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Interoperability Workshop

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1 Interoperability Workshop
From Sensors to Applications: Advancing the Interoperability of Ocean Sensors Workshop Demonstration Timing for introduction (5 minutes) Ocean Innovation 2008 Interoperability Workshop St John’s 22 October 2008

2 About the Demonstration
Purpose is to demonstrate the implementation of IEEE and OGC standards to rapidly task, access, fuse and apply sensor information from a range of in-situ and overhead earth observation platforms for early indication and monitoring of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) events. This is a live event – participants are accessing sensors and sensor networks remotely via the Web Sensors and Web services in Canada, USA, Europe Multiple client applications accessing disparate sensor systems and data Location data associated with sensors changed to fit the regional scenario

3 About the Demonstration
Organized loosely around a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) scenario in Monterey Bay California

4 About the Demonstration
Range of capability Discovery, tasking of and access to sensors and sensor feeds Access, fusion and application of sensor data in a location context for decision making Emphasis on Plug and Play interoperability for: Minimal integration effort Flexibility to add new sensors Rapid mobilization of new sensors Greater collaboration and sharing

5 Demonstration Participants
Demonstration participants include: Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GOMOOS) Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Compusult Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Technical Committee 9 US National Institute of Standards and Technology Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) Polytechnic University of Catalonia (SARTI) for European Seafloor Observatory Network (ESONET) Northrop Grumman Information Technology TASC US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

6 Demonstration Participants
Jeff de La Beaujardiere, NOAA Philip Bogden, GOMOOS Luis Bermudez, SURA Pat Cappelaere, Vightel (for NASA) Joaquin del Rio, SARTI/UPC (for ESONET) Scott Fairgrieve, Northrop Grumman Eric Delory, dbScale (for ESONET) Kang Lee, IEEE 1451, US NIST Eugene Song, IEEE 1451, US NIST Mark Reichardt, OGC Tom O’Reilly, MBARI Kent Headley, MBARI Rob Thomas, Compusult / SensorBay Christophe Waldmann, MARUM (for ESONET)

7 Sensor Assets Leveraged
SensorBay (GeoConnections, Compusult, CCMC and SmartBay) Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GOMOOS) Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) European Seafloor Observatory Network (ESONET) PulseNet (Northrop Grumman TASC) IOOS Network NOAA Weather Service NASA Earth Observing One Mission (EO-1) Satellite

8 Standards Demonstrated Today
IEEE 1451 Smart Sensor Standard IEEE Common Commands, Functionality, and TEDS IEEE 1451 STWS (candidate standard) OGC Web Services Standards OGC Web Map Service OGC Web Feature Service OGC Geography Markup Language OGC Catalogue Service for the Web OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) OGC KML

9 Standards Demonstrated Today
OGC Sensor Web Enablement Standards Sensor Observation Service (SOS) Sensor Planning Service (SPS) Sensor Model Language (SensorML) Observations & Measurements (O&M) Sensor Alert Service (SAS)* Marine Plug and Work Consortium PUCK standard World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Semantics (OWL)

10 The Demonstration Scenario End to End
Continuous monitoring for Harmful Algal Bloom conditions Trigger (Alert) event Assess / analyze available information Task additional sensor assets Search for other potentially useful sensors in the region Assess / Analyze situation Add newly deployed sensor Return to continuous monitoring state

11 Deployment of Assets Worldwide


13 Scene 1 - Monitoring State
NOAA and regional Ocean Observing Systems monitor sensor assets 24/7 Conductivity, Fluorescence and other sensor data serve as proxies for input to HAB models to support prediction and detection Scientists routinely monitor a variety of sensor assets nationally, and to zoom in for regional monitoring and assessment

14 Scene 1 - Capabilities Use of multiple interoperable clients to access geospatial and sensor data for national to local monitoring Compusult SensorBay OpenIOOS Access to multiple sensor observations and sensors via OGC SWE and IEEE 1451 TASC PulseNet (SOS) - Marine Metadata SensorBay (SOS) Mediator (SOS) GOMOOS (SOS) - MBARI NCAP IOOS / NDBC (SOS) - ESONET NCAP IOOS / CO-OP (SOS)

15 Scene 1: Monitor 1) View Data OpenIOOS 2) View Data SensorBay
MMI-SOS CSI-SOS OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS PulseNet GOMOOS-SOS 2) View Data IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing for Scene 1 (5 minutes): 2 minutes OpenIOOS – Depict area internationally, then zoom into regions outside of Monterey Bay. Display a variety of sensor assets, and show sensor data. 2 minutes SensorBay - Depict area nationally, then zoom into Monterey Bay area. Display a variety of sensor assets, and show sensor data. Select ESONET sensor and show pressure reading. 2 minutes STWS Client – Access MBARI or ESONET sensor to view data from sensor. This wil be a 1451 to 1451 application. 1 minute Bring up ESONET lat on webcam and begin to vary pressure 1 minute (simultaneous with step 3) SensorBay Client brings up ESONET sensor in Monterey Bay and displays pressure reading changes. Nationwide 24/7 monitoring: NOAA and regional ocean observing systems are contributing real-time in situ observations of Salinity, Temperature and (in some cases, DO and fluorescence) that serve as proxies and inputs into numerical models that can be used to detect and predict HABs. These are supplemented by satellite observations of chlorophyll content. Systems monitor 24/7 on the national level and monitored by resource managers and scientsts who can zoom in on areas of interest to access data from the systems. Contributions to the maps include: MODIS – 250 meter resolution, real-color, every day (GoM or Monterey Bay), NOAA products/CoastWatch, MERIS has multi-spectral with IR, MODIS is multi-spectral – no IR but surface coloration RGB true-color 685 channel for red; Kent Headley will prepare two buckets at MBARI prior to the demo. The Incubator bucket represents water at the Red Tide Incubation area (lat , lon The North Shore bucket represents water off of Ano Nuevo (lat , lon ), north of Monterey Bay. Prior to the demo, Kent will immerse a WETLabs Triplet and the Seabird CTD in the Incubator bucket, and the other WETLabs Triplet and RBR CTD instruments in the North Shore bucket. Both Incubator and North Shore buckets will, contain saline, low-chlorophyll water. The Incubator instrument data will displayed during this step, through some SOS client interface. The North Shore instruments will not be on line initially. Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD SensorBay NIST -STWS TASC - SOS MBARI TIM CTD 3) View Data CSI CSW IEEE STWS Client ESONET TIM NASA EO1 - WfCS Access ESONET Web Cam 15 15

16 Scene 2 - Harmful Algal Bloom Alert and Investigation
Fluorometer data from nationwide monitoring initiative indicates possible Red Tide HAB in northeast Monterey Bay Mariner field reports report coloration and fish kill in area Strong NW winds causing upwelling in northern Monterey Bay, temporarily halting northward movement of HAB In-situ monitoring reports active / continued elevation in chlorophyll in immediate area COTS fluorometer sensor data from nationwide monitoring initiative indicates possible HAB in Red Tide Incubator in northeast Monterey Bay. Field reports from mariners in the area report coloration, and fish kill in the immediate area of the suspected bloom. At this time strong northwest winds are generating upwelling in northern Monterey Bay, which temporarily prevents northward migration of HAB from Incubator. Kent Headley will add chlorophyll proxy to the Incubator bucket, causing WETLabs Triplet data to show high chlorophyll.

17 Scene 2 - Capabilities Interoperable Clients: Sensor Assets: MBARI
OpenIOOS PulseNet Sensor Assets: MBARI Wetlabs Triplet (Fluorometer / Nephelometer) SeaBird SBE (CTD) RBR XR-420 (CTD) ESONET SeaBird SBE37 (CTD) Seabird SBE-16 plus, CTD Sensor Source: MBARI Wetlabs Triplet Source: MBARI XR420 CTD Source: SeaBird SBE37 Source: Source: SARTI

18 Scene 2: HAB Alert & Investigate
MMI-SOS 1) View Data CSI-SOS OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS 2) Alert & View Data GOMOOS-SOS IOOS/COOPS-SOS PulseNet Timing Scene 2 (10 minutes): 2 minutes OpenIOOS View Data – zoom in to and inspect the sensors onboard buoys in bay HAB area 2 minutes – Pulsenet – already zoomed into the area, displayes MBARI sensor data, focusing in on the fluorometer feed. 2 minutes MBARI Lab – Bring up MBARI web cam to witness Kent adding Chlorophyll proxy to the tank. 4 minutes PulseNet – application already on screen monitoring fluorometer, will receive alert, examine MBARI Fluorometer readings. 2 minutes Alert Received 2 minutes view data Date/Time 1: COTS fluorometer and backscatter sensor data from nationwide monitoring initiative indicates possible HAB in Red Tide Incubator in northeast Monterey Bay. Field reports from mariners in the area report coloration, and fish kill in the immediate area of the suspected bloom. At this time strong northwest winds are generating upwelling in northern Monterey Bay, which temporarily prevents northward migration of HAB from Incubator. Kent Headley will add chlorophyll proxy solution [Diet Coke; I think we should refer to this simply as a “cholorophyll proxy” solution] to the Incubator bucket, causing Incubator WETLabs Triplet data to show high chlorophyll. [Note: Salinity, temperature and particulates have a complex relationship to bloom detection. It will be more scientifically accurate and logistically tractable to focus on the chlorophyll signal to mark the formation and transport of an algae bloom. We can plausibly use the conductivity signal to represent a water transport event, though it is not tightly linked to the bloom formation. – k. headley 10/5/08] Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS CTD CSI CSW SensorBay ESONET TIM NASA EO1-WfCS Access MBARI Web Cam 18 18

19 Scene 3 – Task EO-1 Satellite Collection
As the incident is included in NOAA’s HAB Network, it triggers the area of interest to be included in EO-1 Satellite collection Collected EO-1 multispectral imagery will be automatically processed for HAB signature, and notification will be sent to analysts Analysts will access and integrate EO-1 results for inclusion in their analysis Incident is included in NOAA’s Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Network which triggers area x to be included in EO-1 satellite collection over the area of interest

20 Scene 3 - Assets Interoperable Clients: PulseNet Sensor Assets:
NASA EO-1 Satellite

21 Scene 3: Cue NASA EO-1 1) Request Tasking PulseNet OpenIOOS SensorBay
MMI-SOS CSI-SOS OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS 1) Request Tasking GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing for Scene 3 (4 minutes): Pulsenet cues a tasking to EO-1 to capture imagery over Monterey Bay Pat C or Scott F provides a short discussion on the capabilities and processing of the EO-1 (add slide after this one) Date/Time 2: Incident is included in NOAA’s Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Network which triggers area x to be included in EO-1 satellite collection over the area of interest MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS SensorBay CSI-CSW ESONET TIM NASA EO1 - WfCS 21 21

22 Scene 4 – Assess / Analyze
Analysts access and evaluate observations from in-situ buoy network sensors deployed and operational in the HAB area 1 minute - PulseNet client remains active showing other sensors in the area. At the same time current and recent observations are accessed from in-situ sensors deployed and operational in the area (buoy network)

23 Scene 4 - Assets Interoperable Clients: PulseNet Sensor Assets:

24 Scene 4: Assess 1) View Data PulseNet OpenIOOS SensorBay MMI-SOS
CSI-SOS OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS 1) View Data GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Scene 4 Timing (4 Minutes) 1. PulseNet View Data - At the same time current and recent observations are accessed from in-situ sensors deployed and operational in the area (buoy network) Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC- SOS CTD SensorBay CSI CSW ESONET TIM NASA EO1- WfCS 24 24

25 Scene 5 – View / Evaluate EO-1 Data
Analyst receives a notification that EO-1 collected imagery is ready for access and exploitation Analyst access EO-1 imagery through OGC Web Services, and fuses information with other sensor data in the HAB area for analysis

26 Scene 5 - Assets Interoperable Clients: PulseNet Sensor Assets:

27 Scene 5: View EO1 Data 1) View Data PulseNet OpenIOOS SensorBay
MMI-SOS CSI-SOS OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS 1) View Data GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing for Scene 5 (5 minutes): - PulseNet receives Web Notification that EO-1 imagery task has been completed - PulseNet Client accesses EO-1 imagery and fuses the information with the other data the HAB area. Date/Time 4: View and evaluate the E0-1 response (analysis of multispectral imagery over the affected area) Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS CTD SensorBay CSI CSW ESONET TIM NASA EO1 - WfCS 27 27

28 Scene 6 – Search, Discover New Sources
In the meantime, analysts conduct a search of marine registries to discover other sensor assets and related data feeds within or nearby the HAB area Additional assets are incorporated into analyst monitoring and assessment of the situation

29 Scene 6 - Assets Interoperable Clients: SensorBay Sensor Assets:
TASC Weather

30 Scene 6: Discover Sensors
MMI-SOS Wave_Direction CSI-SOS Wx (Wind) OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing for Scene 6 (5 minutes): SensorBay Client: Search HAB area for other sensors / information of interest Discover and access Wind Sensor Display NGIT TASC wind sensor data, showing strong northwest winds In the meantime, marine analysts conduct a search of a marine sensor registry for other nearby resources, including in-situ sensors and data feeds that may be value in analysis and monitoring of the situation. Find Wind and Compusult/Sensorbay assets. 1) Search, Browse & View Data MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS CTD SensorBay CSI-CSW ESONET TIM NASA EO1-WfCS Access MBARI Web Cam 30 30

31 Scene 7 – Relaxation of Wind Driven Upwelling Changes HAB Situation
Prevailing Northwest winds that have been driving upwelling begin to die down, creating conditions for flushing of the HAB to the north. Wind speed and direction, salinity/conductivity, fluorescence are closely monitored in north bay, watching for wind changes and influx of fresh water into the incubator region. Also monitoring for an increased chlorophyll signal in the north bay. To support more detailed monitoring, MBARI deploys a new PUCK-enabled CTD sensor in north bay; the sensor automatically appears shortly after it is plugged In scene 7, winds begin to die down, resulting in the relaxation of upwelling that has been containing the HAB. Low salinity water from offshore moves into the HAB incubator region, flushing the bloom to the north.

32 Assets Interoperable Clients: SensorBay Sensor Assets: MBARI ESONET

33 Scene 7a: Changing Conditions
MMI-SOS CSI-SOS Wx (Wind) OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing for Scene 7a (10 minutes) 2 minutes Sensor Bay application – interrogating wind and fluorometer data over HAB area 1 minutes Pulsenet Lab – lowers wind speed (or just turns off the fan) 1 minute SensorBay application sees the wind speed change 1 minute Bring up MBARI lab webcam. Kent adds fresh water to HAB bucket 2 minutes Sensor Bay application – views changing readings from MBARI sensor (incubator)…fluorometer (chlorophyll) and CTD (conductivity)… flushing of bay is occuring Date/Time 5a: Thus far northwest winds have been causing upwelling in north bay, which temporarily prevents northward migration of HAB from the Incubator, thus temporarily protecting north shore and its commercial shellfish beds. Who is providing the wind sensor data? The wind sensor could be located on a buoy in Monterey Bay, e.g. at lat , lon However when wind dies down, low-salinity water from south will replace the upwelled water in north and cause northerly “export” of HAB-laden Incubator water. Thus wind speed and direction, and fluorescence are closely monitored in north bay, watching for wind changes and influx of southerly water with chorophyll signal. Summary: Northwest winds cause upwelling, preventing northward migration of HAN, then Winds die down, allowing northerly export of HAB. Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD View Data (Wind & Fluorescence) MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS SensorBay CSI CSW ESONET TIM NASA EO1-WfCS Access ESONET Web Cam 33 33

34 Scene 7b: New Sensor Online
MMI-SOS CSI-SOS OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC- SOS 1) Alert & Exploit new Sensor GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing for Scene 7b (10 minutes): 2 minutes – Cue Kent to “add” RBR CTD sensor; MBARI describes PUCK plug and work interface briefly (see next slides) 5 minutes PulseNet remains on the screen from the start of this scene. PulseNET monitors north bay area, shows RBR CTD sensor on line and available, displays data on sensor. 5 minutes SensorBay – Publishes the sensor to the registry. Searches for, discovers and browses new sensor Kent Headley at MBARI deploys a new PUCK-enabled CTD and Fluorometer sensor in north bay; the sensor automatically appears in the network registry shortly after it is plugged in. The 1451 STWS detects the new instrument within TBD seconds, and updates the sensor catalogue. The sensor catalogue display should confirm availability of the new Seabird CTD. O’Reilly describes how PUCK and 1451 enable this “plug and work” behavior Summary: (this needs work) Pulsenet receives alert of new sensor and publishes to catalog Sensorbay searches catalog and accesses data Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD 2) Publish & View MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS SensorBay CSI CSW ESONET TIM Access MBARI Web Cam NASA EO1- WfCS 34 34

35 PUCK enables plug-and-work instruments
IEEE-1451 client IEEE protocol IEEE protocol Internet Mooring controller server WETLabs driver Seabird driver Instrument description Instrument description PUCK protocol WETLabs protocol Seabird protocol Driver code and metadata retrieved from instrument through PUCK protocol PUCK-enabled Seabird CTD Driver translates between standard protocol and instrument protocol WETLabs fluorometer

36 Response: AUV and ESP genomic sensor
Real-time AUV data Real-time genomic data ESP mooring AUV survey Timing of Scene 8 (5 minutes) TBR – animation from MBARI? Date/Time 6: Genomic sensor platform is deployed by MBARI to detect harmful algal species through periodic DNA assay. Such measurements consume onboard resources, and only a limited number of assays may be performed per deployment. Thus it is important to trigger assays only when HAB is imminent or present. This IEEE1451 enabled sensor is quickly published to the sensor registry, and becomes accessible to marine analysts monitoring the algal bloom situation. Sensor Feeds are integrated with other sensor data in the area based on location and time. Likewise, autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is an extremely value asset that can be used to map the three-dimensional bloom structure. Note that MBARI does not actually have a standards-compliant interface for the genomic sensor or AUV platform at this time. Perhaps we only talk about this step during the demo. Lab analyses: - validation - spatial context water sampler Slide courtesy Dr Chris Scholin, MBARI

37 Scene 8 – Wind-driven Transport
Changing conditions are confirmed as north bay conductivity sensors indicate transport of fresh water into the region; fluorescence readings are consistent with red tide.

38 Assets Interoperable Clients: PulseNet Sensor Assets: MBARI ESONET

39 Scene 8: Wind-driven Transport
MMI-SOS CSI-SOS Wx (Wind) OpenIOOS TASC-SOS IOOS/NDBC-SOS 1) Alert & View Data GOMOOS-SOS PulseNet IOOS/COOPS-SOS Timing of Scene 9 (10 minutes) PulseNet – monitoring north bay sensors MBARI – Bring up webcam. to show Kent adding chlorophyll proxy to north bay tank Pulsenet – view and confirms increased chlorophyll levels in north bay Date/Time 7: North bay wind sensor shows relaxation of northwest wind, which will terminate upwelling. Shortly thereafter, north bay sensors indicate incursion of southern bay water; fluorescence signals are consistent with red tide. This step requires coordination between MBARI and provider of wind sensor data. Shortly after wind sensor shows relaxation of northwesterly winds, Kent Headley at MBARI introduces fresh water into the Incubator bucket, decreasing the salinity and cholorophyll signals, indicating the Relaxation condition. The cholorophyll proxy solution is introduced into the North Shore bucket , causing the North Shore WETLabs Triplet to register a chlorophyll signal, indicating that a Transport Event has occurred... Genomic sensor is triggered to verify presence of HAB in north bay. Fluorometer, Backscatter, CTD MBARI TIM NIST-STWS TASC-SOS SensorBay CSI CSW ESONET TIM NASA EO1- WfCS Access MBARI Web Cam 40 40

40 Summary You have seen key open standards applied to enable plug and play interoperability across a range of sensors and data feeds Implementation occurring in ocean observation, defense and other communities of interest Use of these open sensor standards as “best practice” benefits developers, integrators and users alike

41 References IEEE Smart Transducer Standards
STWS paper - Open Geospatial Consortium Standards PUCK Standard

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