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Research Presentation

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1 Research Presentation
Noel Dillon PD+T Research Presentation

2 Content Introduction Current products Research methods
Research findings

3 Problem Statement I want to improve the comfort and functionality of furniture being used in primary school classrooms.

4 Introduction Project Area: Primary Schools
The problems that exist with primary school furniture Integrating disabled students into the classroom

5 Current Products Current products are: Uncomfortable
Doesn’t incorporate any storage Noisy Non- adjustable Unsuitable for disabled students

6 Current Products Special needs schools:
Equipment is designed for posture Locks together Adjusts to students needs

7 Research Methods Site Visits Brainstorming Browsing the internet
Interviews Questionnaires

8 Internet Research 700 Teachers surveyed in UK:
A number had developed back problems The furniture being too low Researching current products on the market Current products are not comfortable and do not meet the requirements of the students No product integrates students with special needs into the classroom

9 Site Visit Visited 3 different national schools Special needs school
Observing behaviour How students interact with furniture

10 Site Visit Major difference from 6th class to 1st/2nd class
Good attention span Books stored on top of desk Bags stored on the back of chair or under table 1st/2nd Class Short Attention span Books stored at the back of room Always looking for teachers attention Tables arranged out in squares

11 Site Visit Younger Classes (Junior Infants-1st/2nd class)
Classroom observation: Older classes (3rd class- 6th class) Always learn in their seats Chairs scraping on the floor Students in their seats all day Younger Classes (Junior Infants-1st/2nd class) Learn by doing the actions Always in and out of there chairs Leaning back on the chairs

12 Site Visit Some desks were facing sideways and the students had to turn to see the board Inadequate storage available

13 Site Visit Chairs being knocked over
Younger students banging into the table Teacher having to stand to see some students Class being disrupted by noisy chairs

14 Site Visit Trying to Integrate disabled students into the classroom
Current Situation A chair from a special needs school is just brought in and left with the normal table The table is not made to be used with the chair The disabled student is at a dis-advantage

15 Site Visit Special needs School:
The furniture used is of higher standard to ensure the students do not slip or fall out of the chair Specialised equipment is used. It is fully adjustable to meet the needs of the students Student can be pushed fully underneath the desk

16 Interview Teachers Principal Special needs assistants
To find out the main areas that they felt needed improving

17 Questionnaire/Interview
Is the current furniture in your classroom suitable for the students? Do the students get restless after a while sitting in the chairs? Does the table and chair provide enough storage for each student?

18 Is there a student with special education needs in your classroom
Is there a student with special education needs in your classroom? If so what kind of specialized seating and tables are available to them? Not all classes Student was isolated Had their own area in the class Special table was needed Had to explain work individually A chair from a special needs school was provided but no table

19 Do you feel there is a need to upgrade the current furniture in classrooms?
-Yes One size fits all Not enough support No storage What is the biggest problem you find with the tables and chairs? Height Tables too small Arranging them so everyone has an equal view Storage Tables shape

20 Current furniture in the modern classroom(Teaching from all around the room)
Not enough space Too much noise Strain on the students Get out of their seats Do you feel the furniture could function better? If yes, in what ways? Answer Are the chairs noisy when the students are moving them to get up? answer

21 Research findings Inadequate storage Chairs uncomfortable
Chairs tip over too easy Old and out-dated

22 Research Findings Noisy chairs when moving Tables and chairs bulky
Dis-abled students are not given a fair chance

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