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Pendulum lab, introduction to wave properties

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1 Pendulum lab, introduction to wave properties
Friday, February 24, 2017

2 Friday, 2/24 Unit: SHM and Waves
Pick up a handout from the Physics bin and a glue (you will have to share). Paste your updated graphs in your SHM CNs. Make note of the upcoming dates below (some changes have been made). Upcoming dates Note: every day you will have either a HWK check or HWK quiz. Tuesday, 2/28 – SHM quiz Monday, 3/6 – wave property and interference quiz Monday, 3/6 – unit reviews (SHM and Waves) due Wednesday, 3/8 – unit quizzes (SHM and Waves) due Wednesday, 3/8 – Unit test

3 Homework Check

4 Rotations Review

5 Preparing for Pendulum Lab – 30 minutes
Straightening graph handout Lab instructions

6 Electromagnetic (EM) Waves
Types of Waves Waves Mechanical Waves Electromagnetic (EM) Waves Transverse Longitudinal Light wave Ocean wave Sound wave

7 Tsunami As you watch the video think about the following:
What causes the Tsunami? What role does energy play if any? What relevance does the velocity of the wave have on the destruction? What happens to the water after the Tsunami strikes? Tsunami Video

8 Let’s break it down

9 Generic reason: a pulse (single disturbance)

10 Large magnitude (speed) and direction results in a large force (F = ma) and a transfer from PE to KE.

11 Mechanical waves transport energy through a medium.
The wave is the energy and the water is the medium through Which it is transported.

12 CNs Stop after summary of EQ: What are the properties of mechanical Waves.

13 How do particles move in a mechanical wave?
As you watch the animations, pick a particle and follow it as it moves in the simulation. Particle simulation; longitudinal and transverse waves

14 Types of Waves There are two types of waves
Type of wave is dependent on whether it requires a medium. Mechanical waves require a medium Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium.

15 Electromagnetic (EM) Waves
Unit Overview Does not require a medium; can travel in a vacuum Waves Requires a medium Mechanical Waves Electromagnetic (EM) Waves Transverse Longitudinal Light wave Ocean wave Sound wave

16 Electromagnetic (EM) Waves
Unit Overview Does not require a medium; can travel in a vacuum Waves Requires a medium Mechanical Waves Electromagnetic (EM) Waves Moves Perpendicular Moves parallel = Transverse Longitudinal Light wave Ocean wave Sound wave

17 CNs Stop at EQ: How does the medium effect the speed of the wave

18 Homework Complete CNs if applicable.
Start working on SHM review and quiz Prepare for SHM quiz next class period.

19 Cool Down What does a mechanical wave transport?
What doe a mechanical wave require in order to transfer energy?

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