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Concept of Operations ALA580 EXPRESS LANE CORRIDOR PROJECT A Presentation for the I-580 Express Lane Policy Advisory Committee April 9, 2012 A Presentation at the Joint I-680 Sunol JPA & I-580 Policy Committee Workshop September 9, 2013 ALA580 HOV/HOT LANE CORRIDOR PROJECTS
Items Covered in July Access Configuration (Near Continuous)
Pricing Strategy (Zone Tolling) System Design Toll Ordinance and Legislation Needs Public Education Strategies Agency Coordination Kanda Raj will cover this slide In the July 2013 I-580 Workshop, the staff covered overarching design and policy issues Quickly describe the first two items, and state that the Project construction is expected to commence, one year from now Design is on accelerated schedule and moving forward with the near continuous access and toll zoning schemes, to address past concerns from the Commissioners and to be consistent with the other planned regional exp ln projects We are trying to incorporate best practices and emerging technologies into our project System design involve several of these new and emerging technologies that requires industry expertise and coordination, which our System Manager, Kris Wuestefeld will cover in his presentation, in addition .. The system design will also have to address policy and legislation issues that our DD, Tess Lengyel will discuss later in the presentation We also discussed our coordinated public education strategies and Our efforts with the toll operators/agencies to implement Near continuous access Zone tolling Automated violation enforcement ,etc. 2
Focused Discussion Topics
Enforcement Policy and Legislation Public Education Strategies Kanda Raj Today we are focusing on three major topics: 1) How to effectively employ enforcement utilizing newer technologies, 2) Associated policy adoption and legislation needs and 3) Our continued effort on public education strategies & collaboration In addition, 4) We will address questions raised in July Workshop Introduce Kris Wuestefeld (28 years in IT experience, including managing exp ln development in the country and other parts of the country/world. Also worked with us on the I-680 SB exp Ln development and system implementation) Turn over to Kris 3
Operations and Enforcement
Vehicle Violation Enforcement and Monitoring Toll Violation Enforcement Occupancy Violation Enforcement System Operations Monitoring Kris <Cover detailed discussions in subsequent slides> Two types of enforcement, automated and manual Our main focus today is redg automated toll violation enforcement Will also discuss how we monitor the system -K. Raj 4
Operations and Enforcement
Toll Violation Enforcement: Automated Violation Enforcement Use of switchable transponders License plate reading Lane level violation transactions Optical character recognition (OCR) Temporarily holding data at the Toll Data Center (TDC) Kris State that “we are designing” to accommodate “Switchable Transponders” Policy and legislation issues need to be ironed out, and Tess will cover them later in the presentation Quickly explain how the switchable transponders would work And cover License plate read Lane level violation transactions OCR Temporarily holding data at TDC OLD NOTES: Let us not mention about HOV registration (I deleted the bullet). It was discussed in July meeting, and I stated that neither the DMV nor MTC require the vehicles to register as HOV/SOV, therefore we have been left with the option to use switchable transponders. -K. Raj 5
Operations and Enforcement
Toll Violation Enforcement: Typical Toll Gantry Kris Explain things mounted on the gantry related to violation enforcement & monitoring Gantries will be located in the median Orient the Commissioner where the dual lane EB exp lns are and where the single-lane WB EL is *Note: Enforcement lights shown on the pole itself is redundant. Likely will be removed, once the toll ordinance and legislation needs are met* 6 6
Operations and Enforcement
Toll Violation Enforcement: Automated Violation Enforcement Kris to explain the picture <please note that our toll gantry will look different than this truss type, just in case the Commissioners inquired> 7
Operations and Enforcement
Toll Violation Enforcement: Processing Automated Violation Enforcement Future violation processing Policy adoption by Alameda CTC Commission I-580 system interface with the Customer Service Center (CSC) Violation processing by CSC Invoice development and distribution Customer service support Dispute resolution and hearing processes Kris Toll ordinance adoption by Ala CTC Commission (per CVC 40250, Tess will cover) We are using BATA RCSC on the I-680 SB EL, In discussions with BATA for the following services on I-580, similar to what BATA has been providing on the toll bridges: Invoicing toll violation penalty and delinquent notices CSC support for the violation processing (OCR and other) Providing dispute resolution and hearing processes (again, Tess will cover later in detail) -K Raj 8
Operations and Enforcement
Occupancy Violation Enforcement & System Monitoring Visual Occupancy Enforcement by CHP Occupancy detection technology not ready for commercial use On-board access to web-based data Verification through call center/CSC Closed Circuit Television Cameras CCTV coverage along entire corridor Dashboard/operation monitoring Kris, Manual occupancy violation will be implemented based on current CVC regulations for HOV violation. Toll ordinance that will be discussed later, only applies to automated toll violation enforcement Talk about Dashboard and its function in daily system/operations monitoring -K Raj 9
Policy and Legislation
HOV Degradation MAP-21 Interoperability Toll ordinance Legislative needs Deputy Directive No. 43 Kris to present HOV Degradation 9see staff report write-up), and MAP-21 Interoperability Tess to present Toll ordinance to enact penalties, under purview of CVC 40250 Legislative clean-up to CVC Section 149.5(b), in order to mandate the HOV-ers carry transponders Caltrans DD-43 - K. Raj 10
Policy and Legislation
HOV Degradation Maintain minimum speed 45 mph for 90% of the time, during commute hour, measured for consecutive 180 days Corrective action within 180 days from deemed degraded Dynamic pricing model ensure minimum speed Kris to explain What does HOV degradation mean Corrective action, as outlined in staff report (please read the staff report) 580 ETS design will ensure 45 mph OR turn lane into HOV Only mode -K. Raj 11
Policy and Legislation
FHWA MAP-21 Interoperability Challenges to reaching this goal Vendor-driven ETC regional interoperability agreements Cost of installing multi-protocol antennas and readers Cost of replacing legacy transponders Toll system design will include upwards compatibility requirements Kris Please make sure to say that ACTC is working closely with CTOC and BATA to address the issue. Not a major issue, since we are designing the I-580 ETS with multi protocol read capabilities. If the commission inquired about our plans for I-680 SB EL Interoperability, please let them know that ... We do have a plan for the I-680 SB Exp Ln operations Already discussed the plan with our system integrator (SI) (which we did with Mike Cremer of ETCC) We will have to swap the toll readers with new readers, capable of reading multi-protocol May have to change the antennas depending on the type of national transponder chosen Will have to install new software at the reader and lane control levels, and make some modifications to the lane controllers to read the multi-protocol transponders and form the trips The rest of the operations will be the same (from lane controller to TDC and from TDC to RCSC-toll collection) The changes are relatively straight forward Funding for the changes will be included in the fiscal year operations, when we have to make the changes Timing could be when we implement the NB 680 Exp Ln. If that project construction is delayed due to funding, we will implement the change through a CCO ahead of the deadline for national interoperability. -K. Raj 12
Current ETC Protocols in Use in US and Canada
9 5 4 1 Zone 1 (IAG) Zone 2 (6-C) Zone 3 (EGO+) Zone 4 (TDMA/Fusion) Zone 5 (Ego+) Zone 6 (Ego+) Zone 7 (6-C) Zone 8 (T-21) Zone 9 (6-c) 7 8 2 6 3
Policy and Legislation
Toll Ordinance Required to enforce toll violation, per CVC 40250 Options under consideration: Alameda CTC ordinance adoption Region-wide implementation through delegation Tess to present, and may revise the bullets. Exploring few options, regional- & Alameda CTC - adopted toll ordinances. The Commission may have to adopt a toll ordinance, since BAIFA’s authority is for BAIFA lanes Ordinance will set policy issues in addition to include administrative steps for enacting such (local) toll ordinance Through a co-op, transfer the administrative steps, including toll dispute resolution and hearing processes to a processing agency Based on their Toll Bridge experience, BATA could be an ideal choice. -K. Raj 14
Policy and Legislation
Legislation Needs Clean up CVC Section (b) for Clarifying “unrestricted” HOV access to the HOV/Express Lane Requiring HOV users to carry toll transponders (switchable) Collaborating with other toll operators for joint action plan Tess to present. Also discuss coordination with LA Metro and timeline for the legislation. 15
Policy and Legislation
Caltrans Deputy Directive Number 43 Caltrans policy document for managed lanes A draft was circulated in June 2013 Conveyed ACTC comments, requested clarification on Oversight costs Impact of contemplated new authority on existing express lanes, including AB 2032 authorized express lane How the toll revenue shall be shared Tess, can you present? This is a Caltrans policy document for managed lanes Draft was circulated in June and we expect a final version in October Will share it when it is finalized. Three major comments that we made on the draft, as listed above. 16
Public Education and Outreach
Goals: Advance education on benefits Clear communication on lane access/use On-going education to support for use and understanding of new commuter choices Tess Educate 1) Project benefits, 2) changes ahead (continuous access, zone tolling, automated violation enforcement and switchable transponders) Update on next slide 17
Public Education and Outreach
Update: Public education & marketing plan (strategies) development by December 2013 Request for proposal in early 2014 for plan implementation Plan implementation from summer 2014 through spring 2016 Tess/Heather to revise 18
Agency Coordination/Collaboration
Coordinating with Regional/Local agencies, and Collaborating with National & State agencies K. Raj Trail blazing to implement new EL concepts in the Bay, new technological solution for addressing old traffic congestion We are collaborating with, national, state and other toll operators; incl Mn DOT, LA Metro, OCTA for implementing “continuous access” “zone-based tolling” “automated violation enforcement” and “switchable tag” 19
Responses to Commissioners’ Inquiries
388 vph 8,867 vph 629 vph 1,700 vph 7,796 vph 253 vph 7,931 vph 20
Discussion Topics – Oct. 2013 Meeting
Operations Revenue Study Results HOV Eligibility (2+, 3+, etc.) Hours of Operation Policy: Tolling Polices and Business Rules Environmental Justice Public Education Strategies K Raj We covered Enforcement and associated ordinance and legislation issues today, and Next month we will cover ….. 21
Overall I-580 Corridor Schedule
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 I-580 EB Auxiliary Lane I-580 WB HOV Projects Potential I-580 Express Change Order Work Public Education and Marketing I-580 Express Lane Projects I-580 System Integration Express Lanes Open K Raj 22
Questions / Answers All 23
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