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Powering tests after 16/17 EYETS

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2 Powering tests after 16/17 EYETS
M. Solfaroli and M. Pojer On behalf of all teams involved in the powering tests 10/04/2017

3 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
Preparation status In 7oo8 sectors, activities are ~ completed: ElQA completed Cables reconnected Power converters de-condemned QPS-IST well advanced All IPQs and IPDs are released, the Mains are released in 1 sector Redundant UPS power distribution tests were done in two sectors (78 and 81) M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

4 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ElQA status In S12, ElQA is still on going and few NCs have been identified "LHC-QN-ELQA-TP4C-HVQ-RB.A12-Line5-001”, by Giorgio D'Angelo At the end of EYETS , during the qualification of the RB circuit, a breakdown occurred. "LHC-QN-ELQA-MIC-C-MBBR2359-A11L2-001”, by Giorgio D'Angelo At the end of EYETS , during the MIC-C campaign, the voltage tap EE211 was found open. A verification was done, and the Vtap is open below the IFS box "LHC-QN-ELQA-TP4-E-HVQ-RSD1.A12B1-001”, by Giorgio D'Angelo At the end of EYETS , during the high voltage qualification, a breakdown occurred. The cold part of the circuit was tested and passed. The fault must be in the warm instrumentation. Further diagnostic needed. "LHC-QN-ELQA-TP4-E-HVQ-RQTF.A12B2-001”, by Giorgio D'Angelo M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

5 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
Powering tests Debugging started almost 2 weeks ago on the 60 A circuits (affected by the FGC lite change) Several software issues find and identified PIC GUI and Circuit Synoptic were mainly affected by the SLC6 to CC7 change PIC was upgraded to safely mask global protection mechanism FGC92 change made the automatic analysis impossible for PNO.a1 Additional variables have been modified for the low current circuits (60 and 120 A)  120 A automatic analysis of PNO.d1 had to be modified PIC-CRYO interface tested everywhere Issue identified on 4 PLC, not communicating with CRYO PLC, due to modifications on CRYO control side Early powering was extremely important Phase 1 powering started in all available sectors The DSO test has been successfully done on Friday 7  phase 2 powering can start as soon as the UPS tests are done M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

6 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
General Some IPQs have been identified with inversion of voltage taps between the two apertures (no safety issue) Several 600 A switch closing failures (especially in S23 and in particular for circuits RSS.A23B1) Several interlock tests on IPQs to be signed by hand, after failure of automatic analysis Many IPQs are ready for the MP3 signature To be done: Calibration of high current circuits DCCT Test on 1 converter per type with new FGC-lite in one RR to be planned Test of water interlock stopping water pumps in all sectors Internal splice measurements in 9 positions in S12 (after commissioning, with ElQA support) RCS.A78B2 and RCO.A78B1: fault localization when powering Mains Conical joint measurement in UA27, with prototypal installation (issues after LS1) M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

7 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
XR2 and MR2 “Problem” identified on the 600 A IT correctors (see next slide M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

8 “Problem” on the IT correctors
I_MEAS for RCBXH3.R2 We forgot to deactivate the SIS interlock (combined powering or RCBXH and V, with limit to 420 A) M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

9 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC23 600 A are at PNO.d3 120 A completed 60 A: PNO.d1 and PNO.a1 missing M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

10 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC23 – 120 A For the 120 A circuits in R3, the PC is a 40 V (vs 10V) and the automatic analysis is failing M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

11 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC34 Mains in S34 have already gone through the interlock tests M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

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ML4 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

13 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
MR4 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

14 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC45 Many 600 A tested in PNO.d3 A couple of PIC2 failures to be analysed 120 A are missing the PNO.d1 60 A not started M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

15 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
LL5 and XL5 120 A are at PNO.d1 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

16 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
XR5 and LR5 120 A are at PNO.d1 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

17 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC56 600 A started (some have PIC2 to be analysed 120 A are at PNO.d1 60 A not started M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

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ML6 and MR6 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

19 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC67 600 A started (some have PIC2 to be analysed) EE to be signed off 120 A not started 60 A PNO.a1 missing M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

20 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC78 600 A ongoing (some have PIC2 to be analysed) RCO.A78B2 QPS-IST missing 120 A few failed PNO.d1 60 A ongoing M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

21 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ML8 and XL8 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

22 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
XR8 and MR8 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

23 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
ARC81 600 A ongoing 120 A ongoing 60 A PNO.a1 missing; a couple of failure at PNO.d1 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

24 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
LL1 and XL1 120 A ongoing M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

25 M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP
Access constraints M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

26 Cryogenics problem at P4
From Katy Baseline: Test UPS du P4 + reconfiguration cryo des secteurs 3-4 et 4-5 (10-11 Avril) à Pas d’impact sur la RF, qui peut continuer sans interruption son conditionnement. Impact uniquement sur les arcs. Cryo a annoncé un problème sur une vanne d’eau, d’un compresseur en surface au Point 4. Le presse-étoupe de la vanne était remplacé pendant le EYETS, mais la vanne est à nouveau fuyarde. Un remplacement complet de la vanne est à prévoir (la vanne a 20 ans…) et la vanne est disponible. MAIS, cette intervention a un impact direct sur la RF, qui perdra ses conditions cryogéniques pendant 3 jours (Lundi 10, mardi 11 et mercredi 12). De ce fait une partie du travail de conditionnement RF devra être réitéré et le conditionnement LLRF ne pourra pas débuter avant mardi 18/mercredi 19 Avril (vs mercredi 12 prevu actuellement). La durée du conditionnement LLRF est de 2wks…donc il ne sera pas terminé avant mardi/mercredi 3 mai. Ma question est : que-est-ce on fait ? Pouvons-nous donner l’OK a la Cryo ? ou cette intervention peut être repoussé au TS1 (3 Juillet) ? Si la cryo procède avec le changement la RF pourrait ne pas être prête pour le 1er Mai. M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP

27 Cryogenics problem at P4
From Dimitri According to the master coordination planning on Monday 10th, the UPS test at P4 is approved and the cryogenic conditions are not guaranteed for the 36 hours recovery time (including RF). This is already in the planning (and also includes the final re-configuration of the two cryoplants). Given the recent P8 recovery experience with the new UPS test approach, the recovery time could be reduced from 36 to 24 hours. The question of the water leaking valve (approximately 2 liters of water per day) can be treated separately and cannot be considered today at the same level. In case that the water valve exchange is authorised, the cryogenic conditions will be lost (including RF) for 24 additional hours. In case that the valve has to be changed separately, the overall loss of cryogenic conditions will be 2 days and therefore it is recommended to mutualize the interventions M. Pojer & M. Solfaroli – BE/OP


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