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Facts about the Koran Direct words of Allah

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1 Facts about the Koran Direct words of Allah
61% is about how Muslims are to deal with non-Muslims 245 verses ‘positive’ about non-Muslims, all abrogated by 527 verses of intolerance 109 advocating violence against non Muslims © StopJihadNow

2 Doctrine of Abrogation
Later verses of the Koran supersede earlier verses. Direct correlation between Mohammed’s progress and location and the escalation of violent rhetoric. Medina Extreme Violence, Conquest 22 years Peaceful, Non-Violent Mecca © StopJihadNow

3 Suras (verses)of the Quran in Chronological Order
But in print they are in numerical order An important thing to know about the Koran is that Muslims believe that it was dictated to Mohammed by Allah or an archangel. Unlike the Bible, which is stories about God and Christ with occasional quotes from God and Christ, every word of the Koran is believed to be from the mouth of Allah. This is why Muslims are so sensitive about the treatment and handling of the book itself. The Koran as formed over four distinct periods of Mohammed's rise to power. In the early periods, Early Meccan and Middle Meccan, the more peaceful and pious verses can be found. Mohammed did not have the following, power, land military might that he gained in the later periods. In the Late Meccan and Medinan periods Mohammed was waging military conquest and brutally forcing Islam on others. Some of the verses recorded during these periods are the most vile and violent instructions for subjugating all Islam. © StopJihadNow

4 Suras of the Quran in Chronological Order
But in print they are in numerical order “The true servants of the Most Merciful are those who behave gently and with humility on earth... “ Quran 25:63 Here is a example of a verse from the Middle Meccan period. © StopJihadNow 4 4 4

5 Suras of the Quran in Chronological Order
But in print they are in numerical order “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.” Quran: 9:5 Sura 9 has the most violent and terrifying instructions that, to this day, are radical Islam's justification for the destruction and mayhem around the world today. Remember, Abrogation is there religious doctrine that instructs to them to disregard the peaceful admonitions of earlier verses and pursue world dominance through both violent and nonviolent means. © StopJihadNow 5 5 5

6 Facts about the Hadith Record of Mohamed’s words and deeds
3% of Jihad references about “inner struggle” 97% about bloodshed and warfare against non-Muslims © StopJihadNow

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