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West-Life VRE for Structural Biology Overview and Impact

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1 West-Life VRE for Structural Biology Overview and Impact
Martyn Winn, STFC

2 Structural Biology Diverse expt techniques. Large and diverse datasets
Solution NMR: calmodulin (2k61) MX: FO ATPase (2w5j) MS: lipid binding to AmtB Diverse expt techniques. Large and diverse datasets EM: GroEL / GroES SAXS: EGFR ectodomain ET: EFF-1 in membrane vesicles

3 Challenges in Structural Biology
Increased use of combined techniques: Multiple facilities visited for one project Data management challenges including provenance New algorithms for integrative approaches More processing online or in the Cloud Introduction to SB for the e-infrastructure people "The aim of Instruct is to encourage the integrative use of technology and methodologies."

4 Connecting Structural Biology with e-infrastructure
e-infrastructure landscape: Grid, Cloud and Storage resources WeNMR has been heavy user of EGI GPGPUs coming available via EGI AAI services generic standards specific standards for SB data EGI, EUDAT, EOSC, Indigo DataCloud Introduction to e-infrastructure for the SB people

5 High level objectives Objective 1: Provide analysis solutions for the different Structural Biology approaches Objective 2: Provide automated pipelines to handle multi-technique datasets in an integrative manner Objective 3: Provide integrated data management for single and multi-technique projects, based on existing e-infrastructure Original concept for West-Life

6 West-Life offerings West-Life pilots an infrastructure that supports the growing use of combined techniques.  West-Life enables structural biologists to get the benefit of the generic services provided by e-Infrastructures West-Life pilots an infrastructure for storing and accessing data  West-life pilots an infrastructure for processing data Drilling down to specific outputs

7 Project focus Mature landscape for computational structural biology
Aim to enhance rather than replace West-Life VRE can provide entry point for multi-technique studies West-Life technologies also under-the-hood of individual services Major focus on helping developers What West-Life is not.

8 What is a VRE? VRE = Virtual Research Environment
Whole environment or ecosystem West-Life are developing components of VRE: Portal Scientific services Access mechanisms to e-infrastructure Data standards Multiple providers, one user experience What West-Life is not.


10 Scientific coverage of West-Life
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Sustainability for WeNMR Single particle cryo electron microscopy (EM) Nature Method of the Year 2015 Supporting development of Scipion / CCP-EM Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography (MX) Coordination with CCP4, ARP/wARP etc SAXS Partner MU developing service Combined techniques

11 Contributing web services

12 User base WeNMR running 100,000s Grid jobs per month through enmr VO.
CCP4 ~20,000 users of downloadable software; ~2,000 users of CCP4Online Other heavily used services, e.g. ARP/wARP, PDB_REDO, Scipion, HADDOCK Users total Users 2016 Job submissions 2016 Grid/cloud jobs AMPSNMR 390 90 185 3655 ARP/wARP 4418 666 3466 AutoRickshaw 2550 430 4357 CCD 4000 CCP4-AMPLE* 187 535 CCP4-BALBES 1521 700 3148 CCP4-Crank2* 94 587 CCP4-MORDA* 202 790 CCP4-MRBUMP 874 453 1721 CCP4-SHELX* 151 656 CCP4-ZANUDA 196 598 CS-ROSETTA3 59 9 33 263871 DISVIS* 39 38 172 64 GROMACS 121 107 368 HADDOCK 8320 1621 27291 PDB_REDO 1200 500 4400 POWERFIT* 21 34 13 SCIPION - 418 30446 UNIO 80 72 280 VICI 417 131 SB community large: move to online services move to use of grid / cloud 2016 Portal statistics for services offered by the West-Life partners

13 Development strategy Don't migrate services to central portal
user familiarity long-term maintenance Focus on (user-visible): single sign-on data management Focus on (for developers): supporting use of back-end resources promoting data standards

14 Main Concepts

15 Core developments

16 WP4 highlights Single Sign-On WP4 IdP/SdP proxy (MU)
ARIA ID Provider (Instruct) Accepted by PDB_REDO, ARP/wARP, etc Run in parallel with old logins Accepted by B2ACCESS (EUDAT) Compatibility with EGI / EOSC roadmap Migration to DIRAC4EGI GPGPU services with gLite SLA negotiated with EGI 60M CPU hours, 60 dedicated cloud CPUs, 250 TB storage

17 WP5 highlights Customized end user VMs 3 use cases New services:
DISVIS: assessing information content of distance restraints POWERFIT: rigid-body fitting into cryo-EM density PDBe API: new API for search PDBe Customized end user VMs 3 use cases

18 WP6 highlights D6.1 – Virtual Folder – Web components, Settings
configure connection to data provider, B2DROP (provided by EUDAT – default 20 GB space - single, WEBDAV) Dropbox (multiple, proprietary API, 2GB default, up to 1TB commercial), Filesystem (multiple, local scratch disk space, mounted facility storage, USB)

19 WP7 Joint Research Activities
Exploring new ways to use existing or close to existing services, so that broader communities will be reached 1) Extending and benchmarking existing services 2) Combining services into new workflows e.g. Scipion-Powerfit, NMR-Refmac 3) Studying large sets with Big Data 4) Assessing and extending metadata standards

20 WP2/3 Networking WP3 Interaction with other European and Global infrastructures EGI, EUDAT, RDA Round Table with other ESFRIs WP2 Training, dissemination, and outreach 60 lectures, 16 conferences, 10 papers 5 user workshops, 3 developer workshops

21 Where will we be at the end of the project?
Enhanced scientific services maintained by Partners and under continual improvement Central portal with links to services, per-user Virtual Folders, user support maintained by Instruct, seek follow-on funding Core technologies for service developers job submissions, data storage, SSO maintained by e-infrastructure providers

22 Goals for Reporting Period 2
Enhanced scientific services ProteinCCD with construct scoring and ranking (D7.3 , m24) A REFMAC server for EM and NMR (D7.4 , m24) A HADDOCK server for EM (D7.5 , m24) EM quality assurance workflow (D7.6 , m24) Quality analysis workflow for predicted complexes (D7.7, m30) Report on prototypes constructed using Big Data approaches. (D7.8, m30) Output from CCP4Online available to external services, submission of jobs to EGI.

23 Goals for Reporting Period 2
Central portal with links to services, per-user Virtual Folders, user support Increased coverage of services and support Repositories (D6.2, m24) enabling the provision of new data repositories overview of experiment at different facilities Assembly queries (D6.3, m32) search and query interface for modeled assemblies (including CAPRI models) Provenance (D6.4, m33) capturing metadata reflecting the history of the project. Reports on access usage and helpdesk (D5.7, D5.8, D5,9)

24 Goals for Reporting Period 2
Core technologies for service developers Reports on deployment of consolidated platform (D4.5, D4.6) Report on available VMs with associated documentation/use case for each of them (D5.6, m24) Collate list of existing metadata standards, identify gaps, propose for new vocabularies (report due D7.9, m30) Negotiate and connect with additional grid and cloud resources Standards: wwPDB PDBx/mmCIF Working Group on Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th July at EMBL-EBI

25 Agenda 8:45 Reviewers meeting Reviewers and PO only 9:15
Start of review for the consortium Welcome and presentation of the Participants (all) 9:30 Project overview and impact + Demo Martyn Winn 10:15 West-Life services WP5 Virtual Research Environment, WP4 Operation and maintenance of infrastructures  Alexandre: Bonvin intro Alexandre Bonvin Ales Krenek 11:10 Coffee break 11:25 WP6 Data Provenance, compliance,exchange, and integrity Chris Morris / Tomas Kulhanek 12:00 WP7 Joint Research Activity Jose Maria Carazo 12:35 Lunch 14:00 Networking WP3 Interaction with other European and Global infrastructures, WP2 Training, dissemination, and outreach  Lucia Banci intro Lucia Banci Susan Daenke 14:55 WP1 Management and Finances Chris Morris 15:30 Panel’s deliberations 16:00 Feedback from panel All 16:30 Meeting ends

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