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Endocrine System SBI4U Nov 9.

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1 Endocrine System SBI4U Nov 9


3 The Pituitary Gland: Master Gland Posterior Anterior

4 Anterior vs posterior pituitary lobe
Posterior (back lobe) : stores & releases hormones. Anterior (front lobe) : produces hormones.

5 Thyroid Gland Controlled by TSH T3+ T4 Calcitonin In liver T4 T3+I to
become active.


7 Thyroid disorders Goiter Graves’ disease

8 Parathyroid Gland 4 small glands Secrete PTH Need vitamin D for
Calcium reabsorption. N.B: 2 anatagonistic hormones control Ca 2+ levels in blood

9 Regulation of calcium levels through negative feedback control


11 Ricket Disease -Vitamin D deficiency -Most frequent childhood disease.

12 Acitvity- Questions

13 Hormone Stimulus Secreted by Target Effect TSH nutrition Anterior pituitary Thyroid gland Stimulates the secretion of T3 and T4 ACTH stress Anterior pituitary gland Adrenal cortex Glucocoticoids secretion STH FSH

14 GH puberty Anterior pituitary gland Growth growth/mitosis LH folicle ovulation PRL suckling Mammary gland Lactation Oxytocin Uterine contractions

15 ADH Insulin Amylin A decrease in blood glucose Epinephrine Thyroxine Triiodothyroxine

16 Increase in blood calcium
PTH Aldosterone TRH spermatogenesis estrogen progesterone Renin

17 Q2- Why do some people eat lots and gain no weight?

18 Answer: The lower the thyroxine is released the slower blood sugar is used therefore the faster fat stores build up. These individuals secrete high levels of thyroxine which oxidize sugars and other nutrients at a faster rate. Food 60 % heat (these individuals feel very warm) 40% ATP production

19 Q3- As a person ages growth hormone production decreases
Q3- As a person ages growth hormone production decreases. Explain the link between growth hormone production and aging?

20 As a person ages growth hormone (GH) production begins to decline therefore cellular and protein replacement is compromised.GH increases cell size in muscle cells & connective tissues by promoting protein synthesis and inhibiting protein degradation. As you age protein is often replaced by fat causing changes in body’s shape.

21 Q4. A nuclear accident in Chernobyl caused the release of radioactive wastes in air. The effect of the problem is still unknown but the effect on children has been the most extreme. One of the most radioactive materials released was Iodine- 131 which causes inflammation and can lead to cancer. Draw a feedback loop that shows how thyroxine levels might be affected.

22 Increase in Iodine-131 levels-thyroid damagedthyroid cannot detect TSH levels T3+T4 production reduced low T4 levels do not turn off hypothalamus therefore increased production of TRHhypothalamus increases production of TRH anterior pituitary produces TSH thyroid cannot detect levels of TSH.

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