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Strategies for Building an Effective Team April 23, 2015

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1 Strategies for Building an Effective Team April 23, 2015


3 WELCOME Reminders: Please mute your device once you join the call
Remember to raise your hands for questions or write a message in text box We will give everyone a chance to ask questions at the end of the presentation Chaqueta

4 WELCOME Reminders: If you are using more than one device for this webinar, please do not place next to each other, to reduce echoing or feedback. Make sure your speakers are turned on. Chaqueta

Participants will learn basic strategies for building effective teams and will share their experience with teams in their self advocacy organization.


7 POLL QUESTION #1 Does your statewide self advocacy organization have the team skills it needs to be successful?

8 Teambuilding Strategies
Communication Purpose of your organization Your organization’s goals and objectives Experience and skills Being Respectful

9 Communication Great communication keeps team members from giving up on the project because they don’t understand the whole purpose. Example: Have meeting to discuss activity progress Stay connected by or phone

10 Purpose of your organization
What is your organization’s mission statement What is your organization's vision statement

11 Your organization’s goals and objectives
Review: Goal is the long term vision of your organization (1-3 goals) Objective is a short term activities to reach that goal (steps to work on goals)

12 Experience and skills The purpose of putting a team together, is to group together people that have specific skills to complete a specific project. You can pick people you know are hard workers or give new members a chance to learn and to contribute to the team. Learn from each other

13 Being Respectful For a group a people to function as a productive team, there has to be a commitment from each team member to the team.

14 Your role on the team The hardest attitude to understand is that your role on a team “it’s not about you.” It is about doing the job you have on this project’s team to accomplish the goal.

15 Every role on the team is important
You will be a part of many projects You will have many chances to be in difference roles on the team Sometimes you will lead, sometimes support, but you will always be important to the success of the team

16 When team members don’t feel valued
Did we give people the ok to do more? Or did we say you only need to bring some plates, napkins and drinks to the event. Then, get mad when they show up with only that. What about “I went ahead and did it.” You ask a committee to design the flyer. They complete it by the next meeting. You got nervous and made your own. You look at their draft, say, “that’s great. But, I think we will use the one I created. Don’t you think it is much better?” It may be faster to do it yourself but what are the cost to the team?

17 You can help the project succeed
Be honest about what you can do, don’t promise more than you have time to give If someone doesn’t do their work the project, someone else will have to do it If you know you need some help to complete an activity “speak up” while there is still time for the group to make a better match to your skills

18 What can you do? What areas as a team player can you improve on?
What areas in your work or personal life can you see the value of team building?


20 STATE QUESTIONS 1. Has your self advocacy organization ever attended a team building training before? 2. Rate your self advocacy group’s team effectiveness and why. STRONG OKAY NEEDS WORK COULD BE BETTER

21 ALABAMA COMMENTS Attended training N, not recently Rate: OKAY Why: we come together and come up with ideas, complete our goals, sometimes members follow through

22 ARKANSAS COMMENTS Attended training N Rate: NEEDS WORK Why: because of communication problems, we are not together, no clear mission and goals for the group

23 FLORIDA COMMENTS Attended training Y Rate: STRONG Why: we work together, attended training on important issues such transportation and employment

24 GEORGIA COMMENTS Attended training Y Rate: STRONG Why: we work together, at our regular board meetings, long road home

Attended training Y or N Rate: Why:

26 OKLAHOMA COMMENTS Attended training Y Rate: STRONG
Why: we go to capital, rally together, advocate for our groups with each other, the SALT training has helped

Attended training N, as of yet Rate: STRONG, NEEDS WORK Why: monthly meetings, bring ideas at the table and discuss at the group and our participation, focus our objectives and vote on what we want to do, need members to be more engaged and be a part of the team

28 TENNESSEE COMMENTS Attended training: I don’t know Rate: OKAY Why: all of the people involved invested in working well together


30 DATES TO REMEMBER July 5 Submit 3nd Quarter Invoice, 2nd Vlog due and quarterly report on progress on Plan September 17 Advisory Meeting-GoToMeeting September 19 Submit 4th Quarter Invoice quarterly report on Plan

31 Next OCSS Webinars 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 p.m. CST
Webinar dates Topic June 18, 2015 Strategies for Membership Recruitment July 16, 2015 Steps in Organizing Around an Issue August 20, 2015 Partnerships Outside of the Disability Community September 2015 Institutions

32 THANK YOU! Regional Self Advocacy Technical Assistance Center Funded by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

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