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Civic Practicum: Project Design and Proposal Writing

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Presentation on theme: "Civic Practicum: Project Design and Proposal Writing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civic Practicum: Project Design and Proposal Writing
A team-building exercise to learn how to plan for effective development initiatives Lecture 1: Course Introduction

2 Course Introduction Practicum = Practical Experience
Project Design and Proposal Writing Course Objectives Experience the Team Building process Learn to use Tools for Planning Development Projects Learn to write a Project Proposal Lead a Project Presentation

3 The Project Cycle Project Planning Stage

4 Why do we plan for development projects?

5 Development Disasters
Read your development disaster story. Clarify words that you do not understand. Then, discuss in your group: What went wrong? What could the development agents have done to make their project more effective?

6 What part of the project cycle needed to be improved in order to avoid a development disaster?

7 Why should we plan our development projects?
To make sure that you are addressing one of the most important problems To make sure your project will meet the goals that you want to achieve To make sure that the you involve the people who will be affected by the project (all perspectives) To prepare in advance for problems that you think you might face Etc…

8 Suggestions for NGOs or CBOs
Think about good advice for any NGO that would like to do a development project Advise them on: What should they think about before they begin? What questions should they answer before they begin? What should they consider about the project site and community? What should they consider about their own organization? What should they consider about the donor’s perspective? Remember the 5 W’s.

9 How do we plan development projects?

10 Things to think about when planning a project…

11 To solve a problem, please remember to “Mind the G.A.P.P.”

12 Project Design and Proposal Writing
What is project design? The process of deciding what is the best project to do for a community based on the current situation and problems and then planning that project. This process is written down in a Project Design Document. What is a project proposal? A project proposal is a document used to request funding from a donor. It includes your completed project design tools and fully explains your project and your organization. Planning Getting Funds

13 Objective Hierarchy and Activity Description
Project Design Tools Key Question Project Design Tool In general, what is the current situation of the community? (Economic, Physical, Social, Environmental, etc) Situation Analysis What is the focal problem that this project will focus on? What are the causes and effects for that problem? Problem Analysis What will the project do? Why will did you chose those activities? What is the project trying to achieve? Objective Hierarchy and Activity Description Who will be affected by the project and how will they be affected? Stakeholder Analysis What are the ways that will help your organization to know if your project is achieving its goals? Logical Framework (Log Frame)

14 How will you communicate and inform people involved with the project?
Key Question Project Design Tool What are the step-by-step tasks and responsibilities that need to be completed to do this project? Action Plan How will you communicate and inform people involved with the project? Communication Plan How will you make sure that the project is sustainable? How will the positive change continue when your project has left? Project Sustainability How will you know if your project is on track? How will you know if your project is a success? After the project is finished, what information will tell you that the project objectives have been met? Monitoring and Evaluation Plan How much money and resources will you need for the project? Budget

15 The Project Flow Chart

16 The Project Design Process
The Logical Approach (Results Based Approach) Moves from Project Concept to Implementation Choosing Activities DOES NOT come first Not a one-way path – a good development planner is always reflecting on and modifying the pieces of the project plan. Multiple tools can be used at the same time.

17 Practicum – Team Project
Project Proposal Mandatory Team Project/Group Work Certificate based on team project completion

18 Civic Practicum Class Requirements Time-line
Consultations and advisors Other resources

19 CDCE Project Proposal Outline
Cover Page Table of Contents Project Summary (including Project Title, Location, Goal and Objectives, Main Activities, Total Budget) Situation Analysis Problem Analysis, Problem Tree Stakeholder Analysis SWOT Analysis Project Goal, Objectives, Objective Tree Organizational Background Activities Description Action Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Sustainability Plan Logical Framework Budget Annexes (optional) I know what you are thinking… YIKES!

20 Don’t Worry… You will have 2 months, many lectures and a team to help you!

21 Guidelines for choosing teams
Groups of 3 (or 4 possibly) people PLEASE Consider… Interest in a common issue Work Experience English Ability Workable Ideas Gender, Age Regions Include everyone! Come to class tomorrow with an IDEA of your group and the general issue(s) you want to address. After a review, we will finalize the groups.

22 Guidelines for choosing projects
Selection of Place and/or Issue that you or your team know Project Should make sense in the CONTEXT To make your project truly useful for the community, please consider All the things you have learned in class so far… Community Empowerment Ownership Sustainability Creativity ( first-54-seconds-that-s-all-i-ask-you-ll-be-hooked- after-that-i-swear)

23 Before we begin with Project Design
Let’s consider…. What is a “Community”?

24 Is this a community? Why or why not?

25 Is this a community? Why or why not?

26 Is this a community? Why or why not?

27 Is this a community? Why or why not?

28 Is this a community? Why or why not?
World’s Religions HIV Rate around the World

29 Communities… Do not have to be geographically connected to have similar interests, situations, and challenges. There are common bonds in communities that can help them to learn from each other Communities are not always homogoneous (the same) The definition of “community” can change depending on your perspective.

30 Kinds of Communities Local Communities Communities of Interest
Imagined Communities **Think about which community you want to address in your project and how other communities can be helpful.

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