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Jon Gunderson, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign

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Presentation on theme: "Jon Gunderson, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign "— Presentation transcript:

1 Athletic Rivalries and Web Accessibility Who Is in the Sweet 16 This Year?
Jon Gunderson, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign Data and additional details at:

2 Sweet 16 Schools

3 Athletic Conference Overview

4 Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)

5 Atlantic 10

6 Big 10

7 Big 12

8 Big East

9 Big Sky

10 Conference USA

11 Horizon League

12 Ivy League

13 Missouri Valley

14 Mountain West

15 PAC 10

16 Patriot League

17 Titling Rules Rule Description Title Element
The page must contain exactly one title element. Content The title and H1 element must have text content. H1 Element* The page must contain at least one h1 element. Number of H1s The page should contain no more than two h1 elements. H1 and Title* The text content of each h1 element should match all or part of the title content. H1 IMG Content Each h1 element should have text content exclusive of the alt text of any img elements it contains.

18 Sub Heading Rules Rule Description Nesting*
Subheading elements that follow the last h1 should be properly nested. Content Each subheading element (h2..h6) must have text content. IMG Content Each subheading element (h2..h6) should have text content exclusive of the alt text of any img elements it contains.

19 Form Control Rules Rule Description Labels*
Each input element with type=text | password | checkbox | radio | file and each select and textarea element must either be referenced by the for attribute of a label element via its id attribute, or have a title attribute. Value Each input element with type=button | submit | reset must have either a value attribute or a title attribute. Alt Text Each input element with type=image must have either an alt attribute or a title attribute. Label Content Each label and legend element must have text content.

20 Data Table Rules Rule Description TH Elements*
For each data table, the first cell in each column must be a th element, and each row must contain at least one th element. Summary* Each data table must have a nonempty summary attribute. Summary Unique The summary attribute value for each data table on a page should be unique. IDs Unique* Each th element in a complex data table must have an id attribute Headers Attribute* Each td element in a complex data table must have a headers attribute

21 Image Rules Rule Description Alt Text*
Each img element must have an alt attribute. Decorative Each img element with an empty alt attribute should be removed; CSS techniques should be used instead. Small Each img element with width or height less than 8 pixels should be removed; CSS techniques should be used instead.

22 Layout Table Rule Rule Description Nesting*
Tables should be used only for organizing data in rows and columns. Use CSS instead of tables and nested tables to visually layout blocks of related content for graphical rendering.

23 Summary Score Rules Titling Sub Headings Form Controls Data Tables
H1 Element H1 and Title Sub Headings Nesting Form Controls Labels Data Tables TH Elements Summary IDs Unique Headers Attribute Images Alt Text Layout Tables Nesting

24 Accessibility Categories

25 Danger! Danger! Danger! Just because a website has a good “Summary Accessibility Score” does not mean it is accessible. The Summary Accessibility Score just means the patterns of mark for highly accessible websites are present (100%) or not (0%) Many factors that effect accessibility are not included in the score

26 Accessible Design Accessibility is built into a website, not added on at the end of the development process Use Best Practices coding practices: Use tools like fae to verify accessibility features Test with students, faculty and staff with disabilities

27 Measurement Tool
Illinois Functional Accessibility Evaluator (fae) Free service of the University of Illinois

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