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Please hand in your Q5 homework.

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Presentation on theme: "Please hand in your Q5 homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please hand in your Q5 homework.

2 Be aware of the time; there will be no warnings about this.
Read section A questions first, then read the extract

3 ‘Box-out’ these lines and make sure you refer only to them in your 4 points
2½% - 5 mins Highlight what it says here, and make sure your 4 points focus on it. Make 4 clear and simple points It’s best to use your own words

4 should You don’t have to find examples for all 3 bullet points 5% - 10 mins Highlight/underline 3 things that stand out to you – things that you could write about Is there a semantic field? The larger the quote, the less it does; find the actual bit that you want Use specific terminology T – Technique E – evidence (quote) A – analysis ( ‘connotes’; ‘connotations;‘the writer’)

5 Terminology for Q2 At word level Noun (abstract/concrete)
(powerful/interesting) Adjective (vivid/brutal) Verb Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection (inclusive/personal) Pronouns Other techniques to look out for Anecdotes – small personal story Figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification) Lists/Triplets Rhetorical questions Superlatives/exaggeration/hyperbole Direct address Alliteration/sibillance At sentence level Simple sentence Compound sentence Complex sentence Imperative sentence (command or instruction) Declarative sentence – statement Minor sentence/sentence fragment

6 Terminology for Q2 At word level Noun (abstract/concrete)
(powerful/interesting) Adjective (vivid/brutal) Verb Adverb Conjunction Preposition Interjection (inclusive/personal) Pronouns Other techniques to look out for Anecdotes – small personal story Figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification) Lists/Triplets Rhetorical questions Superlatives/exaggeration/hyperbole Direct address Alliteration/sibillance At sentence level Simple sentence Compound sentence Complex sentence Imperative sentence (command or instruction) Declarative sentence – statement Minor sentence/sentence fragment

7 should 5% - 10 mins Give each paragraph a mini-sub-heading Aim to make 3 significant points Look for an unusual feature – anything that stands out or looks different Use specific terminology S – Structural technique/device E – evidence (refer to where this happens) A – analysis (explain why/how it interests the reader)

8 Subject terminology for P1 Q3 (STRUCTURE question):
at the beginning as the extract develops focuses your attention in the middle towards the end focuses on zooms in on could be foreshadowing could be a flashback the text changes the focus changes when the last [two] paragraphs in the second half of the extract the writer has already at this point presents a direct contrast the focus narrows in the final paragraph

9 Subject terminology for P1 Q3 (STRUCTURE question):
at the beginning as the extract develops focuses your attention in the middle towards the end focuses on zooms in on could be foreshadowing could be a flashback the text changes the focus changes when the last [two] paragraphs in the second half of the extract the writer has already at this point presents a direct contrast the focus narrows in the final paragraph

10 ‘Box-out’ the lines you are asked to focus on
Always plan to agree with the statement should 12½% - 20 mins Go through each paragraph and highlight/underline any quotes which support the statement Use specific terminology Make sure you embed quotes in your answer Mention ‘the writer’ and ‘the reader’

11 You MUST plan Jot down impressive phrases or sentences in your plan You could divide the picture up into a grid to help give you a focus Write 2 – 3 sides Be adventurous - go for something unusual and different 25% - 45 mins 5 min plan 35 mins writing 5 min check

12 Green pen check – Q5 1 Am I using paragraphs? 2
Have I made a number of interesting points and linked them well together 3 Have I used a range of interesting features to structure my work? 4 Have I used my most ambitious vocabulary whilst keeping it appropriate? 5 Have I used appropriate linguistic features and not overdone it? 6 Am I sticking to the purpose right the way through and not slipping into something else? 7 Am I writing in the right ‘tone of voice’ for my reader?

13 Green pen check – Q5 1 Am I using paragraphs? 2
Have I made a number of interesting points and linked them well together 3 Have I used a range of interesting features to structure my work? 4 Have I used my most ambitious vocabulary whilst keeping it appropriate? 5 Have I used appropriate linguistic features and not overdone it? 6 Am I sticking to the purpose right the way through and not slipping into something else? 7 Am I writing in the right ‘tone of voice’ for my reader?



16 DIRT targets Creative Writing
Improve SPAG Be consistent with verb tenses – past is best! Add interesting, effective details. Use more varied sentence structure/punctuation. Use a wider range of adventurous words. Use clear and effective paragraphs. Think more about your reader – make it interesting! Vary your punctuation! Learn to use commas and semi-colons effectively.

17 English Language Raw mark Mock grade 75 – 80 9 70 – 74 8 60 – 69 7
75 – 70 – 60 – 50 – 45 – 40 – 35 – 25 – 10 – 0 – U

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