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2nd Generation Radiotherapy

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1 2nd Generation Radiotherapy
Supplement RT Physicians Intent and RT Segment Annotation Trial Implementation Ulrich Busch Chairman DICOM WG-07 Radiotherapy Varian Medical Systems Systems Analyst Baden, Switzerland

2 Outline 2nd Gen RT Overview and Status Physician’s Intent Use Cases
Architectural Principles Physician’s Intent Conceptual Volumes RT Segment Annotation Trial Implementation and Next Steps

3 2nd Generation Supplements
Number Supplement Name Status 147 Second Generation Radiotherapy - Prescription and Segment Annotation Public Comment Period ended Reading for Trial Implementation 175 Second Generation Radiotherapy – C-Arm RT Treatment Modalities In Public Comment Due date: December 31, 2016 176 Second Generation Radiotherapy – Additional RT Treatment Modalities Ready for Reading with WG-06 for Public Comment. 177 Second Generation Radiotherapy – RT Dose Objects Partially reviewed by WG-06 In preparation for Public Comment 178 Second Generation Radiotherapy – RT Course Draft Partially reviewed by WG-06 179 Second Generation Radiotherapy – RT Explanatory (Part 17) Not yet presented to WG-06 nn1 Second Generation Radiotherapy – RT Radiation Record

4 Supplement Process

5 Status of Sup 147

6 RT Physicians Intent Use Cases

7 Sup 147 Use Cases Patient Transfer Hospital A Hospital B

8 Sup 147 Use Cases TPS to TPS Treatment Phase 1 Treatment Phase 2
Vendor A Vendor B Brachytherapy Proton Planning System Planning System

9 Sup 147 Use Cases Trial Submission

10 Sup 147 Use Cases Archive … patient discharge

11 Sup 147 Use Cases Get Patient Treatment History … recurrence

12 2nd Generation Architectural Guidelines

13 Architectural Guidelines
Support Clinical Advances Rich Model of Prescription  Physician Intent IOD Address Adaptive Treatments Powerful Models to track Targets, Patient Anatomy  Conceptual Volumes Support of various Segmentation Formats Enable use of any non-RT Segmentation (besides RT Structure Set: Segmentation IOD, Surface IOD, etc.) Decorate any IOD by RT Semantics (Target, OAR, Devices, Properties like Densities, …):  RT Segment Annotation IOD

14 Architectural Guidelines
Support of highly dynamic Workflows Frequently optimized treatments Entities have their distinct workflow-lifetime Prescription Segmentation Treatment Parameters Patient Positioning Procedures Treatments Artifacts for monitoring course of treatment No Monster RT Plan IOD any more Lighter and dedicated IODs Optimized to handle various use-case scenarios

15 Architectural Guidelines
Data Interpretation / Data Mining Robust Formalism Well-defined meaning Extensibility enabled No inconsistencies due to free-text labeling Local Language support Extensive use of Codes

16 Architectural Guidelines
Flexibility for future expansion … pathway to new prescription content Expandable parts of RT Physician Intent IOD new treatment approaches new segmentation methods RT Segment Annotation IOD new treatment devices new treatment techniques new positioning and tracking methods Concepts for Radiation IOD (* ‘Radiation IOD’ as general term of other supplements: represents separate IODs optimized for different treatment devices)

17 Trial Scope

18 RT Physicians Intent IOD

19 Physician’s Intent Intent Label and Narrative (Free Text)
Protocol (Coded) References to Diagnostic Images Clinical Documents, Reports 0 - n Diagnostic Codes Currative, Pallative, Prophylactic Predecessor References

20 Physician’s Intent Targets / Anatomic Volumes
Admission of Conceptual Volumes For each Volume: Without concrete segmentation Or already based on one or more segmentations Types like: PTV, CTV, GTV, ITV OAR, PRV, Avoidance, Dose Shaping (coded – extensible) Clinical Coding Various Characteristics Overlapping Region Precedence Upstream, downstream Blocking Anatomic Coding

21 Physician’s Intent Major Planning Parameters Treatment Technique
Fractionation Definition (# of Fx, Pattern, Notes) Radiation Type Photon, Electron, Ions, Brachy Isotopes

22 Physician’s Intent Dosimetric Objectives
Applicable for Targets and OAR as appropriate (Coded – extensible) Currently Defined Objectives Simple Dose Parameters: Minimum, Mean, Maximum Dose: e.g. “PTV50: Target Dose 50Gy” Combined Dose Parameters: Min / Max Percentage at Dose (like “Bladder: 40Gy <= 60%) Min / Max Volume at Dose Conformity Indices some others Upcoming Objectives of Interest Will be added as needed

23 Physician’s Intent Narratives Beam Shaping Means
Special Procedure Note Patient Positioning Note Motion Compensation Note Patient Setup Note Planning Imaging Note Delivery Verification Note

24 Conceptual Volume

25 Conceptual Volume Abstract identification of an anatomical object
Identifies any anatomic regions Allows tracking targets and organs Along any set of images acquired throughout the course of treatment Can be utilized without any Segmentation Definition can be deferred to later stage of workflow: Define Goals and Constraints for Targets and Organs at Prescription Time Perform contouring afterwards

26 Conceptual Volume Abstract identification of an segmented object
Supports combinations Combine other CVols Don’t segment the combinations Track combined Volumes Track dosimetric information against Conceptual Volumes DVH (Nominal) Dose Values

27 Prescribe 20Gy to the tumor.
CV - Admission Diagnostic CT CVol I ”Tumor“ Physician Intent: Prescribe 20Gy to the tumor. RT Structure Set - Region of Interest 1, “Lesion“ MR

28 CV - Change CV I “Tumor“ RTStructSet 1 - ROI 1, “Lesion“ RTStructSet 2
- ROI 4, “Target“ RTStructSet 3 ROI 2, “PTV“ MR CBCT 1 CBCT 2 Day 10 Day 20

29 - Region of Interest 5, “Left Lung“
CV - Combination CV I “Lung, left“ CV II “Lung, right“ CV III “Lungs“ RT Structure Set - Region of Interest 5, “Left Lung“ Segmentation Storage Segment 9, “Lung, r“

30 RT Segment Annotation IOD

31 RT Segment Annotation  RT Segment Annotation IOD
RT Structure Set is not always optimal Alternate IODs for Segmentations are defined in the Standard and in use E.g. - Segmentation Storage (3D volume) - Surface Segmentation Storage (3D mesh surface) Three Issues to address for generalized use of segmentations: Relate segmentations to Conceptual Volumes Only RT Structure Set has specific Radiotherapy semantics: other segmentation objects are designed for general purpose, not RT Enable use of various IODs in RT Objects: generalized facade for referencing: From: RT Objects (Prescription, Dose etc.) To: various IODs containing segmented content  RT Segment Annotation IOD

32 RT Segmentation RT Categorization Structure Template References
Target, OARs, etc. Structure Template References Recommended Display variables For segmented RT Devices: (Bolus, Couch, Setup / Fixation Devices…) Device types and identification Segment Characteristics Densities Properties (Mass, Electron) Atomic Numbers (Z, A) Elemental Composition Cell Kill Factors … more to come as needed

33 RT Segmentation All 2nd Gen RT Objects reference RT Segment Annotation
… and no longer RT Structure Set only Key construct to support Adaptive Therapy Tracking of Targets and Organ …along the whole course of Treatment Prescription Segmentation Treatment Planning Treatment Delivery Treatment Monitoring

34 Adaptive Example

35 Why now 2nd Generation ?

36 This applies to RT now, after 20 years of 1st Gen
Why 2nd Generation ? Who would like to go back to the times of vendor-specific CT Formats or no RT in DICOM? Most devices were covered somehow, so why going for DICOM? Always the same question once it is time for renovation. Doing nothing = Technical Depth accumulates = Development cost, Maintenance costs, Service costs … increase This applies to RT now, after 20 years of 1st Gen

37 Why 2nd Generation ? Some (not all) areas of interoperability are somehow working in 1st Gen. Yet… increasingly cumbersome and differing implementations not very efficient not designed for today’s dynamic workflow (Continuous Adaptation to accommodate Disease Response) lack of precision needed for data mining and safety Some areas not addressed at all: Physicians Intent Conceptual Volumes Use of Segmentation IODs Surface IODs etc. New Treatment Devices not covered (and no way to extend the Standard efficiently)

38 Why 2nd Generation ? Enhanced Clinical Capability will need
2nd Generation RT: Detailed prescription sharing Prescribed Volumes cross-referenced throughout the clinical process for tracking and adaptation Complex or high resolution structure sharing Highly adaptive positioning and treatment

39 Trial

40 Why Trial ? Completely new IODs and Concepts:
Physician’s Intent IOD RT Segment Annotation IOD Conceptual Volume Nothing comparable in 1st Generation Trial needed for Sup 147 … no Trial may be needed for other Supplements like Radiation Set IOD (175, 176) Radiation IODS (175, 176) Dose (177) Substantial Modernization – yet no completely new concepts  will be defined by WG-07

41 Goals of Trial Test correctness, clarity, completeness of the Standard Specification Explore and evaluate the new DICOM objects Get familiar with those Objects Exchange Knowledge and best practices

42 Trial Provisions No Productive Use Path to go:
Conduct Trial (Mid 2017) Address Findings (End 2017) Add to DICOM Standard (2018) …effective timeframes will depend on intensity and pace of participation in trial  Ready to use

43 Trial Implementation Outline
Timeframe: First Half of 2017 Activities 1. Production of Samples Physician’s Intent RT Segment Annotation - using RT Structure Set IOD - using Segmentation IOD 2. Discussion of Samples Gaps? Specification Lack of Clarity? Syntactical Issues? … anything else

44 Next Steps …set off your Participation: Feb. 7, 2017 11am - 1pm
Project Resources Timeframe 1/2017 – 6/2016 Internal Kick-Off can already be started right now: Familiarize with Sup 147 Decide on data scope of implementation (e.g. have a look at IHE-RO Prescription Profile) Ask any questions anytime Individual training session can be provided Kick-Off TCon Audience: Participating engineering resources Feb. 7, am - 1pm

45 Enough of Paper Work … Let’s go

46 References

47 Contacts Ulrich Busch Christof Schadt
Editor, Chair WG-07 Varian Medical Systems Christof Schadt Vice-Chair WG-07 Brainlab AG Trial Implementation Group Communication To Be Defined

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