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FRA Building Development 2015

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1 FRA Building Development 2015
LEP Further Education Capital Investment Fund

2 Introduction & Overview
Objectives of presentation To summarise the FRA experience and lessons learned Content Context Objectives Process of application – our experience / advice Impact and outcomes – year one Lessons learned

3 Context Strategic context
Strong alignment with elements of 15/16 -17/18 strategy, including: Theme 1: Outstanding provider in every way Teaching quality enhancement Estate renewal Theme 2: Diversify and grow FRA Provision Increase capacity to accommodate growth Increase flexibility of space to open revenue stream IT functional strategy required significant investment to fulfil Partnership context Industry partners willing to co-invest Operational context Space fell short of industry minimum standards Ailing back-end infrastructure Financial context Decrease in per learner funding across the boards Insufficient funds to realise strategic aims

4 Objectives Develop a wider portfolio of FRA qualification to meeting industry need Space credible for this form of engagement Embed new forms of teaching and learning and curriculum innovation Including enhancing back-end infrastructure Specialist spaces to match curriculum Diversify the FRA offer and income streams Curriculum offer: digital and technical skills focus Income streams: flexible space Build demand for specialist courses through IAG Develop Apprenticeships and implement

5 Process of application: overview of process
Project team and roles Principal Overall progress and review Internal team input from curriculum Director of Finance & Resources Liaison with employers, architects, build suppliers Project cost estimates, financial benefit modelling First draft application Internal team input from: facilities, finance, HR Director of Strategy and Funding Strategic fit, objectives & rationale Logic chain & outcomes modelling IT infrastructure & cost estimates Internal team input from: IT, Registry

6 Process of application: FRA experience/advice
Pre application Ensure fit with strategic aims and the GLA funding is the only way to achieve Writing the application Start with the objectives, rationale, logic chain and planning – don’t try and write until this is clear Expect multiple iterations (internally and after submission) No one person can do it all Attend GLA sessions on the fund – very useful Read the guidance & documentation – seems like there is too much, but when your writing the proposal you want more Application process GLA staff: open, flexible, very patient and supportive Also – details orientated, eyes like hawks, diligent and will challenge where clarity is lacking Management cost and professional support – don’t underestimate, make provision for these items If you can’t get the whole amount, then what? – scenario planning on different award amounts

7 Classrooms and Specialist teaching spaces
Impact and outcomes

8 Learning Resource Centre & Business Hub
Digital Hub, Retail Hub, Learning Resource Centre & Business Hub Impact and outcomes

9 Impact and outcomes Successes Largely to time and to budget
Specialist course development NEETs – far exceed our target IAG events Jobs created LLDD students supported Ofsted – quality enhancement Still more to do… Apprenticeships (although have great private offer) Mainstream recruitment

10 Key lessons learned Do not underestimate senior / professional staff time & cost. Impacts all stages - application, implementation & ongoing monitoring & reporting [but pay-off still far exceeds investment] Appoint a project manager. Our results would not have been achievable without this. Quality assurance. Quality assure information before sending information. Seek advice. Particularly on technical, architectural / design, legal, commissioning and other matters outside expertise [and remember you don’t always have to act on it] Plan & model cautiously and in detail. Build in contingencies, particularly where suppliers are involved. Be happy to live with the results and outcome commitments for five years – they will be monitored. Applying was a good decision. Results have been exceptional and enabled us to achieve rapid results.

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