Why allocate at all? People like doing silly things
Changing the system is costly We want managers to internalize price signals

8 Flexible budgets and performance evaluation
Comparing the Flexible Budget to Actuals Price variance Actual Output * Expected Price/Unit minus Actual Output * Actual Price/Unit Efficiency Variance Actual Output * Expected Consumption/Unit * Expected Price/Unit of Input minus Actual Output * Actual Consumption/Unit * Expected Price/Unit of Input

9 Comparing the Master & Flexible Budgets
Variable costs will differ by the amount of the expected cost of the volume of units over or under-produced Fixed costs will not change … This is a pure volume (activity) variance.

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