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2 Each programme pack is split into the following zones:
What’s in the Pack? Each programme pack is split into the following zones: Information Zone Activity Zone Award Zone Each of the Anchor and Junior Programme packs contains over 100 new activities and ideas for leaders to use with their Anchor Boys and Juniors. Each programme pack is split into three main areas: Information Zone Activity Zone Award Zone Each pack will also contain a CD

3 Information Zone What is Anchors/Juniors?
What is the role of the leader? Safety and risk assessments Programme planning Accessibility Administration and record keeping Information Zone: this has information for leaders on how to run a successful section, programme planning, accessibility, leader development and training, safety and child protection, and administration and record keeping This section links with other BB publications and policies including BB regulations, ‘Safe from Harm’ (the BB’s policies for child protection) and the ‘Safety Handbook

4 Activity Zone Body - fit for fun Mind - think and do
Spirit - God and me Community - me and my world Creativity - make and do Programmes on a Plate Extras The Activity Zone contains all the programme material and ideas for you to use under the five main headings of: Body - fit for fun Mind - think and do Spirit - God and me Community – me and my world Creativity – make and do There are some themed activities in ‘Programme on a Plate’, and additional resources in ‘Extras’

5 Body ‘fit for fun’ Team Games Relay Games Parachute Games
Musical Games Group Games Story Games Ball Games ……….. And more! “Body – fit for fun”: contains a range of games and physical activities

6 Mind ‘think and do’ Word searches Quizzes Thinking and
Observation Games Problem Solving and Puzzles Treasure Hunts Hobbies and Interests Figure Marching “Mind – think and do”: has puzzles, problem solving, quizzes, thinking and observation games, and for the Juniors, figure marching, hobbies and interests

7 Spirit ‘God and me’ Bible Stories and Characters Devotional Ideas
Songs Prayers Christian Festivals “Spirit – God and me”: has material for devotions, prayers, Bible stories and characters, and Christian festivals

8 Community ‘me and my world’
International Environment Safety Helping People Nature and Animals Visits “Community – me and my world”: activities that cover nature and animals, environment, safety, trips and visits, the local church, and helping people

9 Creativity ‘make and do’
Crafts Music Cooking Mime and drama The crafts come complete with templates and instructions “Creativity – make and do”: ideas for crafts, cooking, mime and drama, and music. This section has all the templates that you need for the various crafts

10 Programmes on a Plate Each pack contains ten ready-to-use programmes which include: Crafts Games Devotional ideas Music / Drama “Programme on a Plate”: ten ready to use ideas for theme nights

11 Extras Clipart Ideas for Displays
External Resource Suggestions – books, web sites, etc “Extras”: details of useful web sites for games, crafts, devotions and music, clip art material for you to copy and use, ideas for displays and parents nights

12 Award Zone Awards Information and User Guide Award Chart Certificates
Badges Record Cards Award Zone: contains information and a user guide about the new Anchor Activity Scheme, which can be used for the time a boy is in Anchors, and the new Junior Award scheme. This Zone also has details of certificates, badges, an award chart and stickers and record cards.

13 Activity Table Participation in any activity within the
Age 5/6 Age 6/7 Age 7/8 BODY 2 3 MIND SPIRIT COMMUNITY CREATIVITY ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Total Activities 12 18 Award Green Red Blue Activity Table Anchor Activity Scheme: requires a number of activities to be undertaken from each of the five headings, this scheme is optional; companies do not have to use it. The programme for Anchors is still very much based on having fun. These activities would be spaced over the term or the session and be done within your “normal” section programme. The additional activities can either be done as a free choice for those activities boys like to do best, or those that the leaders feel more comfortable with. The Anchor pack has a list of suggested activities for leaders to use for the Activity Scheme, but leaders will be free to choose their own topics for the Activity scheme. There are no set levels of attainment for the Anchor Activity scheme, leaders will know their boys well enough to determine that they are trying their best and learning new skills and activities through the Activity scheme. Total = 48 activities over three years Participation in any activity within the relevant section of the ‘Activity Zone’ counts as an Award Topic.

14 FAQ’S Q: Why are we introducing an Activity Scheme for Anchors?
Q: Is there a syllabus for the Anchors Scheme? Q: If the Activity Scheme is over 3 years, what happens to late joiners? Q: I only work with 6 to 8 year olds; can my boys only gain two badges? Anchors FAQ’s: NB, the answers to these and other questions are covered in the FAQ’s handout included with ‘Anchor and Junior Programme Launch’ material Why are we introducing an activity scheme for Anchors? The programme review group carried out a number of consultations with those who work with Anchor Boys, there was an overwhelming request for a badge scheme for this age group, but the Activity scheme is optional. The focus is still on a fast moving programme which is fun. Is there a syllabus for the scheme? The Anchor pack has a list of suggested activities for leaders to use for the Activity Scheme, but leaders will be free to choose their own topics for the Activity scheme. There are no set levels of attainment for the Anchor Activity scheme, leaders will know their boys well enough to determine that they are trying their best and learning new skills and activities through the Activity scheme. If the Activity scheme is over three years, what happens to late joiners? This is up to companies to decide. However, the scheme is not progressive in difficulty so ideally the newcomer would join in with his peer group on the badge currently being worked towards. I only work with 6 to 8 year olds, can my boys only gain two badges? For Anchor Boys, the focus is on fun, not badges. The Activity Scheme recognizes participation and attendance. It should be possible to achieve 24 topics in 12 months, and thereby gain 3 badges in 2 years if Companies wish to do this. However, leaders should always work at the pace of the boys, not rush them through in order to gain badges. It is suggested that you take open questions after the presentation when leaders have had an opportunity to look through the material. Many of the questions they might ask as covered in the Information Zone and Award Zone

15 Target Age 8/9 Age 9/10 Age 10/11 BODY 1 3 MIND SPIRIT COMMUNITY CREATIVITY ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES 5 Total activities 10 20 Award Bronze Silver Gold Award Table Juniors Award scheme: The Award Scheme for Juniors requires a number of activities to be undertaken from each of the five headings, this scheme is optional; companies do not have to use it. Its structure is very similar to ‘Go for Gold’ but is more flexible. The weekly programme for Juniors will usually have an award time, although many of the games and physical activities can be included in your usual programme night. The additional activities can either be done as a free choice for those activities boys like to do best, or those that the leaders feel more comfortable with. The Junior pack has a range of suggested activities for the award scheme with outline syllabuses for leaders to follow. Total = 55 activities over three years Participation in any activity within the relevant section of the ‘ Award Zone’.

16 FAQ’S Q: Why change the award scheme?
Q: How do we transfer from ‘Go for Gold’ to the new scheme? Q: What happens with late joiners? Q: How are the awards assessed? Juniors FAQ’s: NB, the answers to these and other questions are covered in the FAQ’s handout included with ‘Anchor and Junior Programme Launch’ material Why change the award scheme? The previous scheme was looking tired and dated. The concept of a badge scheme, which encourages boys to try activities from various headings, has been kept with some flexibility added so that boys can choose additional topics. How do we transfer from ‘Go for Gold’ to the new scheme? There are two options which companies can decide for themselves. The boys currently working on ‘Go for Gold’ could continue until they move up to the Company Section, but leaders could still use the new programme resources if they wished. New boys would then work on the new Award Scheme. Alternatively, the staff could decide, in consultation with their boys, to trade in their existing badges for the new ones. There is some information in the packs about changing over, and there is a handout for you giving some details. (This is covered in the handout of ‘Frequently Asked Questions in the training material, ‘Anchor and Junior Programme Launch’) What happens to late joiners? Boys would complete the Target Award and then move on to the Bronze Award using topics appropriate to their age and ability. So a boy joining at age 10 could complete the Target, and the Bronze and Silver awards. How are the awards assessed? There are no set levels of attainment for the awards and no external controls are to be applied by battalions. The level of achievement will vary for each individual boy according to his ability and age. It is suggested that you take open questions after the presentation when leaders have had an opportunity to look through the material. Many of the questions they might ask as covered in the Information Zone and Award Zone

17 Badges Here you can see copies of the Anchor Activity badges and those for the Junior Award Scheme. Green, Red and Blue for the Anchor Activity scheme and Target, Bronze, Silver and Gold for the Junior Award scheme. The Activity and Award badges are metal with a pin on fastening and safety clip. Boys moving up to the Juniors will wear their highest Anchor Activity badge, the one on the Juniors armband shows the blue Anchor Activity. When the boy moves to the company section he will continue to wear his Anchor Activity badge and the highest badge from his time in the Juniors. The badges for both sections should be awarded as they are gained.

18 Promotion Certificate Open Certificate
This shows the Anchors ‘open’ Certificate and Promotion Certificate, similar ones are available for the Juniors. These ‘open’ certificates can be awarded for any number of things, including at the half way stage towards an Activity Badge or Junior Award, for taking part in an event or special activity, for good attendance etc. The promotion certificate marks the time that a boy moves up to another section. Promotion Certificate

19 This shows the Anchor Activity scheme wall chart, a similar wall chart is available for Juniors. By using the chart boys can log their progress using stickers, the wall charts could be put up in the church hall or taken home. The use of the wall chart and the stickers in optional. Award Chart

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